Zulutrade, anyone use this service?

I use it actively as well. Most of the search results meet my needs and the criteria I have already given. By saying “limit positions to 8” do you mean 8 positions daily?

I mean 8 simultaneous positions at any moment.
In any case, as I said, with the new advanced search in Zulu you can filter SPs that use more than “n” positions in the last 3, 6 or 12 months.

Though I must add that some SPs might use more than 8 positions if they make extensive use of different currencies.

I still think Zulu needs to improve vastly before it can be considered an option.

Btw, limiting to 8 open trades won’t stop terrible traders trying to hoodwink newbies.

I’m not so sure about this. I think if you do your homework and analyze deeply the trading history of the SPs, there are a few interesting providers. But Zulu doesn’t make it easy (most possibly because it’s not in his interest to publish that almost all SPs are really bad)

BTW, do you know of a better autotrading option to consider?

Not really. I am of the opinion it’s better to learn to trade oneself.

Yes, I agree, but at least martingale systems explode earlier when using few positions…

I think this is another compatible thing. I also like discretionary and automated trading, but I consider autotrading platforms an interesting alternative. The idea of a trading signals marketplace is interesting, and I think it will gain momentum. Also, I think the quality of SPs will also improve as some traders will see an alternative way of recurrent income (well, in any case, it is almost impossible that it goes even poorer than now! :slight_smile:

The more advanced search options are a very useful addition, much more than the alchemy.
The 8 max positions is not the only useful filter. I also set max DD% less than 35%, max DD in pips 4500, more than 12 weeks trading and trading from a live account.
The results where a very short list of…20 providers :smiley:

Lol, that’s true.

Hehehe, and this list itself will chop and change many times…

I agree, much more interesting than alchemy. One set of parameters that I like is the following (also published in the Zulutrade discussion group at A nice Advanced Search configuration for Zulutrade (just one) - ForexStreet.net:slight_smile:

  • Limit positions to 10
  • Demand more than 20 weeks and 250 trades to have some significant trading life
  • Demand less than 35%DD (I prefer %DD over absolute DD)
  • Demand at least 3 pips average so that the possible slippage is not eating your profits
  • Limit the worst trade to 300, we want providers who don’t let their losses run
  • Best trade > Worst Trade to filter inverse schemes that let their losses run more than their profits

Hope it helps. Good autotrading!

  • one tick on: are trading their own money :slight_smile:

It is actually the same since I started using the advanced search.
Also the results are more than 20 now, maybe there was a bug that was showing only the first 20 results

“The investor’s goal in Forex trading is to profit from foreign currency movements. Forex trading or currency trading is always done in currency pairs. For example, the exchange rate of EUR/USD on Aug 26th, 2003 was 1.0857. This number is also referred to as a “Forex rate” or just “rate” for short. If the investor had bought 1000 euros on that date, he would have paid 1085.70 U.S. dollars. One year later, the Forex rate was 1.2083, which means that the value of the euro (the numerator of the EUR/USD ratio) increased in relation to the U.S. dollar.”

Nice set of search filters Marc!

I got this email from zulu:
* Trades executed outside our Signal Provider’s Trading Compliance Rules (Ghost Trades) will not be taken into account on the Signal Provider’s Performance Statistics and Trading History – since trades executed outside our Trading Compliance Rules cannot be executed on Live Followers, our statistics will only take into account trades from which a Live Follower could potentially receive. This way Signal Providers will avoid trading strategies that abuse the Rules and the Performance Statistics.
This will apply retrospectively as well; any non-compliant past trades will be removed from the Signal Provider’s Trading History and will not be taken into account in calculating statistics and in Signal Provider performance.

The only comment I want to make is: finally!

Thanks great news! I saw also that the huge DD providers have disappeared from the top list :slight_smile:

Not exactly all…I see some with 10k+ DD in the top 10, but you cant have everything :stuck_out_tongue:
Still I prefer to use the advanced search to find providers, as Im not sure what the zulu ranking takes into account

About time Zulu changed their method.