30 Pips A day Keeps the your money at bay

What exactly is a hydra? Is it a currency crossover that’s used sort of like hedging? Thanks

Two weeks ago I found my self in the position of reaching my 100% RoI for the month early and decided to begin experimenting a bit in order to reach it faster. The result ended up in Havoc, in all aspects… I’m back to break even with the account I started on the 20th of April and honestly… now that I think about it… appreciate what has happened because it made me realize one very important thing… You must always PRACTICE what you PREACH bellow you will note all the emotions and realization of mistakes that where crossing through my mind TODAY as a trader after not doing so… In addition, so you can contrast the situation one of my most valued students from this thread slapped me in the face today with the opposite results… which I’m truly proud of and has lead me to the realization that it doesn’t matter if the system becomes robotic and boring (I’ve admitted many times in both trading rooms that it has) scalping may be, in the end it has proven to be the most effective form of trading that I have done. Yes, attaining 30-60 pips began to bore me and I let this feeling consume me… The entire point of this system is to Eliminate the main factor of losses in the markets after mastering a winning technique, the removal of emotions. As a result to remind my self of this and to prevent any one who has reached or plans on reaching our level of trading from falling victim of this… :

8||16||51 AM Rado|| i took profit …now lets reverse
8||19||18 AM Luis|| it just broke the d point for continuation
8||19||32 AM Luis|| what pair are you in?
8||21||25 AM Rado|| 1 sec
8||21||39 AM Rado|| usd/chf still not triggered
8||21||55 AM Rado|| usd/cad about to trigger in 3 pips
8||22||13 AM Rado|| e/j triggered
8||22||31 AM Rado|| eur/usd triggered
8||22||35 AM Rado|| away from the gbp
8||22||47 AM Rado|| aud/usd triggered
8||22||51 AM Rado|| total exposure
8||23||05 AM Rado|| 9 % lol
8||24||36 AM Rado|| the reverse is the main trade now…its with the trend and it can bring lots of pips fater
8||25||24 AM Luis|| it can also put me in a hole if dont wrong >.>
8||25||32 AM Luis|| im looking at 1.00300
8||25||51 AM Rado|| i dont see your entries…r u still short cad?

3||50||06 PM Luis|| Rado, im passing the discipline baton to you, you have my permision to wack me with a close when ever were positive
3||50||08 PM Luis|| no matter what
3||52||06 PM Luis|| the AJ trade i mentioned…
3||52||11 PM Luis|| fully completed lol
3||52||17 PM Luis|| then made another pattern
3||52||18 PM Luis|| which completed
3||52||44 PM Luis|| and now its on its way to another pattern
3||53||05 PM Luis|| in the up and down movements the cad completed 3 patterns aswell
3||53||27 PM Luis|| 70/30/65 pips in omovement
3||54||01 PM Luis|| one thing i forgot to note was the break of the channel upwards
3||54||05 PM Luis|| signaled the true d point
3||54||12 PM Luis|| for the reversal back to this D’s retest
3||54||20 PM Luis|| its not that i dont see it completing still
3||54||25 PM Luis|| the thing is… like rado said this morning
3||54||33 PM Luis|| we could have gone out with proffit alot faster
3||54||34 PM Luis|| taking the reversal
5||02||43 PM Luis|| fwell
5||02||46 PM Luis|| well…
5||02||47 PM Luis|| ay
5||02||53 PM Luis|| every time the cad has closed around this lvl this way
5||02||57 PM Luis|| its pushd pu 70+ pips…
5||03||05 PM Luis|| why would it be different this time -_-
5||03||12 PM Luis|| and then its completed a pattern and created a shooting star
5||29||12 PM Luis|| 4 things give me comfort on this trade… 1 the 5 min has respected the convergence each time its hit, 2 in the daily every time the cad has reach a .382 fib levl this major it has reversed 50%+ the following bar
5||29||42 PM Luis|| and last, the retest of the major breaks
5||30||22 PM Luis|| but then again…
5||30||44 PM Luis|| when i look at every bar around this exact lvl that has pushd this same way… the reversal has come 70+ pips above
5||31||14 PM Luis|| and I believe i am too biast… have been this week in market direction do to trading huge patterns
5||31||26 PM Luis|| also… a major consolidation point since january was broken
5||31||46 PM Luis|| witha 250+ pip move possibility
5||32||29 PM Luis|| and now the flag has closed to push upwards…
5||32||44 PM Luis|| i guess the million dollar question is… what should i do?
5||33||59 PM Luis|| and the reality that is banging on my head is to take Rado’s image of all his closed scalps… put that and every other wining trade session image next to me and drill into my head that that is the way i learned how to make money and know how to make money… accept this loss and work on finding symmetrical patterns i can take full advantage of and know exactly what to do
5||34||05 PM Luis|| because right now i dont know what to do…
5||36||09 PM Luis|| to top it all off…
5||36||16 PM Luis|| tomorrow is a bank holiday in europe across the board…
5||49||09 PM Luis|| IM GOING TO REST
5||49||12 PM Luis|| AND START ALL OVER

[B]No Discipline (Breaking Rules)
Discipline (Following Rules)[/B]

Ouch, sorry to hear that TM :frowning: I got burned by shorting USD/CAD as well.


Any opinions on this Bat ?? it looks perfect

B= 0.382 of XA
C= 0.764 of AB

D 0.886 retracement of XA is almost matching 2.618 extension of BC

Should I hold my position till it hit D?

TMB, what time zones are your open and close times on?

Also, do you trade patterns on Canadian pairs now? I thought they did not typically respect fibs, or has that changed?

tough losses TMoneyBags. ive noticed the more trades i have open the more my trade management suffers. the money is in the management :slight_smile:

looking forward to seeing you rake those pips back.:59:

Ever heard the saying… “when you fall just get back up” when you where little? Crying or lamenting over our mistakes leads to missed opportunities in life and learning to cope with ones mistakes is essential in the markets. The market does not care about your feelings or about how you did on a specific day… and because of this its not going to shut down opportunities that you can take advantage of. As you all saw, I woke up from a nightmare yesterday and turned the event into positive fruits… here are the results:

12|28|24 PM Rado| alert aletr…eur/usd 15 min aproaching 200 mva
12|28|29 PM Rado| good signal
12|31|11 PM | Edited 12|31|16 PM Rado| smoke pause
1|09|22 PM Rado| how r u today…+++ i gues
1|09|28 PM Rado| i havent opened the acc
1|09|34 PM Rado| too much charts
1|10|07 PM Luis| its called not being a noob
1|10|09 PM Luis| lol
1|10|17 PM Luis| and knowing how to get back up when you fall
1|10|17 PM Luis| :wink:
1|10|28 PM Rado| true
1|10|32 PM Luis| thatas why i want you to monitor me and help me while i trade
1|10|37 PM Luis| i can do streaks all the time
1|10|45 PM Luis| but then i get boared and start doing stupid trades
1|10|49 PM Luis| and thats what ****s it up
1|10|51 PM Rado| hehe
1|11|11 PM Luis| and one main thing i did today
1|11|22 PM Luis| was meditate… which i did not do in the past 2 weeks before trading
1|11|27 PM Luis| to make sure i stay disciplined
1|11|49 PM Rado| i read my ego killer…not all the time, but often
1|12|15 PM Luis| I read king solomons wisdom :wink:
1|12|46 PM Luis| he wasnt the wealthiest man in the world for no reason heheh
1|16|10 PM Luis| well im done for today i need plenty of rest for tomorrow

The Gray box is part of yesterdays losses, so far I’ve been able to recover 1.6k… 2.5k more to go for full recovery :slight_smile: Patience is key.

dear Tmoneybags. Can I know what strategy you are using now? just Harmonic? and how really you apply for stop lose? Base on your record I found that the stop normally within few min. How you confirm this trade is fail when manually close it.?

My SL is a visual close breaking the convergence point (30 min close for 30 min patterns, hourly for hourly patterns… etc…). As for the losses I had yesterday, they where entries that had triggered while I was already in an Ideal trade. If you note, I was in the USD/CAD at 5:30 and since I didn’t like the initial reaction from the other triggered trades I closed them.

First, thank you for all your support and advices.
Which was the pattern that developed and triggered your USD/CAD trade from 5:30. Because I cannot find it. At which time frame have it developed? Thank you, TMB.

Thx for reply…
But if we wait for candlestick to close at diff time frame for this week, our SL will unpredictable. so how u manage to SL for this week. many pattern are fail and just break through. Furthermore, if a candlestick breaking the convergence point but close with a doji or other reverse candlestick pattern, will you still SL?

Well It’s time for me to rest and analyze the markets over the weekend… have a great weekend :smiley:

On the contrary, there are many patterns developing in “symmetrical markets” such as:

5/15/2012 4|02|52 PM Luis: those are all creating patterns with easy 15-30 pip scalps

As for patterns developing in ranging markets like the EUR/USD, GBP/USD, ETC… the best way to go would be too look for 5, 15, 30 min patterns that develop in the direction of the trend (which have created these during its consolidation periods for a continuation).

do you mean if lets say pattern are against the trend, you will ignore it? are you still using harmoni still? Cuz like today I can’t find any pattern develop? mind share why you had trade GBP/USD? what signal you have see?

GBP was a Daily pattern that had its continuation confirmed on the 4 hour…

For example, here is my GBP analysis from yesterday:

Way to make a come back TMB!

TMB, so you mean now you even trade on XA point not just D even ?

I’ve explained various time throughout the thread that I use multiple fib levels to find the true convergence… the image I showed you was that of multiple patterns developing in the same general area.

Dear Freinds ,

I’ve found the developing pattern below for USD/CAD , 30 min …
Could this be a possible developing Bullish Crab ?? , any suggestions ??

Many Thanks :slight_smile:

I’ve found a couple of patterns during the weekend that hopefully workout.
The XA:.886 at (.99384) converges with the CD:1.618 at (.99396) There is also a daily pivot just above the convergence area at .9947

The other pattern I have is EUR/JPY D1
The XA:.886 at (98.685) converges with the CD:1.382 at (98.631)

Please let me know if you see anything wrong with the patterns or not.