Zulutrade, anyone use this service?

Im demo testing provider called Jonas Rohlen, but Im not sure. Can you pls check him out? Im already at Zulu for 2 months and no great results so far. Not sure if I should open live account there. Do you have any advise what provider to choose? Thank you. Patrick

I have checked “Jonas Rohlen low risk” and his May Profit and Loss (PnL) is ok. History of his trades is also ok. I added him on my demo account.
In case you upgrade in live account, be very conservative with your settings. Micro lots + small number of open trades for the beginning. Otherwise wait a little bit till you feel more confident.

Only 4 weeks trading for Jonas so its too soon to tell. I suggest waiting at least 2 weeks more before adding him on a live.
For suggestions, I would advise to be careful when you start also.
Lately I like how agire fx5 and firemoon are trading. A few positions at a time

Thank you for your advice. I kind of like his communication style pretty much, he is posting 2-3 messaghes a day, got such feeling he really cares about his traders. That is new experience for me at Zulu. Also looking for non 100% winning provider with good RRR ration, do not want to wait 2 months and risk hundred pips of drawdown to get 10 pips of profit at the end:-)

You are correct for avoiding 100% wins, because there is no system that is 100% accurate!
As for this provider, I generally avoid providers that trade less than 2 months, because usually new providers tend to mess up after a few weeks trading when the market goes against them!
Ill monitor this guy out of curiosity

I agree. At his website he has 10 months history, but at Zulu he is trading only 5th week right now. So I will wait when 8th week is completed and then try him on live. We will see. Good trades to all

I like trading with new SPs! I believe in beginner’ s luck. In addition they are more careful with their trades and not greedy.

Hi Xara, thanks for your view. Ok, Im maybe doing mistake but I seriously enjoy Rohlens trading at demo, so Im switching into the live:-) Lets hope that 5 weeks history wasnt only good luck. So far I have never seen at Zulu someone with such low drawdown.

Welcome patrickx. Better execution in your trades you will receive with AAAFX.
However whoever broker you choose wish you to keep the good luck!

yes xara, Ive decided to use AAA broker for better executions and lower slippage. I found also his colleague Andreas Brink Safe Trader and it looks great as well. I was also thinking about 2 or 3 more providers (Mercury Fx and Forextechno) but not sure if I want to stand possible -1500 pips drawdown:-( Maybe I will try them with less lots. let you all know how it goes:-)

It depends on your account size. 1500pips with micro lots its not that big DD if you take in mind that you can win 10 times that in a long period with the correct provider combination

Hello sergio, thank you for your view, yes, you are right, -1500pips might be ok if using microlots, but Im interested about serious investing for living, Im not in the business for playing games with microlots in long run, trading micro can be fun but its useless for serious purposes. Im not looking for thousands pips, I just need one or two stable providers with VERY VERY!!! limited risk, provider that I cany rely on, gaining 5-10% a month stabily. Im looking for such kind of investment that would bring me more then putting and wasting money in the bank for ridicoulous interest rates 2-3% p.a.

Guys, sorry if I am offtoping a little bit, but I’ve got a question about Zulutrade as well:

In provider setting there is a “Reverse” option.

It is announced as an opportunity to turn even the worst providers’ activity into your own profit by reversing their trade signals

So when they say “buy”, you “sell” and vice versal

What do you think of that? Has anyone of you tried this option in action? If yes, can you say it was really useful?

Thank you in advance for any response!

Hi Bobby, never used it, I think its pure nonsense to choose worst provider and reverse his signals. I just dont see any reason why some provider with great strategy would like to be at the end of the performance with worst results. I suppose good providers are trying to be the best, not worst

Its a nice idea but its a pain to implement! I tried it with providers that are obsessed with 100% success and left their trades open, like fly on the wall, and set a 50pips limit, but I had mixed results. After my demo expired and I didnt bother anymore.
You can try it and let us know of the results.
What patrick says is true, no one wants to loose BUT most providers are not pro…

Good idea! Maybe reverse could work with a tight limit of 10 pips? Like scalping?

Why do I have to loose my time for testing how bad a provider is in order to make reverse trading? I prefer to “invest” my time in searching and testing good traders with a steady performance.

Its because out of the thousand providers only a few are good, so you have a better chance at winning by reversing the signals! :cool:

will try to find the good ones in zulu’s platform. Wish me luck. :53:

Sounds like casino or roulette to me…As these providers are so bad only because of luck, then to reverse them is just gambling. If they would have any system in their bad strategies, then they would simply do the reverse by themselves and would be the best very soon. So thank you, but not interested:-)