Willing to share the secrets

Say im sorry master i will never challenge youre greatness again im obviously mistaken. Say it mondeo! You want to know the apps or not

A few of you have already committed to training with me, not because you are naive, its actually the opposite. You are curious and show signs of true humility. That is the correct approach when someone has what you want and doesnt owe you anything. You do get that its a zero sum game and we are rivals right? Im here extending my operation, not to make friends. Convince me to share my exploits with you and consider yourself lucky if we even get to that point.

Zero sum means if you are getting filled at the price i want my orders filled. It would be stupid of me to give a bunch of people my liquidity no? Come correct, respect that im sharing a solution that i sacrificed a part of my life building. Im here for now but the abundant fear is contagious, I have to be cautious with you entitled brats. We are all similiarly flawed, get over yourself and actually learn this craft that can set you free.

Imagine the impact you could have on this world. If you are not thinking big like that it may take you longer to make it. The only thing in your way is the indifference of good men. Care is fuel

Lol - is that the ‘royal we’ or are there more of you.

Btw may I congratulate you on the ego - Michael has influenced that - although maybe just not as perfect yet, but practice makes perfect.

No mention of that old trader who had a big influence early - wee test, who?

Oh - perhaps you should know what a Mondeo is in the UK, to save you time it’s the opposite of a Lamborghini.

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Michael is actually humble. You must be in order to admit and filter out all those wrong ideas you had during system development. Personal growth is a part of becoming a trader, there is no way around it. I may jokingly say things like “call me master” that you can later use to say im cocky. Things must go over your head alot.

Success or lack there of in this game is a sign of your internal control. If you have conquered trading, humility comes with that organically, you have no choice. Whats on display here is me doing to you what the market did to you, rejecting your fears and the ego comes with it. Your lack of trading success is directly linked to your inability to admit you dont know, you are the one with an ego problem. Like i said before you have a long way to go. Your attitude stinks

When i first started i was desparate to find someone willing to share a system that satisfied my intuitive growth standard. Although my desparation was no match for my ego at the time. I sounded like some of you guys here, everyone was fake, all mentors were scams and no one is sharing the good stuff, i was entitled and was not getting what i wanted, i knew it would take time, i would have to humble myself, prove my worthiness of such a lucrative engagement, it was time to grow up, and i dont mean age, i mean start the endless process of admitting you are wrong and adjusting, over and over and over for years. You get good at sensing your rate of innovation. Yea so I used to think im going to have to figure this out on my own, im the hero, im the best and if i cant do it these idiots sure cant either, damn scammers. Sound like anyone on here?? Instead of labeling mentors as vague mysterious scammers i should have just understood that when you develop a trading model that works the instinct is to keep it to ourselves, even when i teach, a part of me is encrypting the lesson, the selfish part of me. The mentors i was following at the time, lori and ict, were actually giving us the real stuff point blank, i mislabled them as vague, i was just ignorant, acting like an idiot.

I came up with an objective, to familiarize myself with all the currency pairs and assume all my ideas worked, then backtest each one for consistency. For the last decade, every single idea that has popped into my head has been documented, i used to think of stuff while laying in bed and tell myself i will remember the next day, not getting up to spend a few more hours in a creative loop, was slowing me down. Can you establish this type if discipline, is the payoff of becoming a trader enticing enough for you? This is why i needed a bigger reason outside of myself to fuel my drive because after a couple of years, the time i was investing wasnt worth a lambo or a nice house anymore, i had to become selfless, virtuous grand scheme thinking of solving global issues and crisis, to reduce the suffering by a significant margin before my death, that way i die with a smile knowing i didnt waste my life. Suddenly i was never tired and every second i spent was more than worth it.

When i teach i naturally think, this kid better not be wasting my time, he better be worthy of this, do we even realize the level of freedom trading offers, the ultimate reward, the only invaluable currency, time. So i go slow with my students, make them do the leg work because at the end of the day, i made the sacrifice, I dont have to teach you shet. Im human and unlike many people im willing to admit that im no exception, im not immune to these instinctual flaws.

Its ok to ask for help, and it is ok to have big dreams and succeed in life. Did you know that every single concept you think of, while foggy at first, can be crystalized, concluded on. The crystalized version is required in order to test consistency. At some point i will create a detailed process of every piece of the developmental puzzle, what was going through my mind, how i came up with ideas, and what each idea goes through. There are techniques to discover effects more efficiently

My ultimate dream is to have a concrete procedure that turns people into multi millionaires. My entire company will be a self sustaining force, deploying global scalable civil protocols. If you have what it takes you are welcome, if you dont thats cool too, theres nothing wrong with learning from our limits. If you are still thinking about mentors the way i used to, I promise you have a long way to go. You care the most whether you make it or not so if this is a hobby to you, we care even less, we are self absorbed in our own stuff and have no problem leaving you behind. Wake up

Clearly you are not Michael.

Glad to hear that I’ve a long way to go - I’m officially retiring in 2 weeks time.

As for ego - good chance I’ve forgotten more about the market than you’ll ever know :slight_smile:

Btw the old trader is of course Larry Williams which if you’d listened you would have known (although I now drop the ‘old’ part - he is 79 yrs young)

Bye - and is it GLGT?

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Weren’t you saying something about humility a second ago?

Lol - here in Ireland we would call JC great craic.

Takes a wee bit of fun to lighten things up from time to time - now off to sunny Wexford for some real craic - then back to the hum drum Monday :slight_smile:


Enjoy yourself.

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Stirring the pot

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The true definition of humility is commonly unknown, understandably you are no exception to being influenced into misconeiving its meaning. Stop being lazy and master the difference between confidence and arrogance. Its hard to find the threshold and obtain clarity but if youre on your grind youll find the sweetspot. Dont tell me you fall for the act when someone shows modesty. This is what direct honest responses look like to my students, you are all my students, fear produces behavior that is unfavorable to your progress so I shut that down. i will share as much as i can but my focus will be with those that do less acting and posing and more investigative work

Ponponwei ive been laughing all day at that gif, hilarious. Im just trying to stop people from trapping themselves

i can tell you how to lockup jcena’s nonsense in two seconds…

if everybody asks him to SHOW US THREE LIVE TRADES…

your move, mr jcena.

jc has been round the block almost as much as me - he has stirred a few pots and that is the key to trading - think outside the box - but big time - do not give him your CC

jc has been round the block almost as much as me

mentors tend to get their feathers ruffled when you ask to see them trade in real time.

i dont get it.

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The first thing i do with a student is take a live trade. Doesnt make any difference in their learning curve but i do it anyway. I then break down every step in the process which also does very little to their conviction levels in a system. There is no way around chris loris trader development model, we must submit to time until it all clicks on a psychological level

The word Mentor is rarely mentioned on here ,usually the odd post from beginner s