30 Pips A day Keeps the your money at bay

Hey man, let us know how it goes - ive been watching this massive downtrend in the euro, and have been pretty keen to get in on shorting it…

do any of u guys use butterflys? and what is better, gartley or?

what a week, this ended well, i hope some others were on it.

probably got out about a thousand pips too early, but closed the full position at .382AD after just missing a higher limit last night. great week, no need to be greedy, and too much event risk over the next 72 hrs for me to hold on.

just need gold to turn around now (keep dreaming). have a good weekend.

Will do :slight_smile:


i can see a D forming on the Eur/Usd around the 1.29, after bouncing above the 1.25 making the A, 1.28 for the B, 1.26 for the C - havn’t quite done a full analysis, but all the fundamentals back up after ive seen on forexfactory that there are alot of big funds shorting the euro still after this weeks news.

Hope this one goes well for you Chris! :slight_smile:
I feel the Euro still has a way to fall - just got to find an entry this week after the recent news.

Hello Taylor.

Never made the trade, the price retraced around the Pivot at the 127,20% Fib lvl. So i never entred.

Found a new pattern on the EUR/USD, but i dont know really, big gaps in the CD Leg and the news about the Eurozone gives me the felling it is wrong to short this pair?

Anyway here is the pattern. :slight_smile:


:cool: TY :cool:

Im reading fundamentals/news pointing at 1.20 over the next month or so,
Looking at the Eur/Usd im thinking it is strongly shortable, my news feeds from Oanda and UBS are pointing towards shorts
-im just trying to find an entry, im thinking the 1.30 may well be a high…

but im no expert!!!

Wow TMB nice stuff :slight_smile:

got anyshots of the patterns?

ty ladies and gentlemen I would show you the patterns… but i have to play starcraft 2 right now ill post them later.

of corse! sorry mate, i was just being lazy :slight_smile:

cant wait to see the patterns, im on Oanda right now and dont have access to my fxpro program right now, so ill wait to see youre patterns

TMoneyBags and HMoneyBags - please provide information regarding your use of the MACD and SSD in your trading.

There is allot of Short selling Gartleys in the market atm. Have found strong patterns in GBP/USD, EUR/USD, AUD/USD, EUR/JPY, GBP/USD all on the 1hrs most of them have the Fib divergence at Pivotpoints.

Anyone other have the felling that this short upp swing is only temporairly and the price will head down again?

Can post patterns if there is intrest in that. :slight_smile:


Yep Chris, there is some good info around about the big players (barclays, ubs …) taking this stance and seeing it go to 1.20 as soon as the buyers are exhausted

Any links to where i can find that info Taylor?


Hello guys, I don’t have the habit of using stop-loss. I’m not sure whether this is a serious problem because I always enter at near market high/bottom. So I would often make a profit if I’m patient enough.In fact, I notice that if I use stop-loss, I would often get stop out before I even make a profit. Can anyone please enlighten me whether this is a good way to trade? Please also tell me how did you manipulate stop loss to your advantage in your trade.


Hi, care to share your 1h pattern in AUD/USD ? Can’t find it.

TMB … How are you plaing Starcraft 2 … i thought the release date was sometime the end of July ? (completley unrelated to FX i know lol )

Some people are given Beta keys with which they can play the Multiplayer portion of the game.

Can anyone tell me if this is a valid pattern ? or if its even the correct way of drawing the garltey pattern ?