30 Pips A day Keeps the your money at bay

I think it was 5k into 100k, :eek: But I might be wrong.

See page 139 of this blog to see it was 50k.

Yes, but at the very start he started with a small amount and compounded it - and thats how he had the 50,000 on page 139ā€¦

am i right?
i have been following this thread for a while and im under the impressions Luis and a partner worked with a small amount and worked together to turn it into what he has now.

perhaps tmoney can clue us in. What did you start out with Tmoney?

Yeah, I think I recall thatā€™s how he started.

It was 4,865.27 of which we made a 12,586.46 dollar profit from after paying 948 in commission to our brokers. This was enough to land us a 50k investment and the rest is historyā€¦ heh. We flipped the 50k to 172.6k from July to end October and took a break throughout November and December. As a result, we ended up with 122.5k in profit (245% return between July-October, 61.3% monthly avg). From November-Jan 1st we withdrew 160k (split the shares) and the rest you should know from my recent posts from Jan - Today. All in all, now we are in the processes of finalizing a dealā€¦ and as I said b4, I can say no more :D.

I hope this answers your question :rolleyes:

Awesome as usual coming from you :cool:

Itā€™s great to have you back in here, donā€™t get lost for that long.

BTW did you trade the cable during this session?

Is anyone looking at the USD/CHF at the moment?
i am trying to analyse it, with my
X @ 1.07870
A @ 1.05175
B around 1.06970

I would upload pics but i am on bootcamped Mac running windows and it doesnt recognise the print screen button.

I wish Fx was compatable with Mac!!!

anyway - i am just keen to start getting some pattern recognition under my belt, it looks like this one could turn into a buttlerflyā€¦ im not sure

any help?

Incredible result, congratulations.

-Edit- Iā€™m currently in the swiss

TMoneyBags - you mentioned that you are in the process of signing some kind of deal ā€¦ does this mean that you will not be able to post your trading ideas/results and your new system here on the forum due to terms of your deal ??

Took a 9 pip loss. 6 initial after the first 15 min close above the convergence point and 3 now after reading the candles and seeing price history. Their is too much confusion within that convergence point to stay in it and wait for a 30 min close (lower time frame analysis) and the News that had swiss news from 5am usually makes this pair go ā€œballisticā€ through out the day (price history march 18, feb 18). Iā€™ll let you guys know if I find anything decent to trade today. Iā€™m pretty sure some pattern will form for the US news thatā€™s about to come out.

No on the contrary, quite the opposite will happenā€¦

My guess is:
Babypips are going to recruit him :slight_smile:


What was your pattern on the swiss like TMB?

i have one which hasnt completed quite as yet, its on its way to the D nowā€¦ hopefullyā€¦

Upcoming EUR/GBP Bullish Butterfly (4H) convergence at 0.86499
Upcoming EUR/USD Bullish Butterfly (2H) convergence at 1.31743

Thanks mate, itā€™d be good to have short and sweet alerts like this and can have a look too :slight_smile:

Nice one ! :slight_smile:

Hi, im really curious. Is there any favourite currency that you guys have that u always pay attention to?

a.Is the market symmetrical (2-3 patterns prior to your prediction)?
b.Is there multiple convergence?
c.What time frame are you trading?

2.Always set a stop loss point, whether it is visual or physical, a failure point must be set.
a.What is your visual stop?
b.What time frame is your visual stop in?
c.*Is your trade 10+ pips positive?
d.Is there a physical stop? If so where?

3.At the beginning of your trading day, you must do a full top down analysis of the pair you will be trading.
a.Have you done a full top down analysis of the pair?
b.What are the results of the last 10 patterns that developed?
i.Circle (F)ailed || (S)uccessful
1.F S
2.F S
3.F S
4.F S
5.F S
6.F S
7.F S
8.F S
9.F S
10.F S
c.Is the success rate above 70%?

4.Make sure your XABCD points are valid!
a.Is your X an extreme?.
b.Is your BC Leg at least a .382 retracement?.
i.If your BC leg is a .382 retracement or gap, then CD must be: 127% - 261%
5.Your D projection must always be at a convergence point in price.
a.What is the proximity between the convergence point?
i.Please circle the following (If not applicable SWITCH PAIRS):
1.0.0-2 pips = Excellent convergence
2.2.1-5 pips = Good convergence
3.5.1-10 pips = Moderate convergence
b.Is there additional convergence points in the given area?
c.*What candle stick pattern formed after reaching the convergence point?
d.*What candle stick pattern did you use as a ā€œtriggerā€ (late entry/re-entry)
6.Is your limit set at 30 Pips (If this is not true then you have failed)?

*must be completed during a trade.