World Politics, Good Or Bad

The biggest traitors in America will not be external forces, but rather those who exist within

MAGA-world is rushing to defend Jack Teixeira, the accused Pentagon leaker who allegedly dumped secret documents online to impress his teenage gamer buddies

  • Trump’s allies are rushing to the defense of the accused Pentagon leaker.
  • MTG suggested Jack Teixeira is being singled out for being “white, male, christian, and antiwar.”
  • The leak represents the worst military intelligence breach in roughly a decade.

Prominent figures associated with former President Donald Trump and the far right have rushed to the defense of Jack Teixeira, the 21-year-old Air National Guardsman who has been charged in connection with the leak of dozens of secret Pentagon documents. To them, Teixeira is a martyr for revealing the truth about the stalemated war in Ukraine to the American people.

But accounts of why he allegedly shared the secrets paint a more complicated picture.

Rather than a feeling of grand patriotism, Teixeira was largely driven by a desire to inform and impress the mostly teenage gamers he befriended online, according to accounts by those friends reported by the Washington Post and New York Times. Known to them mostly as OG, he didn’t intend for the documents to be shared across the internet to provoke a broad public debate about continued US support for the war or the gathering and dissemination of US intelligence. He also reportedly expressed racist and antisemitic views in discussions with his gamer friends.

Not fit for office? Brennan, Graham blast Marjorie Taylor Greene for defending Pentagon leak suspect

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., blasted his fellow Republican lawmaker, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., for defending the 21-year-old Air National Guardsman who is accused of leaking sensitive documents from the Pentagon.

Graham said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that Greene’s remarks could “destroy America’s ability to defend itself.”

“The way we gather intelligence protects our country,” Graham said. “There are military members serving today from Georgia and other places who are less safe because of what this airman did.”

The problem is getting worse

One of the most prolific pro-Russia propaganda channels is run by a US Navy veteran living in Washington

  • A popular pro-Russia social-media account is run by a Navy veteran, per reports.
  • Donbass Devushka, whose real name is Sarah Bils, previously claimed to be from Eastern Europe.
  • The account helped to spread the leaked Pentagon documents that were posted on Discord.

A social-media account that spread misinformation about the war in Ukraine and pro-Russian war talking points was created by former US Navy non-commissioned officer, The Wall Street Journal confirmed in an exclusive interview.

Sarah Bils is a 37-year-old woman in Oak Harbor, Washington, who served at the US Naval Air Station on Whidbey Island until November of 2022, online Navy records show. Bils’ identity was first uncovered by users on Twitter and Reddit, and first reported by an advocacy site mainly posting about the war known as Malcontent News.

Online, however, Bils goes by the name Donbass Devushka, and her account sometimes posts graphic images of the fighting, praises the brutal wing of the Russian military

A lot of Fox News’ activities had been exposed; the network was becoming embarassed, Too embarassing to continue.

Live updates: Dominion v. Fox News trial ends with last-minute $787 million settlement

The highly anticipated trial in the defamation lawsuit brought by Dominion Voting Systems against Fox News began and ended Tuesday with a $787 million settlement between the two parties.

After a lengthy recess, Delaware Superior Court Judge Eric Davis dismissed the jury and announced that the issue was “resolved” prior to the opening arguments. Dominion has accused the conservative cable news giant of knowingly, and repeatedly, broadcasting guests’ and hosts’ baseless allegations after the 2020 presidential election that Dominion’s voting machines were rigged to help Joe Biden steal the election from then-President Donald Trump.

Fox News argued that it was simply reporting on the newsworthy voter fraud allegations that Trump and his allies were promoting in the wake of the election, and that the broadcasts in question should be protected under the First Amendment.

A variety of leadership styles, first time I seen this in England but i guess it was done before

Rishi Sunak escorted by ‘North Korean-style’ motorcade to avoid Extinction Rebellion

Rishi Sunak was escorted through central London by a “North Korean-style” motorcade featuring dozens of jogging police officers in a bid to evade Extinction Rebellion.

A fleet of cars containing the Prime Minister was spotted on Sunday - the day of the London marathon - surrounded by one set of policemen on bicycles and another on foot.

A video shared on Twitter showed one police officer on a bike leading the convoy, shouting “out of the way please”.

The policemen were followed by a series of cars and then officers on motorbikes. A police car brings up the rear, with more police officers running at pace behind.

<Rishi Sunak escorted by 'North Korean-style' motorcade to avoid Extinction Rebellion

Muslim is quasi-religion not a race or ethnicity.

What factors determine a person’s religion?

James 1:27

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

Hehe, he cancelled it because Joe is incapable of coherent sentences.

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Haaa, sounds like anyone who believes in this Magical Thinking… In unseen ethereal Deities (Gods) falls right into this conspiracy theology.

Maybe we should censor or cancel the word of God(s) and subsequent teachings since their existence cannot be proven by any science…

Remembering… “We should always Follow the Science…”

Texas 10 commandment In schools fails.

Bill requiring Ten Commandments in Texas classrooms fails in House after missing crucial deadline

Senate Bill 1515 was one of several legislative attempts by conservative Christians to center public life around their religious views.

The bill would have required public school classrooms to display copies of the Ten Commandments that are at least 16 inches wide and 20 inches tall, and “in a size and typeface that is legible to a person with average vision from anywhere in the classroom.”

Democrats in both chambers had fiercely opposed the idea, saying it would be an insult to non-Christian Texans and an attempt to erode the separation of church and state. The legislation was the latest in an ongoing push by conservative Christians to center public life around their religious views. This session, lawmakers have called church-state separation a “false doctrine” as they push legislation that has concerned non-Christian groups, including a bill to allow unlicensed religious chaplains to work in Texas schools. That legislation has been supported by figures that have also endorsed using school chaplains as a tool for evangelism.

The bill comes amid a broader normalization on the right of Christian nationalism, the belief that America’s founding was God-ordained and its institutions and laws should favor Christianity. Recent polling by the Public Religion Research Institute found more than half of Republicans adhere to or sympathize with claims that the U.S. should be a strictly Christian nation. Of those respondents, PRRI found, about half also supported having an authoritarian leader to maintain Christian dominance in society. Experts have also found strong correlations between Christian nationalist beliefs and opposition to immigration, racial justice and religious diversity.

<Bill requiring Ten Commandments in classrooms is dead | The Texas Tribune

Here is the big think - can something emerge from nothing.

Science says no - well maybe not, well possibly yes - the best science can say is that in the realm of quantum physics it is possible to create something from nothing.

The most learned physicists say that the Universe (pre-big bang) was in a state of “abyss” and then there was the Schwinger effect - long story but it begins with “empty space”.

Therein lies the conundrum - empty space is not nothing - it exists as empty space, an abyss, into which the Universe is created - so where did this space come from, was there light in it?

and darkness covered the abyss while the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.

God said, “Let there be light!” And there was light.

With a big bang :slight_smile:
Maybe religion and science are not so seperate.

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Finally, someone gets it :+1:

Not me, there was a scientist back over 2000 yrs who understood the Universe and it’s origin, He also understood it’s end.

“Heaven and earth will pass away”

Science agrees that indeed the Universe will return to it’s original state of “nothingness” - but what about pre-big bang - while the Spirit hovered?

“but my words will never pass away”

What are these words that will never pass away - they are the same that hovered in the abyss.

“your words are Spirit and they are life”

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@SmallPaul, @peterma Haa, you boys… Who try to prove their point by plagiarising scripture at me from an ancient book… Just won’t work…You can’t have your cake and eat it too… You believe in science when it suits your beliefs… Then flip the coin in an attempt to make science fit into your blind faith in ethereal beings…

As Gervais says in the video above, there is over 3000 variations of worshiped Gods… And you two are so arrogant in your blind faith to believe YOUR God is the only true deity.

See, many atheists like myself don’t believe in nothing… We just don’t believe in YOUR version of God… Religion to me is like Stockholm Syndrome… No matter what happens, no matter how bad… There is always a reason that your God let it happen…

This is the same absolute blind faith that global citizen’s put into their Governments and lined up on mass to be inoculated against a virus that instilled absolute horror and fear (fire and brimstone)…

We were suposably guided by the science… Now we are guided by the deafening sci-lence…

With tens of thousands of the multiply vaccinated around the world still dying from both the virus and mysterious circumstances at rates 9-12% above the average mean

In Australia, and no doubt in other parts of the world… More are now dying suddenly at home than died during the second world war…

Blind faith or gullibility as I would refer to it… Can be a very dangerous ideology to have…

No Jabs, No Tests, No Virus, No Fear, No Problems…


No one is trying to make you a believer in anything, but you use my post to essentially tell me that you are a non-believer.

Regardless of what you believe in, my original post started with conspiracy theories, and it was you who brought religion into the mix.

Congrats, you’ve unlocked the next level of stupid

@SmallPaul Just following your lead… of stupid…

Any subject can be intelligently and calmly debated… It’s just that religion is such an irrational, unprovable and emotional topic the more it is discussed…

Eventually… Religious intelligence and spiritual calmness both fly out the window…

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religion has always been a separate topic between believers and non-believers, it goes deeper than what you tried to illustrate

I don’t have all day, hurry up


Your lame attempt to paint all Conspiracy theorists as Schizotypal is just rubbish…

You where once a conspiracy theorist if you thought the world wasn’t the centre of the universe… the Earth was round… You’d fall of the edge if you sailed to far across the ocean… Iraq had no Weapons of mass destruction… COVID originated in a Wuhan Laboratory…

The Government and modern day media use conspiracy theorist to identify anyone and everyone that doesn’t agree with the published narrative… Unfortunately, many simpler thinking citizens now use the same label for people that don’t assign to their own world views…

There you go… We have the discussion back on topic…

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Dude, the words conspiracy theories go back 50 years, even if i give you100 years, religious debate goes back thousands of years between believers and non-believers

We just discovered conspiracy theories and now try to use them in accent timing. It’s like trying to use current cell phones in accent timing.