World Politics, Good Or Bad

Try searching the internet for “died suddenly”.

The vaccine causes massive blood clotting which is very deadly.

I have known several people that got vaccinated and died the next day.



The Chinese military have stated that they have ‘successfully completed’ their military operations around the island of Taiwan this morning.

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What has actually happened was there was an election for a new Assembly.

The main opposition party, Sinn Fein won a majority for the first time in the history of NI. This meant that the new First Minister would be from that party - the new Assembly never got to function re objection from Unionists as per the report.

Pres Biden coming to Belfast this evening for a single visit to a University. It was hoped that he could visit the Assembly and urge politicians to re-start Government in the interests of all NI - but sadly that idea was cancelled apparently by the UK PM in order not to ruffle feathers.

The President will spend the rest of his visit in the Republic.


A lesson from the Russian/Ukraine war is that numbers and distance in modern warfare count for less. Russia supposed that it would make the short journey to Kyiv centre in 2 days.

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When drugs are rushed to market without extensive testing they are extremely dangerous, and we won’t know the full impact or danger until a decade or more later.

This is not a good idea at the moment, I believe it will push inflation back up

Stimulus Update: New Proposal Could Give Americans Monthly $1,200 Checks

In an April 9 op-ed, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) voiced her opinion on supporting two proposals which could benefit millions of American families. The first would “provide an income floor for everyone” in “the face of inequality.” Meanwhile, the second proposal would make the expanded child tax credit (CTC) permanent.

First, Omar said she will keep pushing for measures such as guaranteed income through legislative proposals like the SUPPORT Act. The SUPPORT act would ostensibly send $1,200 per month to every adult — and $600 per month to every child — through local governments via cash payments over a five-year period.

“This bill builds on successful guaranteed income pilot programs we have seen in localities nationwide, including in Minneapolis and St. Paul,” she wrote.

End Child Poverty Act Could Be An Alternative

In addition, Omar, along with Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), and Jesús García (D-Ill.), re-introduced the End Child Poverty Act, which would replace the CTC and the child provisions in the earned income tax credit (EITC) with a Universal Child Benefit, according to a statement.

The three lawmakers said in an April 6 announcement that on the federal level, this program would be universal and include no income phase-ins or phase-outs.

Children would be automatically enrolled at birth, and every family would receive a monthly payment — distributed by the Social Security Administration — for every child they are currently caring for up until the age of 18.

It appears that the person who leaked classified military documents has been located.

Guardsman arrested in leak of classified military documents

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Massachusetts Air National Guard member who has emerged as a main person of interest in the disclosure of highly classified military documents was taken into custody Thursday by federal agents, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced.

Investigators believe that the guardsman, who specializes in intelligence, led the online chat group where the documents were posted. Garland identified the guardsman as 21-year-old Jack Teixeira, and said he would be charged with the unauthorized removal of classified national defense information.

FBI agents converged Thursday at Teixeira’s Massachusetts home and heavily armed tactical agents took Teixeira, who was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, into custody outside the property, “without incident," Garland said.

He will have an initial court appearance in federal court in Massachusetts, Garland said.

Who is Jack Teixeira, the Massachusetts Air National Guard member arrested in Pentagon leak case?

The 21-year-old intelligence specialist was taken into custody by the FBI at his home in Dighton, Mass., on Thursday.

Jack Teixeira, a 21-year-old member of the U.S. National Guard, was arrested Thursday in connection with the alleged disclosure of highly classified military documents on the war in Ukraine.

Teixeira, an airman first class with the Massachusetts Air Force National Guard’s 102nd Intelligence Wing, based on Cape Cod, was taken into custody by federal agents at his home in Dighton, Mass., about 45 miles south of Boston and 15 miles east of Providence, R.I.

Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Teixeira’s arrest in a brief statement at the Justice Department. Garland said that Teixeira surrendered “without incident” and would be charged with the unauthorized removal of classified national defense information. The investigation is ongoing, Garland added.

Does this guy really believe what he says or is he just playing to the emotional difficulties of his fan base?

Tucker Carlson Whines Suspected Pentagon Leaker Treated ‘Even Worse’ Than Bin Laden

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson gave a bizarre defense of suspected intelligence leaker Jack Teixeira on Thursday night. The primetime host claimed that federal authorities arrested Teixeira to cover up a covert, illegal US presence in Ukraine, and as punishment for contradicting “the National Security State and their obedient servants in the media.”

Teixeira, a 21-year-old Air National Guardsman, is suspected of having posted highly classified documents on a private Discord server. The documents were later reposted from the server to other public forums.

“Tonight, the news media are celebrating the capture of the kid who told Americans what’s actually happening in Ukraine,” Carlson told viewers. He continued, “They are treating him like Osama Bin Laden, maybe even worse actually, because, unlike Al Qaeda, apparently, this kid is a racist.” The host was referring to reports that the Discord server in which Teixeira shared the documents contained several racist memes.

@peterma - see how the troll completely ignores your points and just spouts garbage for the next 5 posts (IT started the thread so the “3postsrule” - does not apply.

Waste your breath on the AI Bot-troll if you wish - but many of us here do not bother with IT any more !

Falstaff, I don’t understand why you post here, if you have something to say, post it or do you want to troll here? What you describe as a troll is becoming your reality

It is very sad to see you become the troll you described

Perhaps the troll will be happy about this

‘Ukraine Suffered 131,000 Casualties’: U.S. reveals Kyiv’s war losses | Russia bombs Kherson

The bloodline of evil men is to bring horror to the world rather than goodness, this is their ultimate goal.

You figure after the abortion ban, the weight will be on men to shield themselves from having babies other than utilizing condoms, vasectomy is another way

A ‘vasectomy revolution’ threatens to plunge America into a population crisis

When America’s Supreme Court overturned the historic Roe vs Wade ruling that made abortion a federally protected right, it triggered a fierce debate over women’s freedom – and led to a total ban on the procedure in 13 states.

Campaigners on both sides had predicted precisely such an outcome, but there was another unexpected side effect. America is now undergoing what urologist Esgar Guarín, of the SimpleVas clinic in Iowa, dubs a “vasectomy revolution”.

Across the country, more and more men are choosing to have the operation because they no longer have a back up option.

“Within the first 48 hours of the overturning of Roe v Wade, our clinic saw a 300pc increase in the traffic to our website. Then we had a 100pc increase in the number of vasectomies that we do in the clinic,” Guarín says.

I was replying to TWB who was making a valid point re Chinese intentions on Taiwan.

Many years ago 1st thing in the morning before work was BBC breakfast news on TV - this was new cos before that it was the radio.

The BBC, in it’s wisdom, did a story each morning on the changing China - though still the streets were filled with bikes.

One morning they interviewed a UK retailer who had a store in a new state of the art Chinese super mall. He has just been told to vacate his shop - no reason given, except that he’d been told that the new tenant was Chinese and selling a similar product.
‘What about your lease contract?’’ asked the BBC reporter.

‘This is China’ was his response.

Values that we hold in a democracy are not the same values elsewhere.

Pres Biden made that same point here in Ireland this week.

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So you were - can’t imagine how I got the wrong end of the stick like that !

Apologies :sunglasses:

No need to apologize - here we love the craic. - (pronounced as ‘crack’ but means banter, not drugs)

Pres Biden was over and we enjoyed in the craic as he did.

In Co. Mayo he closed his speech with “Mayo for Sam”

Some US conspiracy theorists figured that he meant ‘fight the brits’ using surface to air missiles

That’s the downside of the internet.

Know the good side? - guys like me and you can get to interact without ever meeting - then again maybe next time we will - with a pint or two.


Why Do Some People Believe in Conspiracy Theories?

Psychology of conspiracy theories

Conspiracy theories often take flight during unsettling times.

Why is that?

Painful and uncertain times might lead many people to find alternative ways to make sense of such a shocking or painful situation.

Following a conspiracy theory might help you feel you understand the events, and, in turn, this could alleviate some uncertainty and anxiety.

There’s more to conspiracy theories than the need to make sense of shocking events, though.

Personality traits of conspiracy theorists

Is everyone vulnerable to conspiratorial thinking? Not necessarily.

Conspiracy theory experts have found that certain cognitive styles and personality traits might be common among people who believe in them.

According to a 2018 study, people who believe in conspiracy theories tend to show personality traits and characteristics such as:

  • paranoid or suspicious thinking
  • eccentricity
  • low trust in others
  • stronger need to feel special
  • belief in the world as a dangerous place
  • seeing meaningful patterns where none exist

The strongest predictor of belief in conspiracy theories, according to the study, is having a personality that falls into the spectrum of schizotypy.

Schizotypy is a set of personality traits that can range from magical thinking and dissociative states to disorganized thinking patterns and psychosis.

Examples of mental health conditions in the schizotypy spectrum include schizotypal and schizoid personality disorders and schizophrenia.

Not all schizotypy personality traits translate into a personality or psychiatric disorder, though.

Many people have one or two symptoms of schizotypy but don’t qualify for a full diagnosis.

Preliminary research also suggests that belief in conspiracy theories is linked to people’s need for uniqueness. The higher the need to feel special and unique, the more likely a person is to believe a conspiracy theory.

Other personality traits commonly linked to the tendency to believe or follow conspiracy theories include:

Reckon so mate ! :sunglasses:

The more I look at this stuff - the less convinced I am that there is really so much about “our form of democracy” which is inherently superior to other forms of dictatorship !


That’s always been the behavior of men before democracy even existed.