World Politics, Good Or Bad

@SmallPaul What is wrong with you… Ancient timing… Not accent timing…

As I said… Simpler thinking…

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You are more passionate about making people unbelievers than we are about making you believer,:laughing:

Rubbish… We just had a different name 100’s of years ago… Heretics

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as i stated, do your thing and have fun doing it

Politics and Religion have always been the two biggest topics in the world. Religion deserves its own thread, and like political threads it can go on forever.

Galileo was a brilliant scientist - way ahead of his time.

He was the 1st to conclude that the universe did not revolve around the Earth - the religious authorities declared his synopsis as heretical and either recant or face getting burned - he recanted.

Faith and religion are not the same - faith comes from within me, religion is outside.

Is my faith blind? - good question, if it is blind then it cannot see yet I see my belief in God in action most days - not an imagined way of seeing but a real world, practical way.

I’m in business, 1st rule of thumb is make decisions based on reality - being a dreamer and business is not a great mix - my life is like that - keep it simple.

Once I witnessed a drunken brawl involving 3 men - as I watched there was no time to call the cops, it was acting out fast. I pr :)ayed “Spirit of the living God fall afresh on them” - within an instant they separated with the weakest left still on the ground puzzled as to what just happened.

Thought it funny that calling 911 (999) wld have taken a lot longer :slight_smile:

After some thought figured I’d share another story re faith vs religion - personal but relevant to the discussion.

Back 13 yrs diagnosis was lung cancer (not a smoker btw) - so heading into hospital to get the evil thing binned.
“God send me an Angel - not any old Angel, I want a healing Angel to be with me.”

Religion says don’t put God to the test - but I’m into practicalities and knew I needed help.

On arrival to hospital was told that this is a teaching hospital and wld i agree to a trainee nurse fresh out of uni being assigned to me - that same Angel c/w teeth braces whispered in my ear - Peter, had to get a stool so I could see, they got it all.

The evil was in the bin and God seemed to smile in the eyes of the of the little nurse.

God and religion are not the same.

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Agreed, and thanks for sharing your stories.

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What’s going on with Boris Johnson’s resignation from the UK Parliament?

Watching him, he makes some good points, But talking before a presidential campaign always sounds good to me :grinning:

People are ‘starving’ for conservative principles: Sen. Tim Scott

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There is no point in presidential candidates talking about different U.S. states and what they can accomplish in those states, because their power is not as broad as they think. The governors and state lawmakers in those states have the majority of power; presidential candidates should concentrate on how they can make a difference at the federal level that can affect change throughout the country.

We all assumed he jumped before he was pushed. And we were right.

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It still amazes me to this day how this process worked

Electoral College

The Electoral College decides who will be elected president and vice president of the U.S. Learn who is involved and how the process works.

In other U.S. elections, candidates are elected directly by popular vote. But the president and vice president are not elected directly by citizens. Instead, they are chosen by “electors” through a process called the Electoral College.

The process of using electors comes from the Constitution. It was a compromise between a popular vote by citizens and a vote in Congress.

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When a country experiences internal and external conflicts, turmoil follows, and it usually takes years for the country to recover from these events

Putin says Russia’s answer to Wagner mutiny will be harsh

In a televised address Russian President Vladimir Putin appealed to people within Wagner Group who he said had been deceived, saying any differences should be dropped. However, he said the country was being stabbed in the back, and Russia’s answer to the mutiny would be harsh.

The problem with using mercenaries to fight your war is that they can turn on you, that could be problematic.

Putin now has to defend his country against The Wagner Group mercenaries.

Wagner Group mercenaries seize Russia’s war HQ in Rostov-on-Don ‘coup’ against Putin

The Putin-Prigozhin confrontation has many possible steps and outcomes. Despite Ukrainian and western benefits from the fall of Putin, some possible consequences will not be comfortable.

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Consequences of a coup-.Prigozhin might continue the war in Ukraine and may even use nuclear weapons, The future is unpredictable.

Putin Calls Wagner Occupation of Rostov-on-Don ‘Armed Mutiny’

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for national unity and vowed to do “everything to protect the country” after Russian mercenary forces headed by Yevgeny Prigozhin took control of a southwestern Russian city as part of a possible attempt to march on Moscow.

There is talk in the media about a march on Moscow. Not that they’re reporting having seen it, it seems to be just an image in editors’ heads at the moment.

If the Wagner Group actually marched in numbers on the capital, they could only expect a string of tactical nuclear strikes along the way so the idea sounds just fanciful. And very 19th century.

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That didn’t last long.

RUSSIAN Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin was seen leaving Rostov-on-Don in Russia.

Wagner group fighters have left the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don and are headed back to their field camps, the regional governor said.

Heavily-armed Russian mercenaries who advanced most of the way to Moscow began turning back on Saturday, de-escalating a significant challenge to President Vladimir Putin’s grip on power in a move their leader and the Kremlin said would avoid bloodshed.

Prighozin goes into exile. The mutiny is over. The 25,000-strong Wagner forces remain in Russia.

I wonder what his officers and soldiers think of their leader’s deal.

I wonder what the Russian state thinks of the Wagner group left behind. I wonder if the Russian army thinks the same way as the Russian state.

This is like medieval power games in real time.

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