Zulutrade, anyone use this service?

But lots of them have no stop loss. That’s the point.

True. You can easily see in a demo if a provider is not using a stop loss and you can avoid him! Also, one more reason why one should choose a provider if he is trading from live and not demo is the fact that these providers use a stop loss.

Why don’t you just take the time to learn how to trade properly and be a independent thinker?

It’s a shame, but I think perhaps a lot of people have no desire or motivation to learn how to trade themselves.

Services like this gives trading a bad name and false expectations.

Its a big discussion that you open, that doesnt apply only to zulu but the whole forex market.
This market has millions of fans around the world, like betting, even more than betting maybe, so it is logical for companies to want to take advantage of these, mainly with the newbies, the ones that dont know so much. This is why forums like babypips exist, in order to inform me and all of us about this market and services like zulutrade.
IMO I dont believe zulu is a scam. It is a tool and the important thing is how you use this tool in order to benefit. And off course I dont expect to make a living out of forex, its a hobby I have because…I just like it! :D:D

I don’t think Zulu is actually as bad as many people are claiming. However, it must be said, you have to be very careful!

hay noob question im using etoro atm but what is the best broker to use in conjunction with zulu :slight_smile:


Hi ProMonkey. :slight_smile:
You can just test one of our providers: [B]GAINFIBO, TRADERCASH[/B] e.t.c. We are the traders with a years of experience. Best regards.

Are you a representative of Zulu?

i don’t know about them


The advantages of this system are very clear: you (the investor) get to choose exactly which trader or trading system you would like to follow, out of thousands of available choices. Each trader’s detailed trading history and statistics are available, so you can get a very good idea about the trader’s past performance beforehand. While past performance is certainly not indicative of future results, it does offer you a glimpse into the type of trading you can expect.

But, don’t invest your money if you don’t understand the basic of Forex Trading. Learn it first or read some articles to understand the principles of trading.

When choosing a ZuluTrade signal provider has anyone ever notice (when looking at the beginning of the providers history) there are often multiple trades (sometimes 50 or more) that were placed within minutes or seconds of each other, and every single one of them has 0 for -pips and everything starts off in profit (+50 pips, -0 pips…)?

It is as though they opened multiple orders that had no spread, and the price when up from there, never going down into -pips.

For example for + and - pips you will see: +45/-0, +95/-0, +12/-0, +55/-0, +54/-0, +29/-0, +86/-0…and so on.

And all the trades are on the same date and near the same time (within minutes or seconds of each other). And they establish the new account making it appear as if the provider is very good at trading (if you look at the stats but don’t research the history).

But eventually in the history the 0 will stop and you will start seeing normal trades (+54/-190, +12/-130, +34/-29…etc.)

What is it with the -0 pips? How is that possible with a spread? Even if the spread is -1 pip that will show up as a -1 in the history.

try mine; AAA-EMSx

Hi all.
We discussed and decided to increase pips per trade and use fixed STOP and PROFIT. From now and forever each of our traders (providers) will use fixed STOP and PROFIT and will get no less than 50 pips per trade. Try it Yourselves. Best regards.

Some of our providers:

Profit - 14,034 pips
Winning trades - 281 (99%)
Average pips/trade - 50.0
Maximum drawdown - 32%
Worst trade - 156 pips

Profit - 16,196 pips
Winning trades - 366 (97%)
Average pips/trade - 43.0
Maximum drawdown - 26%
Worst trade - 151 pips

Profit - 13,892 pips
Winning trades - 455 (93%)
Average pips/trade - 29.0
Maximum drawdown - 32%
Worst trade - 153 pips

Profit - 14,171 pips
Winning trades - 272 (95%)
Average pips/trade - 50.0
Maximum drawdown - 10%
Worst trade - 132 pips

Profit - 10,599 pips
Winning trades - 277 (93%)
Average pips/trade - 36.0
Maximum drawdown - 34%
Worst trade - 127 pips

Profit - 12,042 pips
Winning trades - 251 (99%)
Average pips/trade - 48.0
Maximum drawdown - 29%
Worst trade - 119 pips

Profit - 10,786 pips pips
Winning trades - 493 (88%)
Average pips/trade - 19.0
Maximum drawdown - 13%
Worst trade - 107 pips

Thank you for the list. Are there any providers on your list that are trading a live account with their own money? Providers that trade their own money tend to be more careful when choosing trades.

Happy new year everyone with successful trades!

hifromeddie, I suggest you open up a demo and start testing providers! Thats the only way to find someone good for your needs :wink:

Thank you for the suggestion. I already opend 3 demo accounts in times past and Fly On The Wall (as well as a few of his other names such as Pip Emporium etc.) got one of my demos almost up to $100,000 in 1 month I think (can’t remember exactly but it was close to double).

But the demos are capitalized with $50,000 which can handle huge -pips and huge stop losses. What would be nice is if you can test prioviders in a demo account that is $100 - $500 etc., and using mini lots in the demo, because that is closer to what I have as a initial deposit in a live account.

I noticed that too!!!

There are TONS of new providers jumping out of nowhere to provide these epic gains so they lure you in. Sadly, I was a victim to such an example Golden Stem V8 and I started losing big and often. I didn’t change any settings, just 1 open trade and 1 micro lot. Not a happy camper :frowning:

Long story short I learned who to invest my money with to provide slower, but consistent gains and now I’m taking it safe to return my $500 to my account. There were a few trades at fault of the B3 EA floating here which caused major DD and closed it, but that’s another story.

Here’s my idea that I’m testing starting today with a demo $10k account: Get a couple (I have 3) low-risk providers with low return and increase the lot size. They all have 100% gain with very low DD and have been around for a while to prove their reliability. This should provide me nice gains without fear of loss (theoretically) and I will in turn make more profit. I’ll be sure to update you all as time goes with this demo account! :smiley:

Hi all, great thread.
Another factor I am starting to consider more and more is how long the signal provider has been profitable for.
Anything less than 3 months history is only for demo accounts.
3-6 months trade a small proportion of your account and watch the provider for any change of tactics - particularly opening multiple scalping positions.
6 months plus - increase exposure if the signal provider stays profitable