Would you want to trade with your partner/spouse?

OMG :blush: That’s so niceeee! :smiley: First of all, I think it’s great that you were open to learning from your husband, and you didn’t just shrug the idea off! :smiley: I feel like you’ve gone a long way already and I’m sure he’s also proud of you! :smiley: Maybe love goes well with trading after all. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Totally understand! :blush: That’s my bad. Hahaha. :smiley: I guess it was just my excuse to spend more time with him and to show him more of the things I love. :sweat_smile:

Definitely! :blush: I’m sorry if I tried to force him at one point. :sweat_smile:

Right??? That would’ve been ideal. :open_mouth: Learning together and going through the whole process together. :sob: But then it wouldn’t make any sense if they’re not as into it as you are. :sweat_smile:

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