World Politics, Good Or Bad

What I don’t understand is how this orange rubber faced giant oompa loompa keeps bagging the ladies. I mean, that’s gotta be his defence, they just needs to say:

“Judge, come on how, look at this orange faced pillock. Are you telling me that he can bed a load of chicks? No, you’re right, he can’t”

Case closed.

Thank you fir that clip - As a resident of UK I was at a loss to understand what exactly he is charged with and that something was being witheld from what I was hearing !

It seems I am not alone - even the prosecutor doesn’t seem to know !


during our history, there have been times when you did not enjoy the benefits of an attorney and jury and judge, but instead you would be judged and imprisoned or worse by a dictatorship. a few periods in our history are easy to remember such as stalin, hitler, caligula, etc…

do you know what i find to be more interesting than anything else? why is it that the current LGBT movement DEMANDS more respect than we give to our own president? if we were to modify the comment that was made above so that it is speaking about the LGBT instead of PRESIDENT TRUMP, there would be an outrage.

do you see my point? the LGBT/TRANSGENDER community demands more respect than we give to the PRESIDENT.


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Give respect to this guy

ok, i can play that game…

lets show respect to this guy now…

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No one is calling to respect that guy, you point is totally off

my point is that the LGBT demands respect. They demand that i use proper pronouns when i address them or they will try to get me fired and socially cancelled and this is precisely what you are doing to mr trump.

you disrespect mr trump because your intent is to “cancel” him as the elected president.

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so you think a president can be cancel.

yes, i do think, thank you for recognizing this.

People should keep quiet and not express their opinions about the president, :joy:

that is the bottom line, isnt it? spoken like a true dictator.

here, so you can understand

You think People should keep quiet and not express their opinions about the president

I’m going to say it so you understand. You are not a programmer. You are not a trader. You are only a foreign agent with a sharp tongue.

Now we all understand.

President Trump was provided a link to this thread.

I would enjoy being his senior advisor.

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I’m not really sure what the LGBTIQA+ community has to do with Trump.

From a trader’s perspective, there are several ways in which President Trump’s policies can be beneficial. One of the main benefits is the overall bullish sentiment in the stock market since his election. Trump has implemented pro-business policies that have resulted in an increase in corporate profits, which in turn has driven stock prices higher. This has created more opportunities for traders to profit from the market.

Furthermore, Trump’s policies have also brought about increased market volatility and liquidity. While this can be seen as a negative aspect for some traders, it can also be viewed as an opportunity for traders who are able to navigate the volatility and take advantage of price movements. Trump’s policies have also created a more predictable market directional bias, which can be useful for traders in developing their trading strategies.

In addition, Trump’s policies have included significant tax cuts for businesses and individuals, which has resulted in increased consumer spending and a boost in the economy. This has also translated to higher earnings for companies, leading to a positive impact on stock prices.

Overall, President Trump’s policies have created a market environment that is favorable for traders. The bullish sentiment, increased volatility, and tax cuts have all contributed to a more profitable trading environment. However, it is important to note that there are also potential risks and uncertainties associated with Trump’s policies, and traders should always conduct thorough analysis and risk management before making any trading decisions.


A couple of points here - I’m currently re–readoing this ;

When speaking of “Leaders of the crowd” he says Prestige is a huge predictor of success and whilst we cannot define what exactly confers prestige - he says that it can be destroyed - although “Never by reason” but that

"Prestige lost by a want of success disappears in a briefspace of time. It can be worn away, but more slowly by being subject to discussion ! This latter power however is exceedingly sure. "

Clearly Pres Trump’s Prestige is not waning through “Lack of success” - so the “Latter” seems to be what they are up to here - If Le Bon is to be believed (and I think his credentials are impeccable) - then it doesn’t matter whether Trump is found “guilty” or exonerrated - the very act of “Discussion” will eventually destroy his prestige ! Note - How Biden’s clear gaffs and grievous family antics in demanding money from Chinese and Demending that the Prosector in Ukraine be sacked receive NO discussion in the media !

My other point is that I would have Voted Trump in the first Election without hesitation - I would NOT have voted for him the second time - because he betrayed the strongest part of his power base - exactly thoise same people who were counting on him for a Champion - when he refused to make “Maintenance payments” extorted from young(ish) competent men - tax deductible ! - I believe that is why he lost the second time and why he will lose again ! - Men are saying
"OK - call us when the lights go out in New York!"


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When in Europe oft times it’s “The States” or “U.S.”- although met a nice couple who immediately identified as “New York” .
In fairness the most common response is “we are American”.

Here in Ireland we call you guys “Yanks” - it’s a friendly term mostly because many families, including my own, have close U.S connections.

We are not really into the Rep/Dem thing - I remember JFK coming - huge excitement in my Grandma’s house, then Ronald Reagan, he came to visit a village which in 2016 recorded 318 inhabitants - but he was one of us.

Pres Clinton came during our peace process, Pres Trump came recently (and had a game of golf, spotted some school children and there was an impromptu chat - no media).

So now we are looking forward to Pres Biden next week.

Btw not sure that ppl from Pakistan or India would consider each other the same country - but that’s a different story.

If you are interested you can go to Google and search for “when did Pakistan separate from India” and then you will understand that it took place in 1947.

In a nutshell Pakistan used to be India.

Much appreciation for your kind response.


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Aye - I hear you.

USA used to be Britain, Ireland likewise.

Like I said better to ask a Pakistan person does he considers his country part of India.

No need for google - my next door neighbor’s country was once part of USSR - he would take great offence if I were to suggest that his country and Russia, in your words, are really the same country.

Sometimes I wonder you younger guys - imagine one of the most militarized borders in the world?

Edit - and no it’s nowhere near Russia

The borders of this world are now being eliminated we will soon be under the governing body of the world economic forum and NATO and China and Islam.

We already live in a global marketplace, because of the Internet connecting everybody like it does. 100 years ago you couldn’t buy a fuel filter from Alibaba and have it shipped by airplane to your home from another country on the other side of the world but now you can.

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