$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

lol, naughty
watches PipsyGirl raising eyebrows at Dale for post hogging

lol, good one.


Yeh well:

Youā€™ve obviously seen my input on that thread. Iā€™m not convinced myself and oddly enough it was (more than anything else) the interpretation of ADX that got me ā€˜wonderingā€™ (Iā€™m the ā€˜Wilder Junkieā€™ remember)!!! LOL!!!

But: Iā€™ve ā€˜bowed out gracefullyā€™ for now and once again (this seems to be becoming a habit of mine. I even ā€˜kissed and made upā€™ with that ā€˜monkeyā€™ on FF in the interest of the thread and the other members). But: time will tell as always.

I think weā€™ve just picked up another ā€˜I need to get my post count up so that I can post some linksā€™ member (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)!!! LOL!!!

I love this thread. I mean: you can say or discuss just about anything here and youā€™re not detracting from the CONTENT of the thread!!! LOL!!! The TOPIC of the thread went AWOL sometime last year already!!! LOL!!!



Ya, iā€™m going with basically a lot of packaged total BS hereā€¦ itā€™ll work fine for a while, or it wont, and then it will not work for a while, or something along these lines.

Basically, this bad boy will cost 90% who trade it money at best, and itā€™ll cost 100% who trade it money at worst.

just run a 5 year backtest on it using any major currency pair.

how much you wanna bet it loses money?


No can do. Itā€™ll be a one-sided bet (just you try and find somebody whoā€™ll ā€˜take the other sideā€™)!!! LOL!!!



to this day, iā€™ve only seen one EA ever posted for free or pay that MAY make a profit in the long run (doinā€™t know for sure myself, the risk management isnā€™t up to snuff for me, and no i wonā€™t be posting any links to it or whatever, so donā€™t ask)

but, even then, most wonā€™t work with it.

Iā€™ve been looking since 2005, on every major trading forum.

never found it yet.

and iā€™ve found hundereds. maybe thousands.

pay 6-8 figures for one, make your own based on REAL market edges like orderflow, correlation, price action, volume, etcā€¦
or just give me your money. I"ll at least tell you what i spent it on, and send you a pretty post card for your trouble.

otherwise, youā€™ll give it to me and other guys like me, and all youā€™ll have to show for it is an empty trading account.


Are you sure you posted this post of yours (above) on the right thread??? LOL!!!

Sorry: it just seems more ā€˜befittingā€™ of THAT OTHER thread (the one in question).

And with all of the ā€˜actionā€™ that appears to be happening here on BabyPips, Forex Factory, and FPA of late: itā€™s quite easy to get confused!!! LOL!!!

I TOLD ya!!! I think this should be known as the ā€˜December Withdrawal Effectā€™!!! LOL!!!



Hey guys. :slight_smile:

Please donā€™t overrate me or my opinions, lol. Eremarket is for sure more profitable than I am and I am still a newbie since two years or so in fx. I am still more comfortable with commodities and some stocks. Now, my EAs are profitable, but itā€™s all still at the start. Time will tell ā€¦ Only thing is ā€¦ as I donā€™t risk my account in the whole part on every trade Iā€™ll stay in this business for a while longer than a quick rich gambler who looks just up and never down, lol. :wink:

Yes ā€¦ the point is being profitable at all, over an extended period of time.
Better to ā€˜onlyā€™ make 10 or 15 per cent profit in a year than trying for 500% and ending up with losing half the money in an account.
Hehe, the reason why I keep coming back to you, BC, if it comes to EAs is that to the best of my knowledge, you are the only profitable trader on BabyPips using automated trading ā€¦ all the others trade manually.
Also, you have created your EA yourself, as opposed to just having bought something of which you couldnā€™t possibly know how it [B]really[/B] worked ā€¦ to me, that makes you an authority on successful implementation of Expert Advisors.

EAs may not be everybodyā€™s cup of tea (including myself, for now at least), but you are living (and posting :D) proof that one can indeed make money by letting a few smart lines of code do oneā€™s daily trading.
I think thatā€™s pretty cool, although personally I prefer to be in the driverā€™s seat.


Well, thanks Oliver, but for me it is just ā€œnormalā€ to trade by my bots. It was the first idea I had when I recognized that there is a metatrader with mql language. Before I even thought of trading by hand.

Anyways, as I said. I am a newbie still, so we will see how it goes over the years, lol. I think 2 years is almost nothing in this business and if Iā€™m still here at bp in 10 years weā€™ll have some more experience regarding bot trading. Itā€™s still a long way to go.

One thing is however sure, at least to me: A bot CAN make money. Not talking about a black box, tho.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

Hi BC,

Thanks alot for your advise last week, it helps me alot for my trading. So far Iā€™m doing very very well. Iā€™m up already 1% this week.:30: Keep in touch, my friend.

Happy trading!


We certainly had alsorts in the thread! lol. After taking a shower from all the Unclean feelings iā€™ve had (due to cross dressing, cars and other debauchery), etc. one of the posts i was unfamiliriar with and would like to ask for some clarificationā€¦

Someone mentioned ā€œchurningā€ in respect of brokers. This is the first time iā€™ve heard this expression and was wondering if you guys could enlighten me.


Whereā€™ Leandar?

Didnā€™t you hear? heā€™s retired. doubled his money every day for the past 26 days, and now heā€™s a millionaireā€¦

OOOORRRRRRā€¦ maybe heā€™s just taking some time to seriously learn what acceptable risk managment is and
how to actually trade.

iā€™ll let u gess piptronix which one is probably the most right :wink:


Or maybe he decided to "(Lets) Make trading simple and profitable " and just buy into somebody elseā€™s EAā€¦
We need him to keep us ā€œon trackā€ lolā€¦come back Leandar, donā€™t quit, your thread needs you.

Hello neverā€¦,

glad you made some pips and I hope my advice was proper, lol. :slight_smile:

What the FUUUUUUUUU ā€¦ you guys are doing in my fabulas beautiful thread? :smiley:

Well you seemed to ā€˜drop off the edge of the worldā€™ there for a while so we figured weā€™d keep ā€˜warmā€™ for you until you got back.



Dale, i am trading in real this year.

100% risk

My broker will suicide

Better him than you. :smiley:

got 80 pips

expecting 100 pips in ECB press conference time