Which thread /who should I follow?

That’s just it. The guy that has the best answer may not have the same car.

Often, he just happens to be a great mechanic.

The lesson there is, don’t ask for an answer, and take the first one. In fact, don’t ask. The answers are already out there without the hassle of asking a question that has already been asked a thousand times.

It’s not the Stone Age, it’s the Information Age.

[QUOTE=“Master Tang;552311”]

That’s just it. The guy that has the best answer may not have the same car.

Often, he just happens to be a great mechanic.

The lesson there is, don’t ask for an answer, and take the first one. In fact, don’t ask. The answers are already out there without the hassle of asking a question that has already been asked a thousand times.

It’s not the Stone Age, it’s the Information Age.[/QUOTE]

I’m not asking you. I would use a different analogy… This one is personalized with something Simon can relate too.

Edit: lol I guess I did ask that one too you. Sorry. I was thinking about the one I just asked Simon.

I showed this thread to a friend of mine. He said 2 things come to mind. 1. Buyer beware and 2. don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Then he said "Some people are better at teaching than doing. " You run across this in every business, sport and life; why should currency trading be any different.

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;552310”] Here’s the question Simon… You haven’t answered it yet.[/QUOTE]

Lol hardly the most important issue. Anyway, sorry, on my 'phone only these days so missed this one.

To answer your question: it’s hardly the same thing, is it? Sharing financial records of my business vs showing of my shiny hobby car? People on fora claim all the time to have cars that they don’t, or that the cars are better than they are. It’s like a kid at school claiming he has a girlfriend when actually he doesn’t. A bit insecure but it isn’t important.

Whether or not I own a car makes no difference to anyone. We’re talking more, here, about whether I have the skills I might claim to fix that car. If I show a picture of a car it makes no difference to whether I am qualified to dole out advice on car maintenance, does it? Similarly, I have said enough on here over the years for people to assume, I expect, that I do actually trade a little. However, the question of whether I make any money, whether I have any skill, is apparently open to more debate.

But to be honest I’m with Tang - that’s so apples and oranges as I be irrelevant in terms of supporting a point in this context. Trading is my profession, it’s what I do to make money and I take it seriously. Chatting about old cars is just recreation, it’s a hobby. My opinions are my opinions, whether on trading, Floyd Mayweather or cars or anything else. If you don’t believe me qualified to hold them then fine, don’t listen, put me on ‘ignore’, whatever.

You’ve won a cookie!

And are absolutely correct.


Lol hardly the most important issue. Anyway, sorry, on my 'phone only these days so missed this one.

To answer your question: it’s hardly the same thing, is it? Sharing financial records of my business vs showing of my shiny hobby car? People on fora claim all the time to have cars that they don’t, or that the cars are better than they are. It’s like a kid at school claiming he has a girlfriend when actually he doesn’t. A bit insecure but it isn’t important.

Whether or not I own a car makes no difference to anyone. We’re talking more, here, about whether I have the skills I might claim to fix that car. If I show a picture of a car it makes no difference to whether I am qualified to dole out advice on car maintenance, does it? Similarly, I have said enough on here over the years for people to assume, I expect, that I do actually trade a little. However, the question of whether I make any money, whether I have any skill, is apparently open to more debate.

But to be honest I’m with Tang - that’s so apples and oranges as I be irrelevant in terms of supporting a point in this context. Trading is my profession, it’s what I do to make money and I take it seriously. Chatting about old cars is just recreation, it’s a hobby. My opinions are my opinions, whether on trading, Floyd Mayweather or cars or anything else. If you don’t believe me qualified to hold them then fine, don’t listen, put me on ‘ignore’, whatever.[/QUOTE]

So what I take from this post is that yes… Yes you would find the guy strange and off putting who is claiming to have a 1962 ferrari but is saying “shove it!” Whenever people asked to see pics.

I think that’s the line of though jack and I share.

People like showing off things they pour their blood sweat and tears into… So long as the final product is shiny. It’s odd when they don’t… Leading to the logical skepticism when no shiny objects are produced.

" It’s like a kid at school claiming he has a girlfriend when actually he doesn’t. A bit insecure but it isn’t important."

Yep. Agreed. If the kid can’t show off his girlfriend then it should be doubted. The girl that he is claiming to be the boyfriend to probably would disagree whether or not its important.

I would like to see the logic behind you arriving at that conclusion as to what Simon Sez.

[QUOTE=“Master Tang;552333”]

I would like to see the logic behind you arriving at that conclusion as to what Simon Sez.[/QUOTE]

Simon said volumes by not actually answering the question.

Creating a three paragraph post too answer a simple question means he didn’t want to answer the question directly because, he would have been making my point. In order to avoid being disingenuous he chose the route of a long winded response without actually answering.

[QUOTE=“Master Tang;552333”] I would like to see the logic behind you arriving at that conclusion as to what Simon Sez.[/QUOTE]

Anyone would think that Banker has already decided on his conclusion, so isn’t reading others’ posts with a clear and open mind.

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;552335”] Simon said volumes by not actually answering the question.[/QUOTE]

Good grief there’s no hope for you.


Good grief there’s no hope for you.[/QUOTE]

You didnt answer the question lol.

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;552338”] You didnt answer the question lol.[/QUOTE]

I did, you just maybe need me to use shorter sentences. Even a well-dressed idiot is still an idiot.


I did, you just maybe need me to use shorter sentences. Even a well-dressed idiot is still an idiot.[/QUOTE]

No you did not answer my question. You responded yes. But you did not answer.

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;552258”] If you go into the car forums saying you’ve got a 1962 Ferrari do you think people are not going to ask to see pics? And how would you respond to a guy whose on there saying, “I don’t need to show squat! I have one and I don’t care who believes me”…WOULD YOU NOT FIND IT A BIT OFF-PUTTING AND STRANGE?[/QUOTE]

Here’s the question Simon… You haven’t answered it yet.

No where in the below post did you answer that.


Lol hardly the most important issue. Anyway, sorry, on my 'phone only these days so missed this one.

To answer your question: it’s hardly the same thing, is it? Sharing financial records of my business vs showing of my shiny hobby car? People on fora claim all the time to have cars that they don’t, or that the cars are better than they are. It’s like a kid at school claiming he has a girlfriend when actually he doesn’t. A bit insecure but it isn’t important.

Whether or not I own a car makes no difference to anyone. We’re talking more, here, about whether I have the skills I might claim to fix that car. If I show a picture of a car it makes no difference to whether I am qualified to dole out advice on car maintenance, does it? Similarly, I have said enough on here over the years for people to assume, I expect, that I do actually trade a little. However, the question of whether I make any money, whether I have any skill, is apparently open to more debate.

But to be honest I’m with Tang - that’s so apples and oranges as I be irrelevant in terms of supporting a point in this context. Trading is my profession, it’s what I do to make money and I take it seriously. Chatting about old cars is just recreation, it’s a hobby. My opinions are my opinions, whether on trading, Floyd Mayweather or cars or anything else. If you don’t believe me qualified to hold them then fine, don’t listen, put me on ‘ignore’, whatever.[/QUOTE]

That logic reminds me of Vizzini:

[QUOTE=“Master Tang;552345”]

That logic reminds me of Vizzini:

YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_eZmEiyTo0[/QUOTE]

Show me the sentence in Simons post that answered my question.

SimonTemplar is not going to share how much he makes in terms of equity - because of privacy issues. Funny that he has on several occasions mentioned that he makes 5-20% per month on this forum (doesn’t seem so keen on privacy then does he?).

The issue I see is that he does not want to verify how much he makes in terms of equity (because of privacy), but is happy to talk about it (which indicates that there is no privacy issue).

Your ex law enforcement buddies would have a field day with your logic - and there is really only one conclusion, so I have nothing more to add.

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;552342”] Here’s the question Simon… You haven’t answered it yet. No where in the below post did you answer that. [/QUOTE]

Jeez you have a lot of time on your hands!

I said something like it’s pretty common that some claim to own cars that they don’t actually own. In that context id just think it a little sad if there weren’t a reason for the lack of pic. But it’s entirely different from this, as old cars in that context isn’t a career.

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;552342”] Here’s the question Simon… You haven’t answered it yet. No where in the below post did you answer that. [/QUOTE]

Sorry and just to be very specific - I wouldn’t find it off putting or strange, no. Not off putting as I really don’t care that much whether a guy shows me his car, and not strange because, as I said, it’s pretty common and there could be a number of reasons for it.

I said something like it’s pretty common that some claim to own cars that they don’t actually own. In that context id just think it a little sad if there weren’t a reason for the lack of pic.[/QUOTE]

Now that dear chap… Is the answer. :wink: