Why trading small accounts is not worth it

But what strategy is that ? Is it some kind of Martingale involved ? What’s your average risk to reward ratio on your trades ?

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Totally agree with you here. The amount of money is neither here nor there. It’s the principles.

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I was thinking about suretrader, but from what I’ve heard their fees are extremely high.

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My journey on live account started from $1K I deposited it to Hotforex and started with scalping on liquid pairs using low leverage. I quickly realised that it is boring and tried a couple of trades with higher leverage. More profits alternated with greater loss and I realised that equity swings increased and some bad streak of trades will quickly drain my account to zero. So I stopped using high leverage altogether.

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IMHO there is no difference whether you are using leverage or not. Just control your margin rate while trading. It is all about planning. Don’t get headache by overanalyzing with indicators. Some of them are very useless. :grinning:


Week 4 and week 5/1 day mission completed.

This week’s target: 24000 USD


It is hard???

I beg to differ, I think it is pretty easy to blow your account which I am close to doing right now coz the account is holding unto a thin thread

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No, It is not hard as you think.
Ingredients for successful trading:

  1. Patience
  2. Analytical thinking
  3. Making orders according to your judgement

***Find someone who can trade for you :grinning:

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Update for today

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This week’s target is already done. I have three days.
Next week’s (week 6) target 48000.
What do you think? Done 5 weeks. Left 3 weeks, may be less.
Thank you in advance.

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Good luck with that

Thank you!

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Looking forward to 2nd and third option.


Forget it. You have not considered spreads and commissions. Your account will be dust in a live environment,

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There is no zero comission brokers? Are spreads more than 100 points? Know what you are talking about. Don’t talk nonsense.
Solution what you are talking about:
Zero comission and tight spread brokers

Where there’s a will there’s a way
There will always be believers and non-believers

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Go and do it then we’ll see who knows what.

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Sure, I will do it. First of all, I want to test my strategy. If I can’t blow my account on demo, I won’t do it on real one too. I started with 500 USD. I thought it would be more realistic.

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Kindly do share with us, not just the result but also the psychological part, all the emotions. We would appreciate it too

Left 3000 USD for the next weeks target. 5-10 losses/270 trades
The losses were made to trade more profitable moments.
This week was too profitable. I made my trading easier than before.
Be patient and wait for the moment. There are plenty if you can see and feel it.

Where there’s a will there’s a way
There will always be believers and non-believers


Generous couple | EURUSD

Next week’s target is completed this week.
48000 USD :100:
So the next week’s target will be 96000 USD.

Where there’s a will there’s a way
There will always be believers and non-believers