Zulutrade, anyone use this service?

Thanks for the tip :slight_smile: I will test him on demo.

Thanks for the reply. This means that you are dealing with this issue seriously and not letting it fade away.

Iā€™m using him live, but obviously a guy with 100% wins might take chances so you will want to set a SL.

Iā€™m using alpha and oxygen as a signal provider on zulutrade, on a demo account since Monday. => - 4000Ā£ since first day. I chose them on Monday, they were 1st with a cool strategy announced, but the thing they donā€™t say is that you need 5000Ā£ for your margin call as a minimumā€¦

Iā€™ve done 7000Ā£ since Monday on a demo account on forex.com
=> better do it yourself unless you find a signal provider with good stats over 3-4 years, which Iā€™ve never seen.

Iā€™m not a pro, started my very first steps 3 weeks ago with babypips and their babypips school, which is just brilliant.
I would just add trading currency for the dummies as the guy covers couple of things more.
Just the occasion to say to you babypips gourou ā€œthanks, you are amazingā€.

I agree with you totally. The premise of ZuluTrade is very attractive, but once you get into and experience what the demo accounts have to offer it changes ones mind.

Plus there is a certain level of self satisfaction when you trade on your own and win, versus having someone do it for you.

Quizou, what system / strategy do you use that allowed you to gain 7000 since Monday? I am demoā€™ing a couple of systems right now but I am always looking for a better way.

Personally, EAā€™s never worked for me. Sure, like everyone else, thought I would make thousands by allowing the EAā€™s to run all the tradesā€¦and guess what, my account got wiped out. Maybe some EAā€™s do work, maybe not. However, after that experience, took some time off to educate myself and have tried quite a few brokers. For the moment, Tradersway seems to be doing the trick so staying with it for now. But definitely no more EAā€™sā€¦just my 2 cents but after current devaluation, they may not even amount to that [in worth]ā€¦

For the time being and from his stats looks good but it need more time testing him. Yesterday he sold three lots and and gained 34 pips. 100 % winning ratio is a bit off, tell me what sl you will set, so i copy your setting.

Does these EAā€™s or robots actually work on real accounts consistently?

Anyone have any success stories?

It depends which provider you will choose and also how good you are at capital management!

@quizou: why are you so aggressive with zulu? You say -300pips. Which provider? Live or demo? Be more specific, not just say something without arguments! Unless all you want to do is promote your service, system or I dont know what else. Sorry, but you just cannot convince me with all you are saying.

I set it too 250 as that is all Iā€™m willing to lose. You really have to base your SL on past drawdowns, what your account can handle and what you are willing to risk. Also when/if you ever decide to trade live do the least amount of risk you can for the first few trades because sometimes slippage can be a killer when somebody like gold max goes for small pip gains.

Wellā€¦ I did, so have a look backward and think again to what you are saying.
Iā€™m not promoting anyone, just speaking about small experienceā€¦anything wrong there???

Thanks for the tips. Iā€™ll try it on the demo. When I go live, I think should go with 250 sl, no? I rather not gain anything but loose.

My problem is that you are hijacking the zulutrade thread to promote your trading style. If you want this to be zulu related, then why dont you open a signal provider account so we can all see your results! :wink:

ā€¦You just donā€™t readā€¦ Someone asked, I gave my point of view, if you donā€™t like it, itā€™s your problem dude. What do you want me to promote with my 3 weeks of demo account lolā€¦ (Itā€™s not a question, refrain yourself answering, as I guess it wonā€™t make sense again).

FYI: so far so good performance today he is gaining me some fine 350 pips;) You should be also glad with him, donā€™t you?

I am noticing some strange trendā€¦one of a sudden many people are going long in gbd/nzd? ā€¦any ideas why?

Guys, I just downloaded the new Zulutrade widget free from the android marketā€¦

Piece of advice pleaseā€¦Iā€™m with Zulutrade for some time and I notice many providers to go along the trend without a clear signalā€¦how can I protect my portfolio against that??

IMO use stop loss for all your providers and then you will be protected if they decide to go downhill too much.

setting a custom s/l on providers is a big issue. It can prove a very bad decision, depending on the providerā€™s strategy. If a provider is using a s/l, then its better not to interfere. If the s/l is too high (eg more than 500 pips), then a custom s/l could work, depending though on how often does his trades hit this value and how many trades he opens at a time and even every day. So its not that simple!
I believe that since the ranking is now very improved, one should look at the current top 100 providers and pick no more than 5, depending on available margin