Who is a mentor in here?

Hello everyone, I asked a question in my previous post and someone responded that you should have a mentor. They mentioned that there are many mentors on BabyPips. If you are a mentor, please introduce yourself and mention yourself here.

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What kind of mentor do you look for? each with his own specialty.


The issue following mentors is that your trading style could be different. For example, I could share how I trade using my strategy and process, which wouldn’t work for you. Because there’s more than one way to win or lose money. The only control over the market is your risk exposure - that’s it.

It’s far better to be your own man - or woman - and post for help on this forum when you reach a problem or issue on which you want help.

Best of luck.


A mentor that makes money would be a good starting point! :laughing:


Honestly, everyone on the forums is a mentor in some way or another.

Let’s also make it clear, a mentor isn’t someone who is going to take you under their wing and train you to be a Jedi Trading Master. That is a teacher, not a mentor.

Mentorship is about showing what you’re doing and taking advice from the mentors as to what you may be doing right or wrong to help steer you in the right direction. It’s not a daily relationship.

My advice is to do all your training using all the different martials available, such as here with the School of Pipsology and other places such as You Tube. Once you’ve trained yourself you need to start trading a demo account and then ask questions on the forum. Then all the more experienced and active forum members will give you there thoughts and advice.


scammers coming in in 321

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I just find it difficult to understand how people can be stupid enough to fall for these scammers.

The issue with following mentors is that their trading style may not align with yours. Each trader has their own unique strategy and process, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s important to remember that there’s more than one way to succeed or fail in trading. The only aspect you can control in the market is your risk exposure.

Instead of blindly following mentors, it’s better to develop your own trading approach. Seek help and guidance from forums like this when you encounter specific problems or issues where you need assistance. Wishing you the best of luck on your trading journey.

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Some time ago I had a friend who was employed to take a articles and rewrite them in such a way as to not be accused of plagiarism. The above response seems to be doing the exact same thing. He is saying all that the previous poster ab out five posts up from him said but rearranging the words. Probably using AI. Makes me wonder now about all his posts in the past.

so many Mentors are available , can you please ensure what kind of Mentor are you looking for ?


Definitely a lot of great advice already in the replies. :blush: Hmmm. I’m not sure if the experienced traders here would have enough time to conduct like one-on-one mentorship sessions, but you can always just ask away! :blush:

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Keeping a mentor may help you but be careful about mentor selection because wrong person can cause you harm. If you ask any question on this forum, traders will answer your questions.


Hey there, could you clarify what you mean by each mentor having their own specialty? Are we talking different trading styles, certain markets, or something else? Would love to hear more about it. Thanks!

Totally get where you’re coming from! Finding our own groove in trading is super important. Thanks for the advice and good vibes!

Good point! Choosing the right mentor is key. And agreed, this forum is a goldmine for advice. Thanks for weighing in!

Haha, well you’re not wrong! A mentor who’s rolling in dough does sound like a pretty good deal! :joy: Thanks for the laugh!

Absolutely! Picking the right mentor is like choosing the right pair of shoes - gotta make sure they’re a good fit. And yup, this forum is a treasure trove of insights. Cheers for the advice!

Thanks for the response! You’re right about this place being a wellspring of wisdom. :raised_hands: But hey, you never know, some experienced traders might just find the time for some one-on-one mentorship. Let’s keep the optimism high! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Thank you so much for your thoughtful advice! I love your perspective on everyone on the forum being a mentor in their own way. Your clarification on the difference between a mentor and a teacher is really insightful too. Let’s keep learning and growing together!

I didnt get you buddy.