Whitch forex broker to choose? Armada Markets or pepperstone?

Any comments or some new ideas? Who has trading with them? And what are the pros and cons?:33::cool:

funding the account is free for armada, but checking the spreads in myfxbook then EUR/USD is better in Armada but EUR/AUD pepperstne?

Slippage and comissions make trading similiar to swimming in a sharkinfested lagoon. Look for a broker with the cheapest comissions and tighter spread.

Read my joke bout bonuses everyone :slight_smile:


Currently I am using Pepperstone and also I have a test account on Armada Markets. Satisfied with both.

Neither of these is good, Armada is unregulated and has many server problems. Pepperstone is prone to slippage and bad support. I find that the best broker to use is IC Markets, they have tight spreads, little slippage and excellent support.

Do you even have accounts with Pepper or Armada Markets.
I am using both firms and so far I haven`t had any problems. So I have no idea where you are taking your facts

Well, I have accounts with all three and trading conditions are good with all of them. I wouldn’t call IC Markets support excellent, as they can be rather slow to respond sometimes.

I’m inclined to agree regarding the bad support one can get from Pepperstone. At first they forced me to open new Edge accounts and then it took them a whole week to transfer the funds from the old to the new accounts.

I’m trading with HotForex and FXCM, never tried these one but I prefer Armanda for their name. :smiley:

I have traded with Armada Markets over 3 months now. So far I have not had any problems with them

Bluntly speaking Offshore brokers are sucks. Their weak regulations scary me that in anytime they can rob traders. UK or EU brokers are much better in terms of regulation moreover they have more accurate quotes. One of my felllow burned his fingers with Pepperstone that’s why I keep aloof of it. Regarding Armada MArkets they are comission based and sometimes I get 0 spread what is excellent for my scalping