Would you want to trade with your partner/spouse?

Helloooo! :smiley: Haha. I’ve been trying to convince my boyfriend for the longest time that he should start trading forex with me. :sweat_smile: He says he’ll do it just to shut me up, but never really gets into learning and all. And then I sat him down last night and asked him why he wasn’t trying it out, and he just said that he thinks it’s not a fun thing for partners to do?!?!?! :angry: I mean, I don’t completely disagree, but what do you think? :open_mouth: Would you want your wives/ husbands or girlfriends/ boyfriends to be trading forex with you? :open_mouth:


Not unless they were super-willing. Trade without him but use his money!


I actually wanted to teach my wife how to trade, but she finds it super boring…lol.
Her not being interested in trading has kept my ego in check.
I’ll be like: ‘‘I have traded so well’’.
Her reply: ‘‘Are there traders who are better than you?’’.
Me: ‘‘Yes’’.
Her: ‘‘Then do not become too happy’’.

This worked out well. Too much happiness has made me lose a lot. So your partner/spouse could be your psychological support!


If the interest is there, why not. I think it would awesome to have somebody there with you that you could bounce ideas off.


I guess if it’s just for fun. But definitely not if I’m v serious about making money from it lol.

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There is a saying in my country…

“Donde tengas la olla, no metas la polla”

Hope that was helpful




Thanks for translating! I think @averied nailed it! Losing money on regular basis prob not conducive to kindling romance.

It’s a great idea actually. If the partner is willing to participate then do teach them. Working with your spouse will be fun. You can teach each other and also learn from each other.


OMG HAHA I showed this to him and he agreed to deposit to my account, but only if I stop making him trade with me. :sweat_smile:

Sorry if I giggled while reading that short exchange. :sweat_smile: She really keeps you grounded. Hahaha. :smiley: It’s nice that you’re not taking it against her or that those words didn’t discourage you to keep trading forex. :blush:

He’s definitely the receiver of all my frustrations. :sweat_smile:

That’s true. :smiley: I wonder though if that would mean you guys would be taking the same trades. :sweat_smile:

Unexpectedly, that made sense. :sweat_smile: HAHAHA Thanks for translating it for everyone @ponponwei! :sweat_smile:

That would actually be an interesting bonding experience. :blush: I just hope the frustration and the stress from trading doesn’t get to both of you. :sweat_smile:

I’ve always wanted to get my husband into it but he isn’t very interested, either. I’m sure working full-time is a big part of the problem because he doesn’t have a lot of free time. For now, I imagine that I’d spend a ton of time explaining and teaching him and then he would get bored with it, so that’s why I haven’t pushed much. I do think it would be cool to have two people trading as a couple. :grin:

HAHAHA too funny :rofl:

Obviously, if she has an interest in the market then yes I would let her trade. In fact women excel at whatever they put their hand into, presently my woman is so much interested in trading especially crypto and I have benefited much from her.

Yea that’s dangerous for sure! Ha!

I’d need a partner first. :sob:

emo damage


I mean… what a gem of a quote! Thank you @averied! :joy: