30 Pips A day Keeps the your money at bay

This looks fairly legit, i’m having troubles finding it exactly… is this the 1 hour time frame as your picture displays?

shiii i mean daily haha

DAILY this is what I have found:

Price is currently situated at the 100% CD expansion (AB=CD right now), which is conveniently located within proximity of the 61.8% retrace of XA

I have set an order to go LONG just above the 61.8 for a 30 pip move. SL is 15 pips below the 100% expansion.

These orders are tight, but it works nicely considering the 100% is sitting on a solid resistance level (April 17 and 18 swing low)

Excellent. In that case, we are on the same page – or chart for that matter

Solid find if i may add. Let us see how this unravels.


I enjoy the fact that this pattern completes on a major resistance (Feb 8 - Mar 5 swing highs)
X: .8408
A: .7455 (also a double bottom here)
B: .802
C: .7852
D: .8408 (in this case, it’s probably best to go short just under the major psychological .84000 level)

OK Jong I have a doubt.

I’ve been learning with Scott Carney’s books and he argues that the initial XAB retraction level is Crucial.
If XAB < 0.618 then it may be a bat and if XAB = 0.618 then it may be a gartley. (I’ve only read on Bats and Gartleys so far… still have to get to crabs and butterflies, 3 drives, etc…)

What are your thoughts on the matter? In the analysis you post, you don’t say what sort of animal you’re looking at, obviously by restricting classifications in this way, we are restricting ourselves even more which means less trades ( :frowning: ) and less risk ( :slight_smile: )

I tend to over-analyze things, I’ve always been that way.

Thanks for your answer!!! I’m happy to learn with you!!

The white column represents X-A Fibonacci levels. These fibs will show the where possible D’s may form. X is always found at an extreme point in price. In this case we are drawing the fibs from the highest swing to the lowest swing left to right (This is done vice versa when looking for a bullish trade).

The pink column represents a possible A B leg. The fibs here are used to determine where the C point is. In this case, my B-C leg lands on a .618 level. This usually indicates that when the C-D leg is forming, D will find support or resistance when it is symmetrical to A-B. This tends to be true in the majority of Gartley 222 patterns you find.

The Black column illustrates the relationship between the AB and CD legs. I use fibonacci in this point for percentage purposes only. In other words, I draw my fibs from the tip of A to the tip of B and move the fib tool to the tip of C. This will then illustrate what is drawn in the image above and show a 0-2.618% relationship between the AB and CD legs.

@Tmoneybags (But anyone who knows correct way to do this can reply)

I’m a lil confused with this post/pic. You quote, “the black column illustrates the relationship btwn AB & CD legs” and you then describe that you draw your fibs from point A to point B and than move the fib tool to the tip of point C. Now the confusing part that u question is… The black column looks as if it was drawn from point B to point A. Reason being cause the 0% percent fib is at the tip of point C while the 100% is facing towards the direction of point D. I’m asking which way is correct??? The way you typed it or the way you actually drew it??? And does it really matter which way you draw???

Thanks in advance!

Good question. As i have found, and others can contest to this matter, that ‘true’ patterns rarely form according to the guidelines. I have a spreadsheet that ‘predicts’ ‘D’s’ according to the ‘rules’ and is only right 2-3 times out of every 10 trades. With proper money management, this could be profitable, but it only occurs sometimes on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. It must be noted that this is only in the major currency pairs where harmonics are most likely to develop.

Here is a picture of my spread:

Conclusively, to attain these ‘perfect’ patterns, one must be extremely patient due to their rarity. There is nothing wrong or frowned upon for being patient but realistically speaking, if they are scarce, then what are you willing to risk in order to make a living off of these ‘animals’.

Personally, I trade where the XA retrace levels coincide with a CD expansion leg that is greater than 100%. Additionally, I will analyze price action and use horizontal support/resistance lines to confirm or increase my probability of success. It literally is as easy of a concept as that.

I hope this helps,



By the way ‘sKratch1989’, our GBP/CAD trade is +40 pips at the moment, has formed a doji after a recent down trend, and the previous candle was showing characteristics of a downtrend that is ‘slowing’ in momentum. lets hope it goes up from here.

I’m waiting for it to hit the 0.886 XAD retracement, only because while learning in my trading plan I have written: don’t trade in the middle of a pattern, wait for the pattern to complete. I forget where I read this I think it was in “trade what you see” but in any case i’m gonna stay out until we get a completion in the PRZ, good luck to you!!! I’m finally starting to read about CRABS and Butterflys BTW which is exciting because before I was limited to retracement patterns only, now I’ll have some expansion patterns in my toolkit :smiley:


Excellent, always learning is the way to prosper. I locked in +30 (I had a trailing stop), and am looking to go Lon again on a bounce of the 100 expansion or .618XA… If that fails then ill be looking to go long at the next point of confluence.

Good luck to you too!

Would you trade this???

This for example looks like a cross between a Deep Crab and a Butterfly. (I’m cheating I peaked ahead in my book i shouldn’t be trading these yet hehehehe)
Looks like a deep crab should have an XAB retracement at 0.886, (This one is only 0.786) but it is correct in that it projects a 1.618 BCD expansion.

If it were a buttefly, the XAB retracement would be correct, but it would only have an overal expansion of XAD 1.27, so I'm more likely to consider it a deep crab.

Thanks for your input, I figure that as long as there is price confirmation then we could consider this example harmonic.

(Notice that this is my first analysis that is NOT on the daily charts!!!!!!!!!!! 4h!!!!!! slowly but surely i'll lower my timeframe, the thing about only trading the daily charts is that there is less practice opportunity, etc.)

Solid find!

after adding in channel lines (dashed), expansion (red), horizontal resistance (dashed), and the XA retrace (blue), there seem to be many confirming signals toward your Gartley.

Price action tells us that price is slowing down but we need confirmation of a reversal. In this case, i’ll be waiting for the 4-hour close to confirm the short.

**Note: Unfortunately, unless you were in this trade on Friday, or the market doesn’t move over the weekend, this pattern will basically hold no value in my eyes. Over the weekend, it could jump a significant amount in either direction; conversely, I would be willing to risk 1/2 of my normal position size on this trade due to all the confirming factors.

Solid work, keep it up!

N.b. using the most recent swing low (15 Jun), we can see that the 100% CD expansion (AB=CD) lies right at the sell point of our Gartley. I simply copied and pasted the black and blue lines.

N.b. 2 - Here’s a larger Gartley around our smaller one. ‘D’ of this larger one and of the smaller one are both situated at the 127% XA retrace of the larger (red) one. It must be noted the symmetry that the two triangles possess… the first is almost a perfect equilateral, and the second is rather acute.

Its unfortunate that this did not happen mid-week… I would take this trade without a doubt–after confirmation that is.

good point with the inner patterns I need to start looking for those. Check the crosses with this pair, it’s interesting:

So what do you think EURCHF is doing? that’s right, a whole lot of nothing. :smiley:

on a side note you ever read about shark patterns / 5-0 they look really crazy hahaha someday i would like to use them but I am sure to wait until the other patterns become easier to recognize… :x

Currently @ +95

GBP/CHF has moved down +40 from the completion of our Gartley and has now retested and rejected the 100% expansion and/or upward channel line. Since this move has happened, i have opened a short position and is currently +10

Unfortunately, I have not heard of a shark. That looks like a solid pattern; moreover, may i suggest comparing your most recent prediction to that of your previous prediction (GBP/CHF). They are strikingly correlated in a negative fashion.

On other notes, our EUR/USD short (due to head and shoulders on daily TF) has profited us +96 and am currently in a +50 for going long off of a Gartley that has completed at the 127.2% expansion.

RED: Head and shoulders (its expansion completes at 1.236 (this is also a long term AB=CD expansion)
GREY: Gartley (pink line is 127.2 expansion)

Hello!!! In my studies I’ve come across the idea of Fibonacci Time Zones. I’ve outlined my basic premise here in this post christine chart doodles: Fibonnaci Time Zones with Pattern Trading Tell me what you think, thanks!!!

The basic premise is that pattern completion should be symmetrical, so that if point D finishes before time zone two away from points XAB then if it stalls we shouldn’t be surprised, and we should be willing to hold onto the trade until it reaches point 2. I’m writing this here because I don’t know if any of you have studied fibonacci time zones? I would appreciate if you know of any other resources about this.

And Jong nice call with EURUSD the problem is that it doesn’t fit any of my fib correlation levels because it looks like XAD retracement point is at 1??? I’m sure that’s fine though because that would be like falling on a previous support level. I’ll be watching to see how it plays out.
