Which thread /who should I follow?


Okay…So, does Common Sense count? or maybe just put them into “You can’t fix stupid” category… IQ terminology is kinda fancy term into my taste…Lol[/QUOTE]

The market is great at weeding out stupid :wink: most of the time they will lose enough money and time until they have to quit.

Does this make any of the remaining active traders like a sort of drug-resistant super-bug? Except instead of fighting off penicillin, it’s the hard knocks to equity and ego they’ve come to become so thick-skinned against?

This is the new generation. This is the revolution. We are traders. And we will band together to then go seclude ourselves to our comfy computer screens and enjoy the gentle, calming touch of mental masturbation as we over-analyze every damned thing we can to try and make numbers turn into bigger numbers . Then, y’know, kinda-sorta interact with the world as long as it’s not too much face-to-face and we have a dedicated topic to focus our conversation on. Watch out, world.

And with that, it’s become increasingly clear that I’m on my 52nd hour of continued wakefulness

LOL or worse - you say to them ’ here is my plan, here is how I am going to spend your investment, I will sell the USD when I see a shooting star’.

Sanj - good to see you back.

From my own point of view as a learner trader I take much more cognisance of a poster who will say’ here is what I’m GOING to do and why I’m doing it’ than all the myfxbooks in the world.

A trader who will combine his thinking on the fundamentals with a ta entry - now I really want to hear from him.

Can’t agree more with your post Pizza. Everyone is a “hindsight millionaire” because it’s all so easy looking back. I find myself in the same situation, its all too easy looking back, knowing the correct direction, picking the “optimal entries”.

It’s always suspect when supposedly profitable traders start charging for their teachings, always has me wondering what their motivation is behind it all. Anyone who knows how to create an excel spreadsheet can tell you the potential of “extreme wealth” once you can consistently trade - so again, why the need for an extra income?.

Admittedly, your thread has been on my watch list, bar reading some of the posts, i never got the opportunity to really go through and take in everything - something which i kick myself for when i read you had gone on a mess editing spree.

It has me wondering though, you clearly can trade consistently - as shown, no hindesight trickery, but what was your personal motivation behind your thread? To teach? Demonstrate it really can be done?
A thorough teaching of the fundamentals is really what the forum lacks, and by the looks of most people on here - myself included, it’s an understanding of the fundamentals which really holds us back.
Personally, speaking from a newbs perspective, the first thing that threw me off trying to focus on the fundamentals happened in my first couple months of demo trading - watching negative reports come out and be clueless as to why prices rallied. It just made no sense to me at the time.

Im not going to sit here and try to preach anything of what i learnt is golden, as it holds very little ground since i still cant pull a consistent profit. But aspects of areas i’ve looked at do make sense to me - that includes price action. The way i see it, prices move as a result of buying or selling, regardless of what comes out in reports, prices will move up if buyers outweigh suppliers and vice versa. If candlesticks are a visual representation of that buying / selling then it makes sense to me that TA traders can gain information on this. I’m in no way trying to say its the be all and end all, I’m just saying at this point it makes sense to me…

Peterma, good to be back, it’s certainly been a while since ive sat down to actively post here, been lurking around for a while!

Your above quote ^, im on the hunt for the same thing, which is why i was really tickled by the slightest mention of a TA trader and a fundi trader doing a thread together!

Very sound use of logic and reasoning. You have a fortified intellectual position that the various gurus cannot realistically hope to successfully assail. At first blush it appears impenetrable. Even at second blush you are firmly ensconced in your position.

And to use this line of reasoning with the masses is fruitless.

I may not be the world’s most accomplished trader but I certainly know the basics of technical analysis. I have responded to questions from new traders about why such and such didn’t work on numerous occasions (one just last night). I was met with the response, and I paraphrase, "No, that isn’t right. It is…’

Then why are you asking the question? Furthermore, why are you disagreeing when, admittedly, you haven’t a clue??? Have you thought to test it, look at it, analyze it, or research it? Of course not.

These folks are destined to eventually be students of whatever guru strikes their fancy and fork over whatever money they have in the hopes that someone tells them whatever they want to hear. They cannot be dissuaded from the path of personal financial destruction they are on because they are… dolts.

There are a few that by luck or by intellect get “it.” They trade successfully and have phenomenal results. They are natural traders. God bless every one of 'em.

There are a few that through hard work, study and determination can successfully (even if marginally) trade to their own satisfaction and are always open to new ideas in the hopes of advancing their understanding and trading success. They can discern whether or not something is rubbish or may hold a bit of promise. They take no one’s word for anything and verify everything on their own before risking a penny (I presumptuously place myself in this category).

Then there are the masses. They are the are natural born losers among us. It doesn’t matter what you tell them as long as you hold up a shiny object to captivate them. They will then open their wallets as they close their minds. They are more numerous than I ever imagined.

If I had my adult life to live over again I would have become a trading mentor – for the right price, of course. So much more profitable than actual trading.

i’m the mantis with the pipe.

I wish I would have started trading when I was 25, instead of 20

too positive at that age…

I’m either going to emerge from this as one of the better traders out there… or just completely broken with permanent emotional scars

If I had my adult life to live over again I would have become a trading mentor – for the right price, of course. So much more profitable than actual trading.[/QUOTE]

Very true. It takes much less knowledge to seem like a god to a novice then it does to consistently take money from the banks in this market. Plus there is zero financial risk.

However. The highest grossing trader makes more then the ten highest grossing “mentors” combined :slight_smile:

Admittedly, your thread has been on my watch list, bar reading some of the posts, i never got the opportunity to really go through and take in everything - something which i kick myself for when i read you had gone on a mess editing spree.

It has me wondering though, you clearly can trade consistently - as shown, no hindesight trickery, but what was your personal motivation behind your thread? To teach? Demonstrate it really can be done?[/QUOTE]

I needed to get back to writing down my trades and analysis. Journaling can be a pretty useful tool when in a trading funk… The key is to record your reasons BEFORE making the trade. The extra few minutes really cuts down on the impulse trades. Being able to demonstrate once and for all that trading the fundamentals can provide THE edge was a nice bonus.

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;553002”]You either are good enough to make all the money you need from trading… Or you aren’t. If you are making all the money you need, you aren’t going to be wasting your time making websites and courses. If you aren’t making all the money you need trading then you aren’t worth anyone’s money in training fees.[/QUOTE]

Some people enjoy teaching, trading can be pretty solitary.

And no, I’m not selling anything, I don’t run any courses or receive any commissions…I just don’t agree with your presumptuous, broad-brush-applies-to-all analysis of other people.


Some people enjoy teaching, trading can be pretty solitary.

And no, I’m not selling anything, I don’t run any courses or receive any commissions…I just don’t agree with your presumptuous, broad-brush-applies-to-all analysis of other people.[/QUOTE]

If they enjoy it they dont need to be paid. There is a huge sense of contentment that comes with being able to make all the money you need from trading. The extra work involved with charging is simply not worth it for the those types of individual.

That conversation seems to be being avoided huh?


I ain’t askeered…

[QUOTE=“Master Tang;553088”]

That conversation seems to be being avoided huh?


I ain’t askeered…[/QUOTE]

Lol I’m thinking about it. I’m trying to figure out how it would go… As well as trying to figure out if I want to make that kind of contribution to this forum again…

Plus… I’ve shown proof that I’m profitable… I have no such assurance about this being an equally yoked situation.

Then you would prove me a fool. Something you’ve obviously wanted to do for a while.

Where’s the down side?

It’s easy.

Two demo accounts 10k each, yours and mine.

Links to MyFXBook on each.

Report new open trades on the thread with a quick screen shot.

One month time limit? Or maybe you need more. That’s a big boat you’re driving compared to my Ski Doo. But the time limit is just so neither of us are married to it for the rest of our lives. I have no wishes to make that kind of contribution either.

Or what about not actually separate, no element of ‘competition’ as to which is ‘best’ TA or Fundies, but showing all us learners that the two, when combined, can be awesome.

What about a fundie perspective from Pizza, and the M Tang saying ‘ok here’s how I would trade that analysis’

I know it’s a big call but maybe we would all gain :slight_smile:

Nah … second thoughts… it’s maybe too big a call.

I don’t see it happening.

But that’s okay. I never thought of it as a competition, because that’s not the point. Besides, the only person I should ever pay attention to while trading to is me.

It would be more about showing that there is more than one way to skin a leopard. PizzaHut and I have had occasional discussions on the differences between the two.

I used to play the fundamental game, but it’s tiring to constantly try to stay updated. RanSquawk, Bloomberg, or Rueters going all the time with a constant drone of hindsight wisdom. The CNBC crew drove me nuts. Rick Santelli was always cool, but the rest of them would be better suited for the circus by being lion food. Spongebob Squarepants is a much more pleasant source of information. I keep an eye on the news release times is about it. I don’t care what they say, just let me know when it’s gonna get said.

[QUOTE=“Master Tang;553104”]It’s easy.

Two demo accounts 10k each, yours and mine.

Links to MyFXBook on each.

Report new open trades on the thread with a quick screen shot.

One month time limit? Or maybe you need more. That’s a big boat you’re driving compared to my Ski Doo. But the time limit is just so neither of us are married to it for the rest of our lives. I have no wishes to make that kind of contribution either.[/QUOTE]

So essentially what I was doing on my thread with only the addition of a myfxbook link? Are we trying to finish with higher equity then the other or are we trying to decide on trades together based on trying to meld the two analysis together?

[QUOTE=“Master Tang;553125”]

It would be more about showing that there is more than one way to skin a leopard. PizzaHut and I have had occasional discussions on the differences between the two.

If this was the purpose then my participation isn’t even necessary lol. You can show me/everyone your way of making profit. Me participating would just be a rinse and repeat of my thread if this is the format and purpose. I’ve already shown how I do… Probably had a solid two months where i posted all my trades as i took them… posted screenshots of account balances… and gave trade justifications…Wouldn’t be anything new or different on my end.

I’ve never checked out your thread, but if you mean post up trades, and even if they didn’t get a mention on here, fxBook would track them, so yeah.

Reasoning optional, but a quick blurb for trades that got mentioned wouldn’t hurt. I trade a lot. It would be a PIA to mention every time I open trade with reasoning. But a daily rundown might suffice.

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;553067”] If they enjoy it they dont need to be paid. There is a huge sense of contentment that comes with being able to make all the money you need from trading. The extra work involved with charging is simply not worth it for the those types of individual.[/QUOTE]

I guy I know has a lot of money. A real lot. He privately races historic cars as a hobby, owns a couple of companies, he never needs to work again. He also builds race MG engines as a hobby. He will build up engines for other people, but charges for it. Why shouldn’t he? His engines are among the best.

I wholly reject the idea that someone should not charge for something because they enjoy it, or because they have moved past the point of ‘needing’ the money. I imagine Alan Sugar, Donald Trump et al still draw a salary.

Also, charging for a service keeps things on a professional footing, it establishes parameters for both sides. I’m wearing a £1000 watch but if I were to offer coaching to anyone other than the odd close friend or family member I’d charge for it.

This is trading, after all, it’s a capitalist endeavour - we’re in it to make money, we’re the sort of people who want money, on the whole. And participation in by any trader offers a good chunk of free help as it adds views to any debate or discussion.

I think you’re talking nonsense, you think I’m talking nonsense, we fundamentally disagree, but there will be others who benefit from following the discussion.

I think thats a good idea (although 1 month isn’t really enough time since there are many lucky traders for 2-3 months, plus fundamental trading tends to have fewer trades than technical trading) - aren’t you missing out inviting a certain amount of trading system vendors out there (Chris Capre, Jonothan Fox, Petefader etc)?

It can be a kung fu challenge!

Btw, if you attach a bridge to your own live system it needn’t be any work for yourself. A demo system with enough time and open trade history (update delayed by 24 hours if you don’t want people following your signals, open trade history to prevent live/demo account arbritage) would be perfectly acceptable.

One of the few times he speaks sense. Warren Buffet still charges for speeches (up to a few years ago at least), and its not because he needs the money.

A lot of teachers teach because they want to show off their style, enjoy the sound of their own voice, or enjoy the attention/showing off what they know. Of course, this doesn’t mean they are excused from offering the records with which their prospective students can do due diligence.