Why I Am Leaving Babypips

Dear Babypips Admins @Ananais , @Pipstradamus ,

The BP school was great and I am grateful for it. This is why I am posting, just in case it helps, rather than disappearing in silence as most people do.

I practice trading on demo now, and soon I will start trading from my system, using a prop firm evaluation to try to get funds to trade, exactly as a couple of my friends recently did. I wish to post in a forum both my system to discuss and interact, and my journal to record the trading and for the same reasons. I wished to do both here.

Like so many other people, though, I just cannot bear the bots and the spam, so I must go instead to another forum to interact with traders.

People arrive here with goodwill, as I did. We leave, often shortly afterwards, with less. Just because we find the unending combination of spam and bots here really very nasty.

How will you attract and keep human members to take part here when you use paid bot traffic posting service from traffic farms which packs the forum with completely valueless, computer-generated text, and so many of the human posters are here just to promote something, too, and you do nothing at all to change this? In spite of your very few remaining real members constantly requesting it! And then gradually leaving for these exact reasons, and pretty often saying so, too, while you just ignore them.

Without real people like me staying, what kind of forum does it become?

We can see the answer to that, canā€™t we?

Very sorry if I seem arrogant, but I do honestly think I am exactly the kind of member you need to be able to attract and to retain, for your business to survive at all, yet in spite of all my initial goodwill, you failed to retain me.

I dislike it when you delete my posts, to protect the spammers and the bots, and you do not even tell me, and then all your moderators can say, when I ask, is ā€œWe agree there is an issueā€ followed by total silence when politely asked any further questions about it. Who would not dislike that?

You are CAUSING the ā€œissueā€ they refer to: the constant bot posting traffic farm service you unaccountably use is actively killing your business. Many members comment on this, but you just ignore them all, too.

I understand that the spam needs a little effort to remove, but we can all see also that your current method of pretending to do that does not even begin to work.

I see now, in the feedback section here, that many people also complained about exactly these same things many years ago and you ignored them all then, just as you do now. For me that is truly disappointing but at least it makes my decision to leave very easy and very obvious. We can all see exactly how and why what happens here is so very different from what happens in other trading forums.

Anyway I already had enough big and serious and real problems in my short life, so far, not to continue to be upset and offended by all your silly ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  here but just to move on. I am just really sad for you that you continue to waste totally all of the goodwill your great Pipsology School creates, which ironically ought to give you an advantage over exactly the others to whom you continue to lose almost all your members and traffic!

But in spite of gradually losing almost all your genuine members, obviously you still strongly prefer bots to humans, and spammers to normal members. Even after all these years.

I do not understand how this can possibly work for you.

For me (just as for the many others who say the same) it does not appeal.

And I am really saying that very politely indeed, in the circumstances.

So goodbye.

Yours sincerely,

Maria FP

PS: Many thanks to one of your very kind members for editing and correcting my English to make this post more understandable and correct! :sunglasses:


@maria_fp I understand your frustration and Iā€™m sorry to see another member leave this forum. Fortunately being in a community isnā€™t a binary decision, so we can belong to more than one. Iā€™m not at your level of frustration so Iā€™m still of the belief that this community can be restored to being a meaningful meeting place for those interested in forex.

I wish that you would stay, but I understand why you canā€™t.

Wishing you the best on your pursuit of a better community and wishing you success in your forex journey.

Only the forumā€™s owners can affect that, by the decisions they take.

It canā€™t happen if they keep filling it with bot rubbish and refusing to delete the spam.

Very sadly, the members lost over these issues are always the exact ones who really might have helped to restore it, arenā€™t they? :frowning_face:

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I agree with this, but Iā€™m not so beaten down yet that Iā€™m giving up. This community still has decorum and civility that is often lacking elsewhere.


While I understand and appreciate your position for me the value I have gotten and continue to get from this website allows me to easily ignore what does not appeal to me. Yes I have been attacked in the past and expect to be attacked in the future but that is what makes up life. I refuse to park my car because there have been a few car accidents over the last few months. Just my two cents.


Freedom of association whatsoever, group of any kind, affiliation of different party is always and has remained upon different debate and reasoned approach to be by choice.

Iā€™ve got no problem with bots, inasmuch theyā€™ve got nothing to do with me, Meanwhile i havent come across anything so far since my participation on this forum to upset me in any way soever.

Jįŗ¹jįŗ¹ lā€™į»mį» ƈkĆ³ nlį»

Itā€™s your decision anyway and goodluck with that. I believed the ADMIN will see this and do something.

Meanwhile if you ever reconsider your thought, iā€™ve got this beer for you :beer: Chug!


At the end of the day BP is internet media - I doubt very much that it is possible to have an open media without drawing attention of bots - Elon Musk says he is spending millions trying to exclude them and from what I see with little success.

Delve deeper into our smart phone with assoc watch and the bots are hard at work even if apparently silent.

I run a few closed sites and they try their best there too.


What planet are you on? Theyā€™re not ā€œdrawing attentionā€ of bots: theyā€™re using and paying for a traffic-farm bot forum-posting service!!

Really? Heā€™s never done anything before, when so many people have said exactly the same as Maria. And as she explained heā€™s actually the person whose stubbornness has created all these problems over so many years.

That sentence shows you how the staff respond to the problems when theyā€™re reported. My guess is that theyā€™ll lock this thread pretty soon, to prevent further discussion - it looks like thatā€™s what theyā€™ve always done in the past, with these conversations?

That says it all. Exactly as so many others here have now been saying so many times over so many years, this forum really deserves a Super-Grandmaster Award for its absolutely unparalleled mastery at turning goodwill into frustration and eventually anger. Such a pity, when it could all so easily have been so different, and so many people wanted to help and tried to.

Ok am I the only one noticing @pipsteroid and @maria_fp all sound the sameā€¦ These two accounts seem to all have the same concern.


Likeā€¦ Iā€™d do a side by side comparison of how these two accounts write in the same style WITH the same exact sentiments and concernsā€¦ Itā€™s just so SUS for a new account with less than one month of experience in this forum to have soooo much to say about the community?? Idk could be just me!

And tbh, these two accounts also sound like ANOTHER account. But I could be overthinking it. I could do more digging but I have better use of my time lol like I should totally be starting up a new trading journal for 2024 instead. cc: @dushimes


What forum are you on? - after 2 months you are griping on how itā€™s run - then again the OP is complaining after 2 weeks

Wise up and join the 21st century - bots and all


He says ā€œso many yearsā€ hereā€¦ but in the post below he says heā€™s only been a forum member for a month or so.

He did expound and say he couldnā€™t join forums due to his job but that should mean he wasnā€™t ACTIVE here. o__O

@maria_fp meanwhile, unlike most new members goes hard at the forum admins within the first two posts. Iā€™ve been here for a long time and this is not normal behavior for new members especially for someone who claims English is not their first language. There are of course exceptions to the rule buuuut all of this just seems soooooo suspiciously coincidental.

If you take a closer look at these two (three if I were to be extra diligent), youā€™d see how these two just follow each other around. Much like the bots they like to complain about. :skull:

@Pipsteroid seems to be on a first name basis with the admin here since he keeps saying ā€œheā€ as if they know each other. In two months!


In conclusion: I think this person has been around here for a long time and is now using multiple accounts. Lots of time on their hands thatā€™s for sure. I think itā€™s nice that he cares so much about the bots ruining the experience (which I agree with btw) but this dramatic way of creating multiple accounts and posting departure announcements isā€¦ just not it.


Iā€™ve noticed that too but chose to ignore. And here are my reasons maybe @maria_fp & @Pipsteroid can do some few questions to answer.

  1. Like @peterma said, i doubt thereā€™s a site in this 21st century without bots. Trust me thereā€™s nothing we, not even you can do about it. It takes time, money and everything you can ever think of to get rid of 1% of bot invasion on whatever program you running.
    Mark Zuckerberg tried every means but failed despite the amount of verification process it takes just to get rid of them, Musk yā€™all take to be the smartest man did same but his smartness couldnt beat their invasion.
    You would be shock to know close to 30% of verified users on X are run by bots.

Rather than making pointless moves, i believe the best way to all of these is to IGNORE

Appreciate BP for its best part. As a matter of fact, there are much more bots on ForexFactory than they are on BP, yet i enjoy them all for them.

I think the worst of bots you might ever get here on BP is getting spam messages to your inbox, flagged those accounts which brings the awareness of the ADMIN or perhaps Ignore.

Are you worried about their post?! What exactly went wrong with them? Are they extremely irrelevant to trading and calls for zero participation? I doubt if i have ever come across such post here. Post outside trading topics are in the Lobby category, making all things equal.

  1. How do you guys @maria_fp & @Pipsteroid and like other users who would make such claims arrived at this that BP makes money bypassing traffic with bots invasion? Seriously, it still shocks me how you guys arrived at this.
    If BP is guilty of these, does it calls for concern?
    If it calls for concern, has it ever influenced the quality of post here on BP?
    If it has ever does, in what ways is that?

  2. If you think i never made any sense, letā€™s have a roundtable, make it makes sense.
    I think am suck of these kinda topics popping up every of the time, letā€™s disagree to agree and ends it here, no more.

Warm Regards,


Ayo - you are right , ppl get themselves hung up on the bots but thing is their intelligence is artificial - strange thing is they have a difficulty recognizing each other.

Btw Iā€™ve posted recently how to switch on the ignore feature on BP for pmā€™s - works wonders :slight_smile:


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if some of the people who posted in this thread are the same person under different accounts

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@maria_fp & @Pipsteroid
Itā€™s a free forum, and thereā€™s TONS and TONS of information. And youā€™re complaining about a few posts?!

Toughen up your leather instead of behaving like ungrateful spoiled brats. No one wants to hear your complaints. If you want the forum to get better, do something constructive; ask admin how you can help. If you donā€™t wanna do that, fine. Relax, ignore what you donā€™t like, and enjoy the forum

I suggest @maria_fp and @Pipsteroid learn from these two posts.

Just enjoy the forum and chill out. Itā€™s not that serious.


I was sad to read this post after all that BabyPips forum has done for their members - free service and all. My sadness is only for the post originator. I could use many metaphors to describe my sadness but the one I will use in this case is glass half full or glass half empty. My recent experience with BabyPips goes back about 4 years but I had previously been a member over a decade ago. Whilst the bot phenomenon is a recent annoyance, it is no more prevalent on BabyPips than it is on any other forum or social media site I have used over the past two years.

Letā€™s analyze the glass half empty situation of the post originator. maria_fp carries the subtitle ā€œschool of pipsology graduateā€, which is something to be proud of. A free course with free support from thousands of members whose only goal is to help other members to understand the content of the course (and in my case reinforce that my own knowledge is fact based by absorbing constructive criticism from other members when warranted).

It has been my experience since deciding about twelve years ago to be an unpaid mentor to selected people I have met in my business and personal life, that the majority (over 90% in my case) of beneficial recipients of training, coaching, mentorship or just plain time spent helping others, do not ā€œpay it forwardā€ by using their own time to train, coach, mentor or just plain spend time with others in reciprocation of that knowledge and experience given freely by others.

Far from being appreciative, or even just silent, many choose to bite the hand that feeds them and complain in public about the shortcomings of such providers of benefit. This is truly a mindset problem for those who choose to complain about life. It is always somebody elseā€™s ā€œfaultā€.

For those members who are grateful, as I am, for the free services given to members by those who govern, lead and manage BabyPips, you have my best wishes for success in 2024 and beyond.

For any members who feel it necessary to have their half empty glasses emptied some more, please take a new year resolution to take that negative energy somewhere else.

I wish you all the best for the future, but please donā€™t waste the time of genuine members on such pointless posts.


Yup. @Pipsteroid just posted the exact same thread as @maria_fp
Well, for the first time, Iā€™m making use of the ignore button twice in one day.


I do never like seeing posts like this in a forum.

The post creates a solem picture.

But do we actually know if it is? Are we to trust that the people who post about problems are individuals with real input concerning real problems?

Or are the issues they propose overinflated.

Perhaps these are pressing problems?

Well. Either way. This is probably the first and last time I make a post about these topics.


To get a general idea of whether this is an issue or not, maybe we should start posting our personal experiences.

In my experience, I had no idea there was a problem, bots or spammers. Neither of them affected me