Xirtam's trading journal, growing a small account

Hey man, while I truly appreciate the time you made to write this message, I don’t trade according to pete’s method anymore. I trade Austin Silver’s system now, suits my personality and style of trading a bit more. I don’t post my analysis anymore because I already have a personal journal where I log and journal my trades, so to also do it on this platform wouldn’t benefit me. Also, with respect to the strategy where people pay for I don’t post my whole analysis of the system.

cool dude, and how s the new system treating u?
do u have better results?
if so, way to go!

I like it a lot, started with real money right away and I’m only down 3,10%. So while I was learning to trade the system I managed to keep my head above water. Which is great, expecting to see some real returns in the coming months with my trading. I’ll keep posting on this forum to share my results.

Last week trading results. On the last trade I screwed up my SL which made me take a big loss, that was very unfortunate. Moreover, I was sitting at my desk for 5 hours without a break, this makes my mind very foggy ish, I am far from sharp at those times, this made me take 2 losses. I need to take some breaks away from the screen to keep my mind sharp.

Screenshot 2020-08-31 at 08.40.11

All the very best for your trade. But make sure that you share the strategy with us once it delivers great results.

Thanks, much appreciated.
I won’t share the strategy though, also, just sharing the strategy won’t get anyone profitable I’m afraid. It takes countless of hours analysing, adapting, journaling, reviewing, etc. to get a solid strategy working.

Last week mediocre results, smal loss.

Screenshot 2020-09-07 at 11.54.40

Flat week, so no trades this week. GBP pairs tanked but didn’t really see a clear entry, which is fine. Trading without a clear entry signal is being undisciplined, so I am fine with being flat. Have a good weekend!

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You said you had to pay for the strategy or did I get that part wrong? How does that work? Do they send like a PDF with all the rules or something? :open_mouth:

Hey! In the beginning I was reluctant paying for a strategy, why would anyone sell a course if it’s so successful right. I sort of came back on that idea, although probably 95% of the people who sell courses are completely doing it for their own interest, there are people who genuinely want to create value for other people and in return they get some risk-free cashflow.
To answer your question, I did pay for the strategy. It’s not just a PDF document, it is an extensive video course with everything in it you need to know to trade the strategy. Besides that you enter a discord server with around 500 people, the chat is very active and has a lot of dedicated traders that are already successful with the system.
I did a lot of research on finding a legit group that could bring value to my trading, the majority is fake, but there are some real good guys.

That actually makes sense. I think IN THEORY that is what is to be expected but with so much fraud happening in the forex industry, it’s almost impossible to believe they exist! So good for you for being able to find a rare one!

Once again no trade for me this week, nothing lined up. No FOMO, patiently waiting.

Hello Xirtam001, first off congrats on doing what most traders don’t do and that is journaling and tracking.Respect.

Secondly, apparently you are trading this “system” that you purchased I think? And if so you are of the few that are actually looking at “volume” in forex. Being a specialist in volume, i decided to look at bit closer at this USDJPY on FXCM h1 chart and I have to tell you that however you have learned to read volume, it’s completely wrong.

This infact has BEARISH volume written all over the chart. From hourly and especially daily. It’s no wonder you got stopped out, you actually were trying to go long at the very top of the move as well just look at no surprise how far the market fell. If anything this was a short-setup. But good you at least took your stoploss.

Very good work, first of all, you have to create a good strategy. If you can be profitable by doing demo practice, then you can apply the same formula in live trading. And you have to have a good idea of fundamental news.

Hi man! Thanks for the feedback, I see what you’re saying. This high volume spikes on the 1H are indeed sellers coming in from what I can see now. I probably saw some buying volume off the lower timeframes. I also don’t trade volume, VSA or anything like that anymore. The course I purchased trades very different, so I completely switched!

Hi Kathlyn,

Thanks for your response, I do understand where you’re coming from. I do agree with your first statement, especially for newer traders. However, looking at my personal situation, I am convinced I learn more from live trading with a small account. I’m not only trading live, on the background I do tons of markups/backtesting, so I am definitely not just throwing money in the market and see what happens.

I disagree on your second statement, this completely depends on the strategy you are using. I am deeply interested in macro economics, I follow all the geo political stuff close hand, however, I stay away form fundamental news. I don’t trade through news since the strategy I’m trading is completely technical.
If my strategy was fundamental based, you obviously have to have an understanding of what’s going on economically.

VSA can be applied to any type of trading, curious why did you drop it??

Didn’t necessarily drop it, it’s more on hold. I really like a mechanical/binary system on lower timeframes. I felt that VSA is leaning a bit more towards discretionary trading, I might be wrong, but that was my interpretation of VSA. So it’s a personality thing. However, I am definitely looking to expand my knowledge and build upon the system I am currently trading. But first I have to get the system under control before expanding.

VSA lacks structure and so yes is seen discretionary. But I have ways in SMA to suit a more mechanical preference. My door is open to you if you want to explore fitting volume to you that may help as you say “get the system under control.”

Thanks for the offer, I’ll keep it in mind!