30 Pips A day Keeps the your money at bay

Hi, like I said I’m two weeks old in Forex :slight_smile: I am playing a demo account. I can say that about half of the Gartleys and Butterflies I find work, and the other half don’t. However, if your stop loss is bigger, you can lose more, but in turn you can negate some of the losses.

If I were playing a live account I would have been able to increase my account. Of course TMB had a big Forex training and is more successful than anyone in this thread.

Does anyone else find the topdown analysis a bit confusing?? This is really something i need to learn to understand… I dont trade gartleys and butterflies yet as i think its more important to fully be able to pick out and understand abcd patterns first, (Im still a noob) but without understanding topdown analysis, I’m still getting faked out on alot of my abcds… Anyone know any good resources for topdown analysis?

The book which TMB reccomends, “Trade what you see - how to profit from pattern recognition” By Larry Pesavento is a complete source to understanding gartleys, butterflies and understanding the fibonacci levels behind them,

I have it and have started reading it the second time around to get a better understanding,
I know what you mean - i had trouble reading the top down analysis post too, but after reading it again and again and straining my brain with the levels, and some knowledge of how price moves when it reaches support and fibonaci levels (like when TMB says the price goes through the levels without resistance = fakeout)

It takes a few goes to understand some of it,
i have started to make a list, like a procedure, combined with rules and then money management so that i can check it before i trade - to ensure every time i check to see higher patterns/fundamental/news times/ Candlestick signals and this should take away some of the ‘Chance’ and guesswork out of it.

this thread is dead, tmb seems to have serious performance issues and the learning group along the EU analysis never came up like promised.

TMB’s recommended book doesn’t have TMB’s exact techniques. The book talks about the patterns in detail and how to trade them, but doesn’t talk about TMB’s methods.

As far as I could tell, the book focuses more on which retracement the B and C makes. And it does have to be on a retracement point. On TMB’s method, the B and C’s don’t have to be on a retracement point; but the D does have to be on an XA retracement level which isn’t mentioned on the book.

This thread is’nt dead … thers quite a few of us who are reading though it and posting … just becuase TMB isnt here doesnt mean the thread is dead. He’s written so much in this thead …probably run out of things to say lol

Yea I actually have that book i’m working my way through it at the moment. I guess once i get through it all it will make more sense. Ill keep reading through tmb’s analysis and see if i can digest it properly…

he broke promises, i hate such a behaviour !

TM has been providing his experience and his trading rules for free. What exactly does he owe you? What have you paid or lost by being on this thread. If you feel so slighted then I would suggest you seek advice on other threads or boards. As he has said from the beginning, he learned and tried his methods with other people. Of his original group, only two are left. You might read into that, that 8 out of ten people find his method either unworkable or do not match the his style for successful trading.
He has also indicated he is modifying his approach and he is testing it. To me that sounds like someone is doing his due diligence and paying his learning dues.
Once again “breaking his promise”, give me a break. He does not owe you anything and anything he does contribute is a bonus.

he promised to post his EU analysis and share his new system - did he do this - NO !

he doesn´t owe me anything but I stand to my word and he obviously doesn´t. that´s the point. nothing new learnt here anyway. good luck to you all, but there are way easier methods to get those 30 pips…

Give me a break Lud. The guy has posted so much on here already. He does
not owe any of us anything, and on top he didn’t make any deadlines for his
promise to post his new system. When he wants to, feels like, he will.

Are you serious that there is “nothing new here”? If you are serious, the forum
is better off without you

The problem with the forum at the moment is that there are noobs asking questions that have already been answered earlier before and clearly can’t be bothered reading the whole topic from start to finish. twice. Once you do that you’ll find everthing you need to know.

That’s what I did. I expect everyone to do the same, otherwise the quality of the forum suffers

go on and waste your time noobs

TMB has given us his ‘system’ for free, he has spent ages typing up all this information and replying to people’s questions for the past year … the information you need is here in thread … Stop being so demanding, and did he actually PROMISE you that he would post his new system … if he wants share his new system then he will.

BTW if you think that there are easier ways for you to get 30 pips then dont bother reading or posting in this thread!

you sound like paris hilton

lots of noobs, stay here on babypips !

and yes he promised to post the EU analysis. Just a warning from my side, there are 99% scam on forex internet boards .

as you think on how to get those damn 30 pips I banked them already… if you don´t want to listen to my warning waste your time, hopefully you have more than one life.


BTW - LOTS of the posted patterns are wrong, no wonder you all lose money.

standing up standing tall. a man a word. grow up and you´ll learn this also.

LUD, if you dont like this thread feel free to go elsewhere, and leave it alone. TMB doesnt owe you anything, and all the information you need is in the first 70 or so pages of this. This system does work if you use it correctly, Ive hit 4 out of 5 of the my last attempts at it. Modo is running around here somewhere, and he has a pretty good win ratio going. In any case please go get your easier 30 pips, and let this thread get back on topic.

So, your saying that TMB is runnin’some kind of scam ? … if he is, why do you want his new system and EU analysis ?, why are you still reading this thread ?

lol really? 30 pips a day easily? good, you must be rich then.

Good! You have found yourself a perfect reason why u should stay away from this forum. If you feel that this place adds no value to your trading, then u should just stay away! Dont waste your time here.
For me, my trading performance has improved drastically after reading this forum, and I thank TMB and the regular contributors for this.
Please also watch your language and tone. Nobody owes you a living. If your trading performance is poor, you should first ask yourself what went wrong. Is it you, or TMB? You are so emotional. That probably makes you a bad trader imo.