Zulutrade, anyone use this service?

Gold max fx is back on the green line, my account got total 125 pips from him on Friday :slight_smile:

Interesting.I test to see if he is that good.Why donā€™t you see adnan maloma signal for gold - today he is shooting 9800 pips - not much for gold but saves my portfolio.
Guys, what is going on with euro?? Seriously 4th week low? without any plans for rescue Italy, things will go pretty ugly.

I donā€™t like trading goldā€¦too much time and cashes in too little. Euro will be a totally different picture on Monday, trust me - if the Italians bonds yield managed to rise yest, so will euro, unfortunately this a result from the better than expected us jobless data that gave confidence for investors to risk more.

So it seems zulu made another big change and now it wont pay providers if they have a loosing month! I think this way we will get rid of all those amateur wanna be traders that are in for just the commissions! Heres part of the email I got from them:

"ZuluTrade changes again!

As part of our continuous effort to increase the quality of ZuluTradeā€™s Signal Providers and provide better strategies for your investment, a new rule has been imposed:

Signal Providers will not be compensated if a month is negative in pnl.

So from now on, rebates earned during a month with a negative overall Monthly PnL will not be paid out to Signal Providers."

Your thoughts?

Very good! Now providers have two choices - either to trade careful or not trade at all!

Nick is on the money. Zulutrade can be a very effective way to diversify your strategies and to learn more about trading. The things that you need to be aware of are

  • Each signal providerā€™s strategy is different. Many have hedging strategies that mean that unless you allow unlimited numbers of positions you can easily take a large loss (e.g. they will scale into a losing position and the nth trade will exit at a ginormous profit which will only help you if you have allowed n trades). You therefore need to gain some understanding of how they are generating profit in order to set the lot size and number of positions
  • You will not replicate the signal providers results if they average only small pip gains (due to slippage on your account) or you do not trade the right numbers of positions
  • Definitely run demo first
  • Consider skewing your ā€˜teamā€™ towards people trading real money with long track record, low draw down, and who practice good risk management
  • Definitely consider being a signal provider yourself, since you can then get greater understanding of what is motivating the ā€˜teamā€™ you build
  • Pay attention to the ā€˜margin callometerā€™ that Zulu trade provide. This is a good indicator of when you are taking too much risk. If you have amber or red, then you should expect to wipe out a decent chunk of change somewhere on the path.

Good luck!

For the record, I think that this sucks.

Consider a signal provider who is trading real money (not demo). They have all the incentives to trade sensibly; the strategy may have losses sometimes - it is insane to not pay them for trading decisions based on a long run strategy designed to deliver long-run performance because in some arbitrary time period it didnā€™t work.

Look at it another way: there is no logical reason that the timeframe should be monthly. Why not daily? Hourly? Quarterly? It struck me that this will lower risk taking in the strategies traders use and is purely a move by Zulutrade to get more revenue :56:

Declaration of interest: I am running signal provider Motif101. Iā€™m not going to change my strategy because I want to provide long run profitable signals. Monthly means nothing to me.

But you have a reckless trading signā€¦ where do you see long run profitable signals since you have max dd% of about 300 and open positions of negative 1022 pips in eur/usd!! I guess your strategy will take time to develop but for the time it looks quite risky for me and for the system that gave you quite low ranking as well.

I know. The Zulu trade risk measure isnā€™t an integrated risk/return measure. For example, it has no way to account for hedging strategies. Our strategy uses hedging orders rather than SL and the Zulu trade risk measure marks it down because there are no SLā€™s. What you could do is either follow us on Demo, or just check in again in a few months to see if the dynamic hedging strategy is still working.

Dude, you are still risky red with 11 open positionsā€¦I pray for you to close them profitably. What are you hedging with?

Hedging with additional trades in same pair, some of them opposite. Look at it this way: you can enter a position of X lots on a pair or 1/4 X if you are more conservative then if the position moves against you but the trade thesis still holds you can enter a new 1/4X trade. You are now in the money at lower total risk and lower move in your favour (only 1/2X on the pair). If things continue to move adversely you hedge with 1/4X in the opposite trade, same pair. This is the same as a SL on the first trade except you can still close all trades net positive. Note that for this to work you have to be disciplined about the rule-set and view the set of trades as a basket. Motif101 up 1.6K pips using this strategy.
Nb- try following on demo. Donā€™t close any trades manually or you wonā€™t replicate the results. We are running on demo and separately on a live account. Both are making steady gains.

Try following on demo. When you have a trade thesis you can either enter X with a SL or (say) 1/4X with no SL but then later if trade moves against you and thesis still holds put a second 1/4X trade same pair, same direction. You will now close out ahead with lower total risk and at lower price. If trade continues to move adversely you either enter a third 1/4X position or a same size but opposite position, same pair. You can still close each trade in the money but the opposite trade is operating like an SL.

So the hedging is dynamic with the same pair. Motif101 now up 1600pips using the strategy in 9 weeks.

Interesting strategy I am demo-following you to see where it will lead :wink:

Great - welcome on board! We have also been trading the the strategy on two other live accounts with 15% profit on each in the 4 weeks of live testing. 10-20% a month might not be like winning the lottery but so far the approach has been stable and consistent with backtests.

Let me know if you have any issues. We are also on the hunt for other good SPā€™s in Zulu. Interested to share and here views.

Iā€™d recommend some of my stars SPā€™s for the past month: highprofitfactor, mybestsystems,gold max fxā€¦there are many other but unfortunately systems are hardly very stable over time.

Agreed - they are not all stable over time. Our plan is to create some reliable SPs. Weā€™re following Richter + Forex Cruise Control with some success. Understand that others have had good results with highprofitfactor too. Currently all our SPs are on Christmas breakā€¦ the robots need their mince pies too :5:

Go back have another look. A nice close to the year and Motif101 is moving up the ranking :18:
Hope the longer post with the strategy made sense. Will be updating the posted strategy on the ZT site soon. Hope you have a good Christmas break.

Edit: FYI, if you choose to follow the strategy on demo, itā€™s on Christmas leave for a couple of weeks no so there wonā€™t be any action until January swings around. Also please resist the temptation to apply your own SL. Use good money management, eg one micro lot and allow up to 15 trades, and the SP will place dynamic hedging trades. You need to be with a broker that allows hedging trades for this to work, which means outside the US in most cases. Good luck and keep the comments coming

Who of you guys is and will be trading during the holidays season?

I am a big supporter of money never sleeps, ever! :slight_smile:

Planning on being back up January 2nd, so depends on how long you consider the holiday seasonā€¦ really, our Motif101 EA track record is 10-20% a month; we can afford to take a few weeks off to avoid the December YE season.

Finally some pattern is obvious!! Good work guys. Deserved holiday break!!

moreover are the markets open at all during this time?