Which thread /who should I follow?

:60: No that video post deserves a cookie

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;552335”] Simon said volumes by not actually answering the question. Creating a three paragraph post too answer a simple question means he didn’t want to answer the question directly because, he would have been making my point. In order to avoid being disingenuous he chose the route of a long winded response without actually answering.[/QUOTE]

No, actually I’m just a bit of a rambler, given to long-winded posts (check out my post history of you require ‘proof’) and particularly on the 'phone I find it difficult to edit down so don’t bother. Didn’t know how long it was until it posted, I was not being evasive.

I have answered and utterly reject your point, I certainly don’t feel that a direct answer supports your view.

I have answered and utterly reject your point, I certainly don’t feel that a direct answer supports your view.[/QUOTE]

Lol you gave an honest answer… someone who claims they have a car but doesn’t have a reason not to show pics you find sad :slight_smile: I’m not sure that rejects my point like you think.

I said something like it’s pretty common that some claim to own cars that they don’t actually own. In that context id just think it a little sad if there weren’t a reason for the lack of pic.[/QUOTE]

He was the best character

[QUOTE=“JackMarkets;552349”]SimonTemplar is not going to share how much he makes in terms of equity - because of privacy issues. Funny that he has on several occasions mentioned that he makes 5-20% per month on this forum (doesn’t seem so keen on privacy then does he?). The issue I see is that he does not want to verify how much he makes in terms of equity (because of privacy), but is happy to talk about it (which indicates that there is no privacy issue). Your ex law enforcement buddies would have a field day with your logic - and there is really only one conclusion, so I have nothing more to add.[/QUOTE]

There’s no point my putting a figure to my earnings as that would only renew calls for myfxbook/graphs/similar and I see no reason to publish that on an anonymous forum. I don’t know you people, why would I want to?

I was asked a few times what percentage range is achievable, I said that my view is that 5-30% is a realistic monthly return over the year. I picked that range as that is what I hit.

Putting a percentage range is entirely different from publishing my equity.

I believe that my posts on here over the years show that know what I am talking about on the TA side of trading. I get a lot of PMs asking follow up questions, thanking me for help given. If you read my posts and think I’m actually a 15 year-old underachiever with insecurity issues then that’s fine, I can live with that. Once anyone achieves a happy centre to their life, they kid of don’t care so much what the odd insecure loser with confidence issues posts about them on a forum.

My law enforcement buddies consistently exhibit stronger logic than you, so I could live with their conclusions.

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;552357”] Lol you gave an honest answer… someone who claims they have a car but doesn’t have a reason not to show pics you find sad :slight_smile: I’m not sure that rejects my point like you think. [/QUOTE]

Pretending to own a nice car on a hobby site is somewhat different from having over 2000 posts on quasi-professional forum that exhibit a familiarity with the subject and a level of knowledge that must have taken time and skill to establish. That much is verifiable. If you start comparing like with like I might start agreeing with you on some stuff!


Pretending to own a nice car on a hobby site is somewhat different from having over 2000 posts on quasi-professional forum that exhibit a familiarity with the subject and a level of knowledge that must have taken time and skill to establish. That much is verifiable. If you start comparing like with like I might start agreeing with you on some stuff![/QUOTE]

So do you think ICT was a millionaire trader as he claimed? I think his post count was 1,000+ and he exhibited a familiarity with the subject… This may be a case of “comparing like versus like”.

ICT claiming $1mil plus account and offering to train others = guy claiming to have a 1962 Ferrari on a forum and offering others advice on how to fix it.

Hmmm, Simon, simon, simon… Do you really want to get started on this… I was saving up my energy for someone else…

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;552363”] So do you think ICT was a millionaire trader as he claimed? I think his post count was 1,000+ and he exhibited a familiarity with the subject… This may be a case of “comparing like versus like”.[/QUOTE]

I have no idea. I thought he was unnecessarily rude quite often, and certainly he blew up that public account. Whether he did it on purpose as he claimed I really have no idea. I didn’t follow him as I didn’t like the ego of his posts and the mob rule of his threads.

But he certainly knew a fair amount about TA, one could see that from his posts. As do I.

As for whether I make money or not, I’m afraid I really don’t mind what you think, and I don’t think that it invalidates any opinion or advice I might share. You do, which is fine. This has become pretty circular, so let’s just accept that we disagree.

Anyway, it’s been emotional, but I have to leave now to pick up my son, George, from scouts. You’ll have to take that on faith, though - I’m not posting a picture of him holding his birth certificate in one hand and today’s paper in the other. I’ll be driving an XC90 and know I have to leave as I checked be time on my old Omega Seamaster. Again, I’m not posting pics so perhaps I made that up, too? Either way, I’m happy so will get off.

Was fun doing a few rounds.

Lol, here’s a useful exercise for traders wanting to knit together news stories to get a fundamental bias on a currency. Go through SimonTemplar’s posts and see how many glaring holes there are in what he says (there might be none, I don’t know!), and try to work out what and why he is displaying an emotional reaction to certain probing (there might not be any over the top emotional response, I don’t know!). For all I know what he has posted might be an airtight view of a super intelligent former detective who is now a successful trader. But good exercise nonetheless.

I know this is not directed at me, but I had a problem with ICT from day one. When his first iteration was busted sock puppetting.

I never did understand why they let him back in around here. Let alone a front page fatty sticky. He said he wasn’t responsible for the other posts from his IP. I happen to know a little about the way computers work. Faking someone’s IP would be nigh impossible. It would have been much more logical for a simple minded OTE trader/pizza delivery expert to at least go to a Starbucks or other internet cafe with his new account to praise himself with.

And the other thing that bugged me was the martyrdom that supposedly happened with the SEC. That was pure Kabuki theater.

Let me save you the trouble.

You won’t find any holes.

He’s towed the same line since he’s been here. Including two or three dustups about this very same subject responded to exactly consistent with what he is saying now.

[QUOTE=“JackMarkets;552374”]Lol, here’s a useful exercise for traders wanting to knit together news stories to get a fundamental bias on a currency. Go through SimonTemplar’s posts and see how many glaring holes there are in what he says (there might be none, I don’t know!), and try to work out what and why he is displaying an emotional reaction to certain probing (there might not be any over the top emotional response, I don’t know!). For all I know what he has posted might be an airtight view of a super intelligent former detective who is now a successful trader. But good exercise nonetheless.[/QUOTE]

If you think that this has been an emotional response, you seriously need to meet a woman and broaden your emotional horizons.

But do, please, take on that project yourself. I stand by my old posts, but trawling through them might keep you out of others’ hair for a while, as I do go on a bit.

You hold yourself up as some arbiter of balance, honesty and fair play, yet actually I think you’re a bigger problem than the gurus you oppose. At least they have their supporters and detractors, we all know who we are and it works. You just like to wind people up and actually do vastly more to derail the forum - and persuade serious people to leave - than anything some of your targets do.

[QUOTE=“Master Tang;552377”] Let me save you the trouble. You won’t find any holes. He’s towed the same line since he’s been here. Including two or three dustups about this very same subject responded to exactly consistent with what he is saying now.[/QUOTE]

Awwwh shucks MT. Right back at you.


I have no idea. I thought he was unnecessarily rude quite often, and certainly he blew up that public account. Whether he did it on purpose as he claimed I really have no idea. I didn’t follow him as I didn’t like the ego of his posts and the mob rule of his threads.

But he certainly knew a fair amount about TA, one could see that from his posts. As do I.

As for whether I make money or not, I’m afraid I really don’t mind what you think, and I don’t think that it invalidates any opinion or advice I might share. You do, which is fine. This has become pretty circular, so let’s just accept that we disagree.

Anyway, it’s been emotional, but I have to leave now to pick up my son, George, from scouts. You’ll have to take that on faith, though - I’m not posting a picture of him holding his birth certificate in one hand and today’s paper in the other. I’ll be driving an XC90 and know I have to leave as I checked be time on my old Omega Seamaster. Again, I’m not posting pics so perhaps I made that up, too? Either way, I’m happy so will get off.

Was fun doing a few rounds.[/QUOTE]

I really am not THAT hung up on you and master tang not showing account performances. Neither of you have threads where you are trying to drum up a following of brain dead cash cows for future fee based endeavors. Although I don’t believe that TA alone provides anywhere near 20% a month consistently and am still waiting for someone to show me otherwise :slight_smile:

My issue is with the thread creators who ARE doing this and nobody thinks twice about taking their word and trading on what they say WITHOUT any evidence they are profitable themselves.

At some point it would be most helpful if some of the more reasonable fellows banded together to show their performances. This would dramatically shift the forum from a snake oil salesmanship paradise to one where collaboration and reason would flourish. That’s not going to happen as I really doubt (not pointing fingers) that many here are long term profitable despite claims.

The most amazing forex trading forum I could imagine is one that REQUIRES posting members have a linked myfxbook or an internal live trade tracking service that posts as a signature at the bottom of every post. The waste-of-time-newbs who have been trading forex for 6 months yet are gathering a horde of other newbs would not exist there. Newbs would be able to filter information posted by the wannabes from the actual traders. A friendly atmosphere of competition would motivate everyone. Lies and exaggerations would be revealed in an instant, quenching any flame wars that result when the more experienced traders spot a fake and the fake’s loyal horde begins to defend him.

Utopian ideals there. But if one did have a site like that, the chances that there would be very many people who would be willing to post their info would be slim at best. Simon and I aren’t by any means alone in our unwillingness to participate to that extent.The only ones that would be interested would game the system in order to once again spit in the punch bowl.

Unfortunately this whole endeavor is based in capitalism. Where there is money, there will always be charlatans. The best we can do is not let this place descend into the cesspools some of the other forex sites are.

While there are the numbskull noobs that post the same question at least once a week, some of the most in depth and honest material about forex anywhere are hidden in these cyberpages. It just takes work to dig it out, and make it pay.

But as I said before, I’m just here for the beer and the chicks anyway.

[QUOTE=“Master Tang;552387”]Utopian ideals there. But if one did have a site like that, the chances that there would be very many people who would be willing to post their info would be slim at best. Simon and I aren’t by any means alone in our unwillingness to participate to that extent.The only ones that would be interested would game the system in order to once again spit in the punch bowl.[/QUOTE]

The question then is how does myfxbook itself exist? There is obviously a demand for publishing an audited track record.

It is human nature to show off something that you have poured your blood sweat and tears into to make pretty and shiny. People typically don’t want to show off dull ugly things… Even more so if they have built up expectations that they have something that is quite the contrary.

I would envision you would have a core group of profitable traders. And these would attract in the novice members who could post freely, but with everyone knowing each others performances, a proper hierarchy would form.

As a side note… Fraud and capitalism are two very different ideas. Liberals like grouping them together to further the big government over regulation agenda. But I digress.

Do that Jack, spend a few hours, go back a few years and read through ST’s posts. You’ll find he is a straight forward guy, has given a lot of good advice, go back far enough and you’ll find he posted some very nice & profitable trades.

You’ll also find he never deleted hundreds of his old post because of a hissy with the admin. Has never been banned returning a few months later with some new nick-names as some of your new buddies have. :o


You’ll also find he never deleted hundreds of his old post because of a hissy with the admin. Has never been banned returning a few months later with some new nick-names as some of your new buddies have. :o[/QUOTE]

Are you confusing that with the guy who posted a 600% account performance in a 7 month period… How’s the 3 quack method doing for ya :wink:

This is where the hierarchy of everyone posting their account results would come in.

As far as that goes, Jack has got both you and Simon beat.

(I’ll forgo the backhanded insults, because they get boring and are not worth replying to).

YOU may know how it works, but NEW TRADERS do not…

And - I “derail the forum” - you mean the forum that is currently full of snakes oil salesmen, and price action charlatans? Come on, you KNOW it is. If those people leave, and the people who follow them leave, does that make the forum better or worse? And of course - I am not doing this “for the forum” which is a non entity. If one real life person saves his money from being consumed by these snake oil salesmen then the effort is worth it.

Before you go on about sarcastically trying to imply that I am trying to be a saint, I’ll give you an example that people do do this effectively and do save people money and heartache. There was a forum member not too long ago who went around exposing David Jefferson and posted a reward on his head - a lot of people were warned off his scam, and imo that did a lot of good.

Like ILovePizza said, having obligatory track record IF you want to teach and start a thread as a signature would be useful. You being against this ‘nanny state’ is quite illogical and supports the charlatans.