1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

1 hr GBP attached. Market top in background with an upthrust in a thin market. If this doesn’t say down, I’m not sure what does. I held this one over the weekend.

gbp.bmp (835 KB)

A gentleman and a scholar, all I can say is thank you so very much.

Thanks pete and the rest. :slight_smile:

Found these videos somewhere online.Tom William teaches VSA principles in this.It might help some people learn VSA.

Session 1 - Chart Reading MasterClass
Learn how to read the charts proficiently. At the end of this session which contains 18 separate modules, we supply a series of charts for you to analyze before moving onto Session 2.

Session 2 - Real World Chart Analysis
The team analyses a whole series of charts covering Futures, Stocks, Commodities and FOREX. They also analyze the charts given out to you at the end of Session 1.

Course Outline
Market Strength
Establish Long Positions or Liquidate Short Positions

Understand the critical path that leads to all true market bottoms and causes a market to rise.

Discover the signs that show true strength during an accumulation phase;

Identify the patterns that signal the end of supply and enables the market to immediately rise

Market Weakness
Establish Short Positions or Liquidate Long Positions

Understand the sequence of events that cause all markets to “top-out” and fall.

Discover the hidden messages that the market sends you, that absolutely confirms the top in all markets

Identify the best area to establish a short position

We’ll also teach you the following:

Learn how to identify trigger numbers based on Volume Spread Analysis through a unique 25 bar set up for both short and long trade entry

Identify trade management techniques to clearly understand countermanding signals and how to deal with them

See where to position stops underneath the last point of heavy supply and demand

What “Herd Mentality” is and why the herd must be involved in true market tops and bottoms

Who the “Weak Holders” are and how to avoid becoming one

The one area where a high volume / wide spread up-bar actually confirms market strength

why strength always appear on down-bars and weakness always appears on up-bars

How the specialists try to trick you into buying into a weak market and selling a strong market

How you can recognize and profit from a shakeout in the market you are trading

How to tell when a market is ready to change from a bull phase to a bear phase (and vice versa)

What happens to the price spread when the specialists feel bullish

What to watch out for when the specialists feel bearish

Why a market changes trend and how you must position yourself to be ahead of the game

How the professionals “test” when the market is ready for a bull run

How to tell when a Market is at, or near its top

What the professional traders will try to do once you have entered a trade. Don’t let this happen to you!

How to uncover the best ways to identify turning points in your chosen market(s)

What to do when a market reaches an old top

How to see a bottom reversal and take advantage of it before everyone else

What “stopping volume” is and how you can profit from it

These videos are actually not free so you should not share them with anyone. It’s like a downloading a movie from the internet. BTW I watched them all and I must say that they can be VERY confusing sometimes. I found Pete’s approach better because it’s more straight-forward and easier to understand. Also, Gavin et al. provide you with all kinds of different names for different setups which you don’t really need.

The easiest explanation I have for this is that Traderguider company tries to make look VSA super-complicated so you would feel the need of buying their software. VSA is not that hard. Just read through this thread. It contains everything you need to know.

And I hope NeroKoso, Purplepatch and other great traders didn’t give up on this thread yet! :5:

I watched these before stumbling on this thread. Not that useful IMO. Better off reading MTM and skipping the tradeguider stuff.

My opinion on people who sell educational trading materials are that their techniques can’t possibly work as well as they claim, because if they did, they wouldn’t need to sell it.

Learning to distinguish between marketing and reality is an important life skill.

I agree. That stuff will confuse the crap out of you. Everything is in this thread that you need.

My current view… Got 90 pips on a trade earlier this week (Apr 27) :slight_smile:

That’s very colorful. :smiley:

Supply hit the market, possible retracement for me :smiley:
I catch the bear 3 times yesterday, got stopped out 2 times and finally caught it :smiley:
Expect more downside movement from now and watch how the NFP numbers are going to move the market. Could be either retracement for coming weeks or dip being bought again.

LOL. Chose the wrong day to sleep in. This was my prep from last night:

Lo and behold:

Quite the H&S.

Took my mind off the charts for about a month, needed to clear my head and take care of some things. I’ll try and get back in the swing of things. Sad to see you go, Pete… hope you make the occasional visit to us pupils of yours.

Heres a shot for ya.

Guys please tell me if my analysis is correct.

gbp/usd is going do drop to 1.6350 ?

I don’t think you’d really want to be scalping 40 pips off the 1HR chart, but I don’t really know what your analysis is, it’s just a chart, you don’t give us your interpenetration.

Basically, what am I asking:

Have I marked correctly the Sellers ( in red ) and the Buyers ( in blue ) ?

If the Sellers are in control ( the volumes are bigger ) , and we have a downtrend, then the price will go down ?

The conclusion I keep coming to is, not sure, a bit unclear so stay out, and it’s Monday next, so wait until Tuesday

Based on the daily chart I think we are going back up. Check out the ultra high volume doji on the daily. But, I don’t care. I’m just waiting for another fib entry.

Hi everyone,

I’m learning about the Awesome indicator and I would like to learn also about using Volumes in Forex.

Does someone has a link where I could learn how to apply volumes in my trading? Couldn’t find any really useful on Google.


They’re buying e/u again, re-accumulation so far this week (wide spread, high vol down bars on 1hr).

This thing could go back up almost as fast as it dropped…good time to consider a swing position.