Zulutrade, anyone use this service?

True, the results will be based on luck and statistics than forex strategy!
In other news, I saw a useful change: they added a balance range to the live followers on the alchemy, so you get a better idea on whats going on when you copy the settings

I prefer to stick with the traditional follow a provider strategy! The reverse thing is too complicated, although im temped to try it :smiley:

I believe that only an experienced trader could make successfully reverse trading.
You need to be very good in forex to be sure that another trader is too bad.

Well, I carry on with trading Mr. Rohlens Group. So far very good, around +250 pips in June with practically 0% DD. According to my lot size its about 15% revenue so far in June. We will see at the end of the month. I will inform you.

Really? That is good! Euro’s price has this time many changes so may this also helps your June’ s results.

And its gonna get more volatile as the Greek crisis evolves…hope the providers can handle this situation and not go against the market.
The other solution is to choose ones that dont trade the euro

New #1 provider. Lets see how it goes :wink:

I ve looked at this guys history. If you set a custom stop of 200 pips, you will get good results and avoid his possible DD, if something goes wrong and he tries to keep his 100% success record.
What I would also like to see from zulu is an auto de-activation of providers based on a user defined DD on his account.

Have you received the email with the survey ? All questions were directly to the point. I filled it and sent it back to them. One of the fields ask us to write down:
“Most important factors when choosing a sp”

Yeah surveys are always useful for a company to see hows it going. Too bad the results are not made public…
Wisetrader has gone against the market, so if you follow him, I hope that you either set a custom stop or have a huge margin :46::46:

Hopefully they will “return” survey’s results in the form of new features or new additions in their site.
2 negative positions from him? I am wondering why has stopped trading? Will he wait for this 2 trades to return positive? OMG

Ok so this new auto mode supposedly sets up your account automatically based on the risk you are willing to take…its like the %allocation, but more advanced…will need to try it. Anyone else has had a look at it?

it would be better to try it in a new demo so you can save the auto settings for signal providers without loosing yours

It looks like a good addition for starters. What I noticed on my demo is that is seems to “adapt” lots and providers based on balance and risk setup, meaning that if I win or loose, the lots change every time to match my 20% risk setting.

Hi All, This thread has been a good read and helpful. I recently got started and thought I would share some of the things that I’ve learned as a beginner.
You need to know how the forex works, pips, lots, multiple lots, times, leverage, draw down, Margin, Margin call, stops, limits etc. You need to know what your leverage is and what your margin call % is.

Learn how to use Excel, you can back test stop losses by downloading the history excel file and it’s quite simple to make a calculator to work out your margins, max trades, margin call.

I have 4 demo accounts to test SP’s, strategies and filter through the best suited SPs. Two of the demo accounts I use to test any SP and i don’t worry about the performance of the account. SP’s I like are move to a simulated account of my live account and the SP is tested again before moving to my live account. The other demo account is being used to practice trading with multiple lots. Analyze each SP’s results and read the live traders feedback.

The only two SP’s I have are Pro-168(micro 1, lot 1, max 1) and Forextechno(EU RUSLT) (micro 1, lot 1, max 5). I like them for their low DD, low worst trade, low max trades, average pips and neither got caught out on Monday’s swing.
Where as in my demo account, I have tenpro, wise trader, bank-1 and all opened multiple trades that would have triggered margin calls. Forextechno recently had a bad run but has already pulled back on those losses.

The most interesting result has been a reverse trade with gold pyramid and a 50 pip stop loss. In two weeks I grossed 293 pips but I wouldn’t risk running this live and all my other reverse tests have lost pips.

Nice post stewie! Generally what you describe is what every zulutrade user should do! I too support forextechno, but wisetrader is not using a stop, so I didnt even bother using him.
About pro-168, I have not even heard about him, but I will setup a demo to see

Thanks Sergio,
Over the weekend my account got switched to a US broker because of the Dodd/Frank bill. Not really happy about that as hedging is not allowed. I’m worried if one SP makes a bad choice like wise trader did then the other SP’s can only trade in the same direction which might restrict the chances for an SP to capitalize on the movement or could lead to a string of losses.

I’ve been reading about trades not closing when they should with Forextechno, have you experienced this?

On reverse trading, I’ve been following sss2019 on a demo account, he has consistent losses, highest winner has been 65 pips, 98 trades in two weeks so even on 1 trade max, I got 18 trades from him since last week (making 106pips while he was down 228).

Have you got any SP’s you can recommend?

Hi stewie,
you write you got 18 trades from sss2019 and you earned 106pips while he 228. Why you did not get all his positions?
Your max open trades number did not allow it?
Recently I discover one provider named StraightForward you can test him.
Thank you in advance

Thanks for the heads up, I’ll have a look.

I have the max trades limited to 1 opening, 15 limit, 40 stop, no safe, here are my trades:
sss2019 SELL EUR/USD 1 2011-07-18 2011-07-18 16 -30 15 pips
sss2019 SELL AUD/USD 1 2011-07-18 2011-07-18 15 -8 15 pips
sss2019 BUY AUD/USD 1 2011-07-18 2011-07-18 4 -21 -21 pips
sss2019 SELL AUD/USD 1 2011-07-15 2011-07-18 16 -17 15 pips
sss2019 SELL EUR/USD 1 2011-07-15 2011-07-15 16 -11 15 pips
sss2019 SELL AUD/USD 1 2011-07-15 2011-07-15 15 -21 14 pips
sss2019 BUY EUR/USD1 2011-07-15 2011-07-15 6 -41 -40 pips
sss2019 SELL EUR/USD 1 2011-07-15 2011-07-15 15 -4 15 pips
sss2019 BUY AUD/USD 1 2011-07-14 2011-07-14 16 -27 15 pips
sss2019BUY EUR/USD 1 2011-07-14 2011-07-14 16 -21 15 pips
sss2019 BUY AUD/USD 1 2011-07-14 2011-07-14 14 -9 14 pips
sss2019 BUY AUD/USD 1 2011-07-14 2011-07-14 16 -17 15 pips
sss2019 SELL AUD/USD 1 2011-07-14 2011-07-14 16 -7 15 pips
sss2019 BUY EUR/USD 1 2011-07-12 2011-07-12 18 -14 15 pips
sss2019 SELL AUD/USD 1 2011-07-12 2011-07-12 0 -40 -40 pips
sss2019 BUY EUR/USD 1 2011-07-12 2011-07-12 20 -13 16 pips
sss2019 BUY EUR/USD 1 2011-07-12 2011-07-12 0 -2 -2 pips
sss2019 SELL AUD/USD 1 2011-07-12 2011-07-12 15 -18 15 pips
I think I may tweak around with the settings and try a 30 pip stop loss.

There are a ton of research functions on Zulu but I really wish they had more operational functions like a trailing stop and tighter stops. I can get 4 pip stops on the AAAFX platform but only managing 8-10 pips on zulu.

I could do with a function that would allow me to limit in a stop loss and another for a trading stop loss so as soon as a trade is in profit I can get a stop in and if it carries on, a trailing stop can take over. I think this system would work well with Forextechno.

I think the only way I can do this is to have it set on the MT4 platform but I’ll need to go to a programmer, would anyone be interested in joining forces to develop a program?

Trailing stop satisfies our greediness :). I feel greedy sometimes too and then I use manual trailing stop.
But in general I like just to receive trades from zulu signal providers avoiding all this stress and time spent for constantly monitoring my account. :slight_smile: