Zulutrade, anyone use this service?

Yes in that case you should be sitting pretty comfortable. Even though it will happen some day that a position just keeps going in the wrong direction and might not turn around for some months. That would just be painful to see. So I guess the best option is to set a manual SL somewhere that feels Ok to lose.

It is interesting to see how perception changes things. When I first started looking into Forex I ran some demos on an MT4 platform and would blow up every account. Then I came across ZT and had high initial hopes, but after seeing lackluster 30 day performances and not being sure about long term performance I am not convinced ZT is where I want to put my money. Now, earlier this week I opened a new MT4 based demo account with a another broker, started using a longer term entry/exit approach and so far it is paying off, up 62 pips since Tuesday and it is trending my way.

Time will tell where I take my live plunge. It does help to to discuss options / experiences with other in this forum.

New updates on Zulutrade. Now the providers are even more deeply analyzed with the new charts - wost/best trade, ranking history and open trade graph. Moreover life accounts receive daily account statements and email notification is received once the live trader updates portfolio settings:60:

Yes, I had a DD of like 3k pips and it was bad! But the good thing with a high margin is that you can keep trading even with negative open positions, so I ve kind of brake even in the end.
I still believe that zulutrade targets those that cannot or dont want to trade manually and this is why its so popular.

I am running 3 ZT experiments at the moment. One account has the top 5 SP that trade their own money, one account has the actual top 5 SP per the ZT rankings (after 2 weeks I will adjust with the new top 5), and the last is the worst 5 SP per the ZT rankings that actively trade (I checked the reverse box for this one). Believe it or not, after 5 days, they have all made money. Will be interesting to see how they finish the 30 day trial.

I am getting much better at trading on my own, focusing on medium term trades (7-30 days). These are less volatile than scalping and easier to manage with a full time job.

Keep in mind there are other good traders in between the top ten up and down :wink: Although your strategy is quite interesting :wink: Post results to see once you close the 30 days trial.


Keep in mind there are other good traders in between the top ten up and down :wink: Although your strategy is quite interesting :wink: Post results to see once you close the 30 days trial.


interesting strategy ā€¦i also went reverse on eur/usd ā€¦will keep you posted on how it will turn out!:slight_smile:

I just noticed that there is a summary of the stats of each providers one is following in the provider settingsā€“ e.g. profit; average pips per trade; number of trades; running weeks; maximum dd; followers; max open trades; worst/best trade :slight_smile:

Okay, here are the current results from my experiment:

Top 5 SP per the ZT ranking, adjusted at day 14:- +521 pips profit with 11 days to go
Top 5 SP trading their own money: -674 pips with 23 days to go
Worst 5 SP with the reverse box checked: +304 pips with 18 days to go

So I am surprised to see that the SP trading their own money are in last place.

The more I mess with ZT the more convinced I am that learning a system(s), and trading on your own is much more profitable and fulfilling. I am running a demo w/ forex.com and these past 2 weeks I have personally banked about 1000 pips on a pretty straight forward system. Time will tell if it remains profitable. Then it will be time to go live.

Which providers you used exactly? it is not true that providers that trade their own money are at the bottom. For example, alpha&oxygen that I use is sending signals from its own live acc and is number 2 (once I started followed it, 5 weeks ago its ranking was below the top ten).

What made you chose forex.com? It seems interesting, but what worries me the most is that it offeres quite a bunch of stuff - metals, equity, energy, commodityā€¦you trade with all of these, or?

I have a question as well semper.
Do the accounts that trade their own money have the blue or the green $? Meaning that do they rally trade from a live account or are they just following their signals with their live account? This can make a huge difference, as in the second case, they just might be following their signals only with 1 position and 1 micro lotā€¦

Also Ive seen that zulutrade changed the signal provider trading rules, ill try to post them here later.

The providers I am using that trade their own money are:

Kiss The Frog

According to his profile, Alpha & Oxygen does not use his own money.

I chose forex.com because I am a U.S. resident and they seem well established in the Forex market. I also am running a demo with FXCM. The only pairs I am currently trading myself are the 7 major USD pairs.

When I say those that trade their own money are at the bottom, I mean they are at the bottom of the experiment I am running.

If you will hover your pointer over the blue and green $ sign it will tell you what each one means. The green is more crediblesince they are actually following their own signals, using a live account, with their own money. So I picked the 5 highest ranked SP that have the green $ sign. As you can see from a previous post they are not doing so hot, although they have gained a little ground over the past couple of days.

Ok thanks for the info. I was aware of the difference between the green and blue $, thats why I was asking.
fx178 has really messed up (I was using him too), I cant understand how is he trading with real account and still have more than -4k open positions. I assume he is trading with at least $5k and micro lots, still some positions are recovering.
You might want to try out climber SB and murray math.

As for FXCM demo, be very careful. FXCM paid a huge fine, more than $6million, for adding ā€œfakeā€ slippage to real accounts through the MT4, so there is a big chance that you will have completely different results when you go live. For US residents, id go with a more reliable broker, maybe with a fixed spread.

Your selection is pretty interesting. RisoForex has a winning ratio of 100%, which means that he will be soon penalized by the system, if this has not happened already. QTCBOTā€™s stats look pretty good, so I am wondering. As for the rest of the crown I suppose you did the reversed strategy you were previously talking about. Well, I guess if it didnā€™t work for you, then you are better off somewhere in more familiar grounds, these being and forex.com. I can see you are aiming at high number in little time. Wish you all the best in getting it! :wink:

I donā€™t know how a lot of these SPs are surviving. And it is hard to get a long term idea of how picks you make with ZT will end up since they only offer 30 day demos. I think they should boost it to at least 90 days. I hear if you go through an affiliate website the demos do not expire. But I donā€™t like the additional layer of bureaucracy.

All this is re-enforcing my thoughts that one is much better off learning to trade himself. I have run circles around my ZT picks with my own demo accounts. There are enough systems out there where one can find a strategy that fits their own personality.

Thanks for the heads up on FXCM. Plenty of brokers to choose from, so one that is charged with fraud is off the list.

I donā€™t think you understand the demos I am running: 1 - top 5 SP, 2 - top 5 w/ own money, 3 - bottom 5 SP w/ reverse. These are all mutually exclusive.

I am aiming at what my potential will allow, nothing more, nothing less.

Hi Nick,

That is not correct. The NFA action primarily concerned positive slippage not being passed on in full during the offsetting transaction with the liquidity providers. You can find a more detailed explanation from me located here http://forums.babypips.com/rate-my-broker/40184-all-you-need-know-about-fxcm.html#post274282.


Try out GOLD MAX FX if you havenā€™t already. He seems good, just doesnā€™t go for the big pips.