30 Pips A day Keeps the your money at bay

9 point profit is better then 9 point loss though. I just need to start believing in my research instead of not. I should of shorted at 2710-/00 as I wanted too, but instead shorted 20 points below. I would of made at least 40-50 points had I done. I am trying to maximize profits before the CFTC rules kick in. So I think I will not over trade tonight and wait until tomorrow and size up the market.

Unless I walk away from the computer I judge when to close by the candles, technicals, or other forms of fundamentals. If I do walk away I set a certain point to close at. Sometimes theres no point to close at 30 especially if its edging to a number where stops would be, you might miss a 10-20 point gap that will unleash more stops and quickly turn into an extra 40 points. But thats just how I trade. Like right now I shouldnā€™t of closed, I know itā€™s going to gap lower. But I wont open a new trade, im done for the night.

Tonight I didnā€™t even spot a pattern, I used candles and former lows to judge where to open. I should have opened at 2710, but I opened at 2681, I still made money, but not as much as I should have. I also used currency correlation nothing that EURCHF is posting 15 year lows, and since I was trading on the 1hour chart, I quickly realize EURCHF and EURUSD have +92.7% correlation on 1 hour charts.

But I am happy I closed at 9 points, I should have closed at 20, because right now I would have just been stopped out. The market is killing weak shorts/weak longs right now, then it will continue downhill ( I believe so )

I still have a long way until I can just look at a chart and understand everything that happened, but I am getting better each day.

I am enjoying this website because people are posting images of their charts, and hopefully their honest results. I learn something new daily.

Nice analysis Pagir, and good on ya buddy.
Hereā€™s wishing ya loads more pips :slight_smile:

One word of caution: Be mindful about looking at ā€˜what could/should have beenā€™. Doing this will only frustrate you and will not serve your purpose. Hindsight is wonderful, but it has no place in the present, so donā€™t entertain it.
Keep up the good work buddy :slight_smile:

Hereā€™s another set-up involving the GBP, and fits in nicely with the previous chart I posted. On both charts there is potential bearish pattern setting up.

Hey Pleiadian,

Well, I got out of the NZDUSD 30m alive last week LOL (breakeven). It was up 20+ but it was only a tester position so NeXt! :wink:

I missed the squeeze lower yesterday on a GBPCHF Daily AB=CD pattern.

AUDNZD 30m bearish butterfly in play now - D= 224BCā€¦ charts coming laterā€¦ preoccupiedā€¦

Nice to see you didnā€™t let the NZD/USD turn into a loser after going 20 pips in your favour. Good call.

Looking forward to seeing your charts.

Nice to see you didnā€™t let the NZD/USD turn into a loser after going 20 pips in your favour. Good call.

Yeah moving stops to B/E, always my mandate. :wink: Have to admit, totally discretionary decision on when the move happensā€¦ still easing out of summer so gotta be cautious.

Hereā€™s the AUDNZD 30m chart - a few options. Please let me know what you think.

Can you let me know what variations youā€™re aware of, apart from TMBs? Just curiousā€¦ :slight_smile:

I know Pesavento/Jouflas trade similar rules as far as Iā€™m aware. And my harmonics are not that strict eitherā€¦

Nice chart you got there Inspira.
Iā€™ve marked the three PRZs that I would be looking at. I think the first PRZ looks good. The only problem with that is the next PRZ is not too far away. So do you enter at the first PRZ and widen your stop-loss to cover the second PRZ? It all depends on your trading style, risk tolerance and money management. You could enter at the first PRZ, take a small loss if price continues up, then enter again at the second PRZ.
As I type, price looks like it may be reversing after having already tested the first PRZ. But itā€™s early days and it could just be a fake-out. At this stage I would only enter at the second PRZ if I was not already in the trade.

Hey Dan89,

I discovered harmonics in Jan and really knuckled down around Feb/Mar. Consistency is something Iā€™m getting better at. Iā€™ve been undisciplined and let a few trades run away but the strength of the method has allowed me to come out on top and for that I couldnā€™t be happier!!

Remember, any method can come out on top with less than 50% win rate. As long as your winners are greater than your losers (amongst other things), you should be ok. I really recommend you read Van Tharpā€™s ā€œTrade your way to Financial Freedomā€. Corny title but really has some ā€œtrade secretsā€ to succeed at this game.

snipā€¦edited (newbie trap)

Stops for me are always beyond the PRZ (Scott Carney), Fib levels, previous S/R, round numbers. Some use pivots but I donā€™t. Theyā€™re always dynamic, and thatā€™s important, never a hard xx pips.

Some really wise words from The Pleiadian as well! Someone told me that consistency is something you do, itā€™s an action, not something you get, and thatā€™s really stuck with me.

Donā€™t give up on it too easily. Anything thatā€™s worth having always takes a little time and effort. Experience is priceless. At least be aware that it most certainly is possible to profit trading this or a similar (harmonic) system.
As mentioned earlier, not every pattern works out, and not every pattern should be traded for that matter. By putting time into it youā€™ll discover for yourself what does and doesnā€™t work according to your set-ups.
Hereā€™s wishing you all the very best.

Hope this helps,

Thanks, Pleiadian.

I commonly split my orders up and scale in if itā€™s a big PRZ, so at the moment I just have one live order plus another pending at 1.2750 but doesnā€™t look like it will hit that. Stops are at 1.2765 above the 1.2755 S/R zone, and monitoring the 236AD level.

Wow, Iā€™m very impressed, only 2 weeks and youā€™re away out of the starting gate. Awesome mate!! You mustā€™ve done some serious study and research. :slight_smile: Did you read both of Carneyā€™s newer books as well as Trade What You See and this thread?

Can I ask you what sort of money management youā€™re using? Is it a % account or volatility model?

Nice one Inspira. I got to the table a little too late on this one, so will have to see if it climbs to my second PRZ.
Good luck with the trade buddy. Loadsa pips to ya :slight_smile:

Yep, Iā€™ve read all three of Carneyā€™s books, and ā€˜Trade What You Seeā€™, as well as this thread. Iā€™ve put a serious amount of hours in front of my screens studying and analyzing charts and set-ups. I think itā€™s fair to say Iā€™m committed to the cause :slight_smile:

As for money management, itā€™s more a percentage model I use. I will risk an absolute maximum of 5% per trade, although these trades are few and far between. I like to keep it to around the 2% level per trade.

Sorry about that, will try and post earlier.

Definitely not a pair I normally look at but was a bit quiet out there, so I was scanning some of the exotics.

As for money management, itā€™s more a percentage model I use. I will risk an absolute maximum of 5% per trade, although these trades are few and far between. I like to keep it to around the 2% level per trade.

Cool, I also use 1-2% per trade, and up to 3/4 if RRR is good. Although, Iā€™ve been reading Tharp again and am investigating the % volatility modelā€¦

Yep, Iā€™ve read all three of Carneyā€™s books, and ā€˜Trade What You Seeā€™, as well as this thread. Iā€™ve put a serious amount of hours in front of my screens studying and analyzing charts and set-ups. I think itā€™s fair to say Iā€™m committed to the cause

Holy Cow, Outstanding!!! :eek: :smiley:

Great stuff Pleiadian. LOL, Iā€™ve got some catching up to doā€¦ just picked up the 2nd Carney book now (green cover from memory).

You know, itā€™s so great to meet some people that are seriously committed (finally :(). I truly believe alot of us (me included!) donā€™t succeed because we simply give up. We realise how challenging it really is and look for the easy options, and/or never stick at one thing (anything!?!) long enough. It really takes alot of hard work, discipline, psychology and you really have to love the process, not just the outcome.

I so look forward to sharing the journey with you my friend, 3, 6, 12 months down the track! And anyone else whoā€™s willing to go the distance.

Finally got a live one for anyone still out thereā€¦

Not too far away, though it looks as though it may be already turning.

Itā€™s now moved down to a whisker of the 382AD, and consolidating at the Big Round Number 1.2700 and prior S/R (common around big figures).

Taken half off for +30, stops at b/e so a risk-free trade. Looking for a move down to B at 1.2680s (prior S/R).

Nothing happening on the AUDUSD 30m yet.

Nice trading on the AUD/NZD Inspira.

The AUD/USD looks interesting. Iā€™ve posted two charts, a 4 hour and a 30 min chart. Your 1.272 area looks good. It also coincides with a pyschological number (0.9200). Iā€™d be looking to get in around the 0.9215 level.
Looking at your chart I see you plot the BC projections, but you donā€™t seem to plot the CD projections (measuring from B to A then moving it across to C), is there any particular reason for that.

Btw, thanks for the heads-up on this one. ( I might have my entry set a tad too high. Will monitor :)).

Just to let you know, Iā€™m in the process of setting up a chat room for traders trading a harmonic system, the idea of which is to keep each other informed as set-ups occur during the day. If youā€™re interested, Iā€™ll post you the link when itā€™s up and running.

good job, I hope I can have more pips too, weekend is approaching, and besides I am still a beginner hahhaa

Thanks for the feedback Pleiadian!
Your tips are helping a tonā€¦I was completely missing the BC requirements.

Heres one I finally got last night, Im curious if this was dumb luck or not. I entered on the solid convergence between the .618s of CD and XA.