Has this thread has gone dead???
Anyway, I neglected to post this one last week, no idea why i didn’t post it but great news, it hit the 50% retracement of XA which is where i exit:
Has this thread has gone dead???
Anyway, I neglected to post this one last week, no idea why i didn’t post it but great news, it hit the 50% retracement of XA which is where i exit:
New to this forum, looks like TMB is MIA, really learned a lot from his posts, I trust he is OK…
Yes, I have MIA for some time from both the live group and the thread. I had to step out of the “field” for a moment and analyze what I have been doing wrong for the past 3 weeks and how I can improve and correct my mistakes. As a result, I have come to the conclusion that I have been neglecting a few key rules of mine.
I over extended my self by analyzing too many pairs throughout a trading session and not focusing on 1-3 volatile markets at a time.
I did not make sure that the markets I analyzed had 3-5 recent patterns that had completed themselves successfully.
I jumped between too many time frames and did not focus on trading the intraday 30/60 min charts.
I spent the majority of my time analyzing bigger movements such as that from the 4hr/Daily.
All in all, instead of looking for markets that where developing patterns consistently on the lower time frames I gave in to my emotions of having to find a trade. In effect breaking one of my most important rules that “You do not always have to be in a trade”.
This indeed is a wake-up call and I must step up my “game”.
I have looked through the charts thoroughly and noticed that If I had followed these rules, I could have traded pairs such as the EUR/CHF which formed patterns consistently through the month. As a result, this was a learning experience for my self and those who watched my trading live and I will simply move on and make sure that I do not continue to make these mistakes again.
On the upside, I will be going back to college and finishing my Degree in Finance . Therefor, I must re-schedule my self over the weekend to make sure that I can manage my study time and trading hours. By Sunday I should know how I will manage myself and keep you all updated.
As for the live sessions, I will continue to teach and keep my live trading sessions up so you can see me analyzing the selected markets. On Sundays, I will go over the vast array of currencies and “pin point” which markets should be traded throughout the week and predict in what direction we should emphasize our trades. Thank you for hanging on as always even during my down times and for continuing to work with each other in the live group. Have a great day/night.
TMB, how do I get the live sessions? Thanks!
Just send me a private message with reason to join
TMB, don’t have enough posts (I need 20) to send you and email…Email me at your convenience…Thanks!
I have the same problem and would also very much like to view your live sessions. Thanks!
AUD/USD - Daily Bullish Gartley 100% CD conversion with .707% XA .236% XA Lower 1.272% CD with .886% XA
Any chart or screenshot?
i still can not post link untill i have more the 5 post
thats weird!
yeah very weird, they just hate spammers I tried to post 5 times in one day and they cancel my account cause they thought I was Spamming
I have just got the book “Trade What You See” and I have got up to chapter 5. Maybe I have not read far enough but I have a question. When a Gartley pattern forms, where do you place the fib pattern. At the X, A,??? The book is not clear and from the figures in the book I can not tell either. I am also using ZUP v.86 on Medatrader and at times it has drawn Gartley patterns that are against the rules stated in the book. Could someone help me out with the Fib lines?
Thank you
Well, I just answered one question by reading chapter 6. A butterfly pattern is emerging when D exceeds the X leg.
I suggest you go through the first 1-200 pages of this thread apart from continuing to read the Trade What You See book… I have answered those questions thoroughly and also have provided a video on Youtube which illustrates exactly how to spot and measure patterns.
TMB, looking for a mentor…would like to join your live chat!
Hey TMB,
What’s cracking? Haven’t heard from you in awhile… how are the markets shaping up for you right now? any particular pairs bearing any fruits. I myself haven’t look at the charts in awhile becuz an evil strings of bad trades…
why can’t one just make money consistently in forex. any advice?
advice? - - patience - - and lots of studying. that’s my advice.
thanks for explaing it like this. helped me to understand it faster seeing it in practice. Im trying to get the books you mentioned. Cant find the one on charts tho. Do you still have a live blog thing. I would like to check it out. I cant seem to spot too many patterns myself just. Have only got on a few. Also any chance you could send me the chart book?
Does anyone understand what TMoneyBags stated in post 1595 of this thread? Also there is a follow up to this post in 1579, which is right below his 1595 post. I am trying to understand it, but I don’t see the connections between the different timeframes he is talking about.