1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

Possibility, greydawg00.
Got a chart from friend and would like to share here

That’s the level I’m watching as well.

Right, Hi again, reason I’ve been quiet of late is that I’ve been beavering away at something and here it is - Market Profile. If you search the net the subject turn up hand in hand with VSA time and time again, and I tell you it works, I’ve done loads of back-ttesting, research and live trading and the results are GOOD.

Basically for your entries you look for low volume at your green areas (where the amber turns into green to pinpoint), screenshot and Market Profile indi (move the vertical red line to place it) inc.

Give it a go, if you think it ties in with this thread, I’ll continue with it here, but if you think it’s too far a digression I’ll start another about it.

PPFMProfileSet2.ex4.zip (3.78 KB)

It’s good indicator PP, I and I think Pete also have experienced Market Profile too. The high volume in Market Profile basically is a cluster where there’re a lot of volumes and candles there, bull and bear are discussing which way it should go, if looking for entries in green area, it’s like breakout trading, where bull and bear have decided that it should be the way. Next high volume area ( next point of control) would be possible target. It’s good to have here I think :smiley: I don’t use it now though.

What is high volume ‘wide spread’ bars? dont understand the wide spread bit.

Would someone be able to explain in simple concepts why we disregard news.

Sorry for the noob questions. I just dont quite get it.

You’ll find all the answers here - http://forums.babypips.com/free-forex-trading-systems/21453-1-500-pips-per-month-method-vsa-sr-fibb-etc.html

Thanks for the link. Ive read that and the next 50 or so pages after it before getting here.

Which still doesnt answer what the ‘wide spread’ means when u guys refer to high volume wide spread bars.

In regards to the news, I was looking for a simple explanation for exactly what SM does when news comes out. Or more precisely, exactly how and why does price move the way it does when news comes out.

@ Mizumotr

Spread of a bar is from the low to the high of that bar. I think you should read " master the market" :d
Someone read it over a few dozen times

Pete, would you mind to comment on EU? It’s been a tough read for me lately, from what I see, it’s accumulation.

What I’ve found generally is it’s best not to think too much about if it’s accumulation/distribution etc, just ranges and moves, you can easily fall into the trap of analysis paralysis.

Thax PP, ya, this time, I think best is stay out until there’re some kind of test in higher timeframe. I don’t like those wild moves tbh, hard to trade. My 2 cents is that, it’s market manipulation again, big players bring it down to get better price, in equity market, mental or EU, those moves these days are so aggressive and I expect the next big thing is going to happen soon. USD get destroyed as Pete said, I’m not sure. Let’s see.

Give that Market Profile a go on the 15m chart, I got 30 PIPS off of that range this morning, and I should have got 30+ on the way down too, but hindsight as always. Generally on the 15 I find low volumes at the switch from amber to green shows a reversal, I’m not confident in trading the burst through those levels yet on high volumes, but it’s looking like very easy trading and highly lucrative.

I ran a visual test on the indicator with the MT4 Visual Strategy tester, at that time I wasn’t sure what use I could make of it, you know what I mean, theory and practice can be real different, but it’s what I said above I noticed, I then ran a 6 month visual test on what my thoughts were, demoed it for a couple of weeks, and it’s like wow.

It might not be to your liking or suit your trading style, but you’d be making a mistake not giving it a go.

Oh yes, I also did a version that adds up the volume, right I better explain for those who are not familiar with market profile, it’s sound more sophisticated than it is (a bit like derivatives but that’s another story), but what it is it counts how many candles from start to finish have traded at that price, simple yes?

But I did one the same that didn’t count the number of candles, but added the volumes of that candle, the profile was virtually identical - not that is telling, to me it’s more or less a cross reference that proves that volumes definitely work in Forex.

Ah. I’ve been thinking long time if anybody have made anything like this. Thank you. Now I can see if it gives good info. :stuck_out_tongue: At least it gives extra view. And I love extra views.

Hey, I’m not going to be putting naked pictures up.

Joking apart though, I did this ages ago, I can’t say if I came up with the idea myself or had seen something and tried to emulate it, but I think what I had a while ago was a version counting ticks, which was a pain because you had to keep it running otherwise it would forget all the current totals, and then a version that counted the closes, anyway my point being I had information be it right or wrong useful or not useful, but didn’t know how to trade it, I was trying to work out the how to use the POC, but it’s not the POC it’e 30% of POC that is the key to it.

Also had a thought about how volume might fall apart on the longer timeframes, now we know it works on the shorter timeframes i.e. up to an hour, it’s a killer strategy, but trying to read further into it I think is tricky at best, since if you remember how I compared volumes with different brokers, I’m sure if I looked at it all in detail that even thought the discrepancies on a 5min to 1Hr basis between brokers does not change the trades you’d take so much, using the same info over a period of a week I’m really not sure it it adds up at all.

Well, as you can see, I’m not Pete… But I wanna give my support for accumulation. I was in short earlier. Now I’m not shorting anymore. One hour candle today at 9 o’clock. Wide spread down, maybe not so high volume, but highest today. And next candle had pretty long wick and small body… And going up. And not as high volume. So yea… Suggesting buyers. But still, it might go little lower. But I closed my shorts. And I wanna look for longs… Next week… This week is almost done.

Hmm, so lazy… But I guess I need to take screenshot if somebody is checking this post like 1 year from now.

Awww… Just one please? ^.^

I’m very interested to see how this one works. It’s just like what I’ve been looking for. And what I understood, you made it just like I woulda made it, if I had skills to make … …

Can you post a link to where you found these? Please

lot’s of post to catch up on, but in response to the last…if you feel like studying: https://www.yousendit.com/ Wycoff Analysis, The Art Of Price And Volume.


Good stuff. Thanks for posting.


One more thing. Do you wait for a real time change of amber to green and then trade it, or do you wait for it to form first then trade the low volume re-entry of the green later on the test?