Which thread /who should I follow?

so you’re saying that babypips actually increased your level of insecurity over time?

that is very interesting… but it does make a lot of sense.

I like you Pizza Banker. You start a thread, show your method, appear to be quite profitable in that thread and then run it over with a bush hog, shredding it like brush and weeds in an overgrown pasture. I chuckle every time I think about it. I don’t know why but because of that alone you are forever saved from my ignore list – plus, I like your sense of humor.

Chris Capre (I think that’s his name) is a self-proclaimed guru. He runs an infomercial on this site to drum up business. He may be a losing trader. He may not even trade. He probably makes a successful living off of forex as an instructor. He may not even teach anything useful, I don’t know. Fuller, the Jonathan guy, all the rest of them may be the same…

And I don’t care.

If they have something interesting to say in a public forum I may tune in. If not, I will not. They may suck the gullible in and bleed them dry.

And I don’t care.

I am not gullible so my financial well being is safe and sound. I cannot, however, help those that are gullible because that is a tangential definition of being gullible. They are lost causes because they are… gullible. If ICT wants to come back under another name and claim he is George Soros and acquire tens of thousands of followers, I will not care (until the faithful begin interrupting every thread with the way, the truth and the light again).

Stopping scammers on the internet is tilting at windmills. For all I know, you are ICT and you cleverly berated yourself on this forum and even more cleverly photoshopped some account pics in your pineapple thread so that you come in for the kill at a later time when you offer a pay service. If so, congratulations! That is the most awesomest scam in the history of awesomeness!!!

If not, too bad. But I still don’t require any proof.


so you’re saying that babypips actually increased your level of insecurity over time?

that is very interesting… but it does make a lot of sense.[/QUOTE]

Ok. I’ll play along. What’s wrong with being insecure?

it is an ideal. Of course nobody is perfectly secure. Being insecure about your success (to some degree) is not bad, and it is certainly not abnormal. I was merely ranking the levels of insecurity, which seemed to me what the arguments in this thread were [I]really[/I] getting at.


I like you Pizza Banker. You start a thread, show your method, appear to be quite profitable in that thread and then run it over with a bush hog, shredding it like brush and weeds in an overgrown pasture. I chuckle every time I think about it. I don’t know why but because of that alone you are forever saved from my ignore list – plus, I like your sense of humor.

Chris Capre (I think that’s his name) is a self-proclaimed guru. He runs an infomercial on this site to drum up business. He may be a losing trader. He may not even trade. He probably makes a successful living off of forex as an instructor. He may not even teach anything useful, I don’t know. Fuller, the Jonathan guy, all the rest of them may be the same…

And I don’t care.

If they have something interesting to say in a public forum I may tune in. If not, I will not. They may suck the gullible in and bleed them dry.

And I don’t care.

I am not gullible so my financial well being is safe and sound. I cannot, however, help those that are gullible because that is a tangential definition of being gullible. They are lost causes because they are… gullible. If ICT wants to come back under another name and claim he is George Soros and acquire tens of thousands of followers, I will not care (until the faithful begin interrupting every thread with the way, the truth and the light again).

Stopping scammers on the internet is tilting at windmills. For all I know, you are ICT and you cleverly berated yourself on this forum and even more cleverly photoshopped some account pics in your pineapple thread so that you come in for the kill at a later time when you offer a pay service. If so, congratulations! That is the most awesomest scam in the history of awesomeness!!!

If not, too bad. But I still don’t require any proof.[/QUOTE]

I like you to John :slight_smile:

nothing. in fact I made the point that it in fact aided the forum overall, because your insecurity provides an incentive to share more than the trader who was more secure about their success…


nothing. in fact I made the point that it in fact aided the forum overall, because your insecurity provides an incentive to share more than the trader who was more secure about their success…[/QUOTE]

I have not posted a picture of myself… But I guess now is as good a time as ever.

I can only like. it is too soon for love

you lot just don’t get my sense of humour. it was a joke!

watching you very experienced traders quibble over the most inane sh*t imaginable made me feel like someone had to make fun of you! :slight_smile:

Where do you get 1.6077 ? The closest thing I’ve got to that is 1.6073 few pips don’t matter I guess. You pop onto BP once in a blue moon like me. :smiley:

So, to the OP, the best advice I can give is as follows:

1] Take all the different types of things you hear from all the gurus, experts, big talkers, etc. (even if they can’t all verify anything).

2] Extract out all the main points they’re making.

3] Focus on all of the main points that a[U]ctually resonate the same across all of these different people[/U] and cherish them. Remember them. Put everything you have into them.

4] All the crap left over that is widely variable from person to person, throw it all away.

5] Go back to those broadly-aligned main points and continue cherish them. Tell them how pretty they are and that they totally don’t look fat in that dress.

6] Keep practicing, getting your ass handed to you, and review all of your trades (logging them helps).

7] Go back to those broadly-aligned main points and kiss and hold them. Tell them ‘thank you’ for always remaining true. Apologize that, despite all your mistakes & failures being rooted in ignoring those main points, they never leave you or laugh and say, “Told ya so!”

8] After extensive time with this process and much experienced gathered, go back to all those gurus, experts, big talkers, etc. and thank them all for being extreme and a bit bigoted at times: it was what told you exactly what to stay away from and led to your long-term success.


10] Profit

[QUOTE=“JackMarkets;552525”]. So basically, you feel if someone has low IQ, they deserve to have their money taken away from them… People born with lower IQ deserve to be conned by the more intelligent… Simontemplar indicated as much when he mentioned that he did not care what others did with their accounts… This is very much of a side rant, but its something I have noticed in many people. I might be a bit harsh, but I tend to care about other people and go out of my way to help them (believe it or not). I am harsh (but fair?) because that’s the way I was taught… but ultimately I will help.[/QUOTE]

Just to correct that, I didn’t say or imply that. In my experience, there is little to no correlation between IQ (since you choose to put it in those terms) and vein sensible with money.

Also, I’m delighted to hear that you are a helpful sort, that’s wonderful, but please don’t imply that I am not. I spent ten years taking enormous personal risk to help and protect innocent people - including getting shot at on a number of occasions - and I remain the guy who will step in if I see someone being treated badly. And during my time on BP I have put a lot of effort into helping others, both in open forum and on PM. I genuinely want others to succeed. I just see no reason to publish details of my trading account, which I think is fair enough, particularly as I am not selling anything or shouting ‘follow me and I will lead you p trading nirvana’. I’m just a trader who likes to chat to other traders and tries to help when I can.

So if you’re going to criticise me, at least keep it fair and on point.

[QUOTE=“60proof;552530”]y’all know I’m an idiot (Thanks Simon!) that can’t trade so I’m not on the list. In 5th position (even more insecure) I would have to put ICT simply for using the words “Bub” and “cupcake” when confronting his critics. Interestingly though, I find the more insecure the profitable trader, the more they are willing to disclose.[/QUOTE]

lol I didn’t say that you’re an idiot! I think that some on this site behave like idiots for a number of reasons, but most people I don’t know bough about I comment. There are many rookies on here I think are great, and some established members I think are idiots.

I have to agree with you on ‘Bub’ and ‘cupcake’, but I’m not sure about the security/disclosure point. It’s interesting food for thought, though, thanks for posting.

Just wanted to pick up on a point about losing money to “charlatans” or “gurus”

When reading through a site recently I noticed this

Before trading the 2 Bar Reversal on a [U]live account[/U] traders are advised to first perfect their method on a demo account. There is no reason to lose money whilst learning in Forex. Traders should first prove to themselves that they can make money consistently for a period of a [U]minimum of 3 months[/U] before attempting trading live.

This warning appears all over the internet when referencing Forex etc.

I would propose that it isn’t IQ or upbringing etc. which cause these loses,
but pure [U]greed[/U].

To the O/P & all newbies who are prepared to listen, as you can see you just need to do some
due diligence, it ain’t going to just jump into your lap.

Trading is a dog-eat-dog competition. If people want to talk about ethics/morality and act like self-righteous saints they should just gtfo, quit trading and go save african children from hunger. We’re playing a negative-sum game here, remember?

This is a forum:

[I]American Heritage Dictionary: fo·rum

A medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper, a radio or television program, or a website.[/I]

The purpose of a trading forum isn’t to turn people into profitable traders.

So what if people lose their shirts trading systems based on planetary cycles. Did you ignore the ubiquitous and obligatory risk warning? Did you even bother to do your due diligence? Nobody is going to protect you from yourself.

The way I see it, aspiring doctors have to refine their emotions and intelligence, and pass through a series of gatekeepers from university, to med school, to licensing boards, and finally the gatekeepers of hospitals. That’s why they happen to be so well compensated, because only a minority are willing and capable to achieve such a feat. It’s the law of S&D, same applies to traders.

If you really think that random people on the internet are desperate to give away the secrets to untold riches and hand you the holy grail on a silver platter…

Well, a fool and his money are soon parted. More pigs and sheeples to the slaughter.

[QUOTE=“daydreamer65;552813”]Just wanted to pick up on a point about losing money to “charlatans” or “gurus”

When reading through a site recently I noticed this

This warning appears all over the internet when referencing Forex etc.

I would propose that it isn’t IQ or upbringing etc. which cause these loses,
but pure greed.


Of course it’s about low IQ. A quick skim over some of the gurus threads on this forum and one can very easily notice common traits of their most insistent followers. Impulsive, stubborn, naive, lazy, self-unaware, lack of independent learning skills, and a general lack of critical thinking ability … These traits are very much linked to lower intelligence.

Look… It is very possible to be a smart novice. I am by no means equating being a novice with having a low IQ… But there is a definite sub category of “novice” that is attracted towards these individuals, and a lower IQ score would generally be representative of this category.

Trying to help an un-willing, lower intelligence individual usually ends up being as pleasant as taking away crayons from a toddler who is happily munching on them. A splitting head ache induced by screaming and wailing ensues and other people end up thinking you are abusing a child and report you to the authorities.

It’s certainly been a while since i last posted on BP - let alone even logged on, but with a thread like this i couldn’t help myself. I’ve been a member here for a while, but in the last few months become much more of a lurker than a contributor…

For those who have been around a while will probably know i was quite the ICT follower in my time - which im not really here to discuss. ICT discussions i think have gone on much longer than needed and really anything that needed to be said has been aired…

Firstly and foremost, im still learning to trade - i do not trade the markets consistently profitably. Not something i say proudly, but hey ho, it is what it is, the road is long and bumpy and im buckled in for the ride. My sole purpose of really getting involved is because really i see argument from both sides of the coin. From the perspective of someone that is still learning - and really still trying to distinguish the good material from the garbage, i like to live by the saying “Never turn down a free education”. Ive read and followed a lot more threads than i have participated in, and it ranges from ICT’s, various price action threads (Chris Capre and NikitaFX to name a couple), Alternative technical templates (working my way through currently), threads dabbling in supply and demand (eremarket and a lot of Sam Seiden stuff), VSA - mainly by Petefader and even followed good old David Jefferson, so yeah i like to cover quite the range.

Speaking specifically about BP, if they’re not here to sell me anything, and they seem to post some content of value then why derail there threads where there are clearly people trying to learn?
I followed ICT for a while. Was i consistently profitable through what he taught? No - i had a varied success with them. Does that mean i didnt learn anything, hell no - i learnt a lot about the markets and the trader i am.

I am fully aware that many of the threads above offer paid services outside of BP - to be honest if people are willing to risk there money into anything they really need to conduct there own due diligence. If there willing to have blind faith and put their money into something without the proper research then more fool them.

As far as im concerned, im willing to read any thread if the content looks of value - if i come away having not spent a single penny and learnt nothing - nothing lost, but even if i pick up a single tip or trick to help improve my personal trading then its been time well spent.

Also, JackMarkets and Pizza (Nice avatar btw :)), y’all need to lay off ST and Master Tang. To my knowledge (and someone correct me if im wrong), nowhere on here are they running their own thread trying to teach anyone anything, respect the fact that people have their own privacy and leave it at that. I believe the argument would hold a lot more ground if they were trying to mentor some of the BP crowd but since its not the case, it really seems like beating a dead horse.

Id like to close by saying, Pizza and Master Tang, i would look forward to a thread run by the both of you showing fundi’s against TA with some healthy debate. That i can almost be certain of would be a thread of value which newcomers could learn something from, which is far more than I could say about this thread…


Thanks for this post… It is very rare to see someone who is making that kind of return per year! Maybe 90% on here wanted to make that kind of return per day/week/or even per seconds. I think it is good to look at things in a different way and not everyone is the same of what they wanted to make in trading. I have observed that most (if not all) wanted to have a higher return and sometimes almost to the point that it is imposible to achieved or rather a delutional to some are people who were young and no responsibilities on their own…However, to those who are more experienced/wise (Im not ganna mention any age because thats kinda rude …lol) and who have been trading for a long time or who have had a previouse career are more conservative and they are more laid back and relax…

The youngsters are more agressive to earn more and more that it seems like there is no tomorrow… I want it NOW! kind off mentality…Though, its fine if they will be able to do it and only a fortunate few who can…

Okay…So, does Common Sense count? or maybe just put them into “You can’t fix stupid” category… IQ terminology is kinda fancy term into my taste…Lol

Firstly and foremost, im still learning to trade - i do not trade the markets consistently profitably. Not something i say proudly, but hey ho, it is what it is, the road is long and bumpy and im buckled in for the ride. My sole purpose of really getting involved is because really i see argument from both sides of the coin. From the perspective of someone that is still learning - and really still trying to distinguish the good material from the garbage, i like to live by the saying “Never turn down a free education”. Ive read and followed a lot more threads than i have participated in, and it ranges from ICT’s, various price action threads (Chris Capre and NikitaFX to name a couple), Alternative technical templates (working my way through currently), threads dabbling in supply and demand (eremarket and a lot of Sam Seiden stuff), VSA - mainly by Petefader and even followed good old David Jefferson, so yeah i like to cover quite the range.

Speaking specifically about BP, if they’re not here to sell me anything, and they seem to post some content of value then why derail there threads where there are clearly people trying to learn?
I followed ICT for a while. Was i consistently profitable through what he taught? No - i had a varied success with them. Does that mean i didnt learn anything, hell no - i learnt a lot about the markets and the trader i am.


Hey haven’t seen you post in awhile!

I think you describe the state that many who follow the alluring price action threads find themselves in. That being stuck in a chronic state of inconsistent trading results while feeling like you are gaining knowledge yet knowing you don’t really know what you think you should.

Then the next price action guru comes along and everyone gets amped up about it… Then you’ll start noticing that once the thread becomes a couple months old, the posters who were amped up stop posting as they stop following it when they get frustrated that their trading isn’t improving.

Its easy for marketers to create the illusion that they know what they are doing and “price action” is their favorite spiel. It’s easy for them to pick up “how to trade currencies for dummies” and learn enough to recite what they’ve learned and pass it off as they know what they are doing. Especially without having to demonstrate any historical performance or calling live trades, they have an easy time of it.

Its an illusion. “Oh look for pinbars forming at a resistance line! That means a rejection is imminent” … It’s an illusion because sometimes they do… But they also don’t. And when the price action setup fails and the followers start questioning, then the guru just goes on to explain how his discretion saved him from taking that trade. Hindsight analysis is the smoke and mirrors that creates the successful illusion.

Listen… If you run an “investment fund” with clients entrusting their money to you… How do you think your clients are going to feel about you not spending all your energy on making them money… While you are off peddling your courses on an online forum for a few bucks… They are going to be withdrawing their money and putting it where someone is dedicated to them full time. This is why it’s highly questionable when you get characters on an online forum saying they are “account managers” yet will teach you how to trade for a small fee too in there spare time… All while they trade their own accounts for all the profits they need.

You either are good enough to make all the money you need from trading… Or you aren’t. If you are making all the money you need, you aren’t going to be wasting your time making websites and courses. If you aren’t making all the money you need trading then you aren’t worth anyone’s money in training fees.