Zulutrade, anyone use this service?

Yeah, I figured if they ever did revamp the ranking system, they’d put more effort into cracking down on providers that ‘stack’ trades(obviously not the case), and would put a bit more thought into drawdown %(also doesn’t seem to be the case). I’m not sure if the new system is better or worse.

I always follow signals providers who trade currency pairs familiar to me. That helps me to understand better their positions & strategy. This way, the common questions “why the provider buys now” or “why he sells now” find an easier an explanation. -hopefully!-

there are always changes here, because those at the top go bust after a few months.

Yes you are right, providers tend to screw up after a few months, but I think this time it is completely different because the whole top100 have big changes, so I dont think all 100 providers suddenly screw up, they just changed their ranking…we must wait and see if it is better than before

Improvements are always wellcome. I have added two of them in my SP portfolio with conservative settings for a testing period. Wish me good luck.

must have changed the method of ranking then.

That’s exactly what we were talking about.

This is true. I can see anymore the old top ones in Zulutrade’s homepage. New SP names came up.

Definitely an improvement on the old ranking system but that’s not very hard. They are getting closer to a useful ranking system. My concern is that they are not very good at predicting stability. ZuluTrade needs to get the point of being a decent investment option not a casino. Already I’ve seen SPs jumping in and out of the top spots.

Providers that tend to open up more than than say 10 positions at one time are inherently less stable and should be ranked accordingly.

I don’ t know if you agree on this but I think that forex and stability are not “good friends” as forex market is a liquid one.
Actually that is why I like the autotrading platform of Zulutrade. Some trades/SP surprise me positively and some negatively and that is the exciting thing!

Yes, this market is for sure a liquid one. 24 hours trading. This market never sleeps. Zulutrade has helped me to avoid being many hours in front of my computer whereas I still can trade sometimes manually ;).

Whoa, ive been gone for some days and zulu changed everything! I see new ranking, this alchemy, seems there is a lot of homework I need to do! :smiley:

Just be careful when you copy the settings with the lot allocation, because ive noticed that is also uses the exact lots allocated by the follower, so you may end up using standard lots in a small account.

Has anyone figured out how the alchemy ranking works? I think it is based on best trade but I cannot figure out on what else

No, I dont think its best trade, but ROI annualized! Plus it seems to be constantly changing depending on the live account performance.

Ok, ive opened a new demos just to test the alchemy, copied the settings of the #1 account from the alchemy, will let everyone know how it goes! :smiley:

Sergio2010, I was more risky and added 2 Signal Providers in my portfolio with low settings for the beginning.

Just coz Zulu have changed a few settings, doesn’t mean it’s now the best thing in town.

Completely agree, Zulutrade still has a lot of junk providers in the first places and neither the extra functionality nor the new ranking has changed it much. We still need to analyze by ourselves and discard the tricky providers in order to create a healthy protfolio.

But I must agree that some new functionality helps a lot, especially the new advanced search with a lot more parameters and ranges. It was an old query I had open in the forum, and they have finally done it.

About Alchemy, I don’t think it is SO great. Again, it is crowded with people that use impossible leverages to get impossible returns in a real world controled with money management.

By the way, we have recently created a discussion group in Fxstreet to analyze SPs from Zulu & Tradency platforms. Some of you in this thread might be interested in joining us: forexstreet.net/group/zulutrade

Yes, the new ranking is better but still crowded with unstable providers.
I am one of a number of people who has demanded Zulu to limit positions to 8. A good trader doesn’t need any more. The limitation would not allow for martingale systems that finally explode and blow accounts in the long run.
At least, in the new advanced search filter, you can filter SPs that use more than X positions. I use it actively to remove junk providers.