30 Pips A day Keeps the your money at bay

Open Positions: Short EU @ 1.33645; Short EJ @ 124.997 & 124.927 (Hourly Close above 200 MVA for the EJ = Exit or pussh past previous high).

Excellent agile trading.

Now you’re looking at what I have been looking at all day long… there are a ton of convergences of all kinds on EJ below current lows for a nice Gartley. Lemme know what you see :wink:

Thanks TMB.

I followed price up a bit more and baged 25 pips. Now i’m short with half of my lot size and have a bearish gartley waiting at 125.290 (1.0/0.5 fib) where i will short the other half if price gets there.

I agree that price has been behaving a bit odd today which i guess is a consequence of yesterdays bank holiday.

Looks like we will close avove the 200 MVA on the hourly though. Is your prior analyzis still valid in that case?

EDIT: Ignore my last question. Just saw your post. :slight_smile:

TMB, what is your hydra target?


Ugh… I feel like I’m sailing in rough waters today :expressionless: going to stick to 30 pip scalps and anticipated entries for the rest of the month… these market emotions are not good for the soul :stuck_out_tongue:

quick scalp at 124.718
If 124.612 breaks selling towards 1.24

Haha! I feel you bro! I started the day of with -80 pips and now i have recovered half of it. Once again i broke my rule of not trading anything else than crystal clear and predefined setups. Got punishes right away. The forex market is a great teacher. If you do not do it right you get a big slap imediately! :slight_smile:

Entered final positions at 125.095

Great that you make those pip. I made the same pattern, but place the stop loss of a little close, so it hit it at night.

Target = 124.00 where a buy entry is waiting for me.

I entered my second short on 125.300. A major resistance and i do not think price will be able to break it. But since the market has behaved like mad today it would not surprise me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Overall i think we will see the JPY pairs go south for some time now. Price is really exhausted and looking at the EURJPY daily chart we have a big RSI divergence since a while back.

Well well, only time will tell… :slight_smile:

This would be great news to all the traders over here. I believe all of us would able to learn from mistakes and tricks.

First Hydra

Second Hydra

Third Hydra

Wow… today’s lack of performance has been a huge lesson on my part, I have not felt this stress in such a long time and that build up of stress lead towards horrible execution on my targets. Non the less, it pushes me towards the realization that I must focus on trading “secure” D points and anticipate the trades rather then trading hydras based on completed patterns and price action. As a result if I do trade C to D from now on, I will make sure that my entry is coming from a pattern on the lower time frame with proper execution (which leads to a lot less stress build up).

Emotional roller coasters are not the way to go! I’ll stick to my uniform way of scalping!

End Result: Break Even

Good evening, everyone!
If you allow me I would like to ask you about an AUD/USD M30 pattern that is reaching D right now.
My question is if the 2.618 of CD and 0.886 of XA converge with a 3 pips closeness could be a problem?

Thanks a lot!

Wow, nice TMB. I love your visualization of the hydras you built! I have been in the exactly same boat with you all day long. I started the day by really hitting my account with a huge blow since my first position got stopped out which wasn’t planned.

I had to leave the office and put a stop loss to tight. The result -8,3% drawdown on my account. Now after many positive scalping’s in combination with my last bearish gartley on the EJ that kicked in perfectly i have recovered and am nearly break even at the moment (-0,5% of my account).

But still i am glad. This is the first time i manage to take a step back and analyze the situation before taking action. So instead of overtrading and over leveraging i made good trade decisions that let me recover from the bad trades this morning even if that wasn’t my goal in the first place. So i have learned something today.

But once again i did the same mistake i always do. I break the rules of my trading plan which clearly forbids me to enter trades that are not triggered by a pattern. First when i learn to manage that urge to trade and the emotions that come with a trade moving against you i can progress and increase my lot size.

Until then i just have to practice discipline and patience. I am always surprised how much this kind of trading has to do with the inner game, with yourself rather than the trading itself.

And as you might have noticed i had some time to spare at work today so i was able to participate more in here. Thanks for a interesting trading day to say the least. :wink:

Yeah man, once you adopt a system and begin to master it than everything you do falls on you and not the system. Take today’s trades for example, each one of my hydras completed a pattern that worked in its favor. The error was in my self not waiting for the convergence to hit and entering at the ideal convergence zone. As a result, when trading [B]PATIENCE [/B]is [B]KEY[/B]. Instead of break even, it could have been an 80-120 pip day on my part heh.

Amen to that!

One of the biggest truths regarding trading no matter what you trade since no one else forces you to buy or sell anything. It is always the person who places the trade who has the responsibility for the trade and the result.

I think most traders focus to much on finding the perfect system or the holy grail. Like you say it’s the execution of the trade that is the key. There are many successful systems out there that have worked for a long time and returned consistent profit. But many lack the insight in their own behavior to really stick with a system and learn, trade and stick with it with discipline.

Yeah, there were good trades out there today and like you said you could have bagged 80-120 pips. But i think you should be really proud of yourself to get out of this bumpy ride break even! :wink:

Myself, i could have blamed the pair for behaving in a strange way today which it indeed did and that would have been much easier. But it’s really hard to take a step to the side instead and critique yourself and see what you yourself could have done better.

With this in mind i really need to get my game together and stick to my plan from now on.

By the way. GBPUSD is really close to the convergence of the bullish gartley on the daily chart i posted yesterday. It has the potential of a bigger move. I entered manually since price is already bouncing of a trend line which is 10 pips above the convergence. I entered long at 1.54258. I think price will have a hard time to move significantly lower for some time since we have both a trend line, MSRT line, convergence, RSI convergence and major support/resistance level converging at the same level which is the D point of the bullish gartley. Let’s hope my analysis is correct. :slight_smile:

Be time for me! Good night everyone!

I followed TMB’s signals EUR/JPY today and I had a stunning day! This is my result for today
Ticket Symbol Lot S/B Open Close P/L Open Time Close Time
11590247 EUR/JPY 10 S 125.035 125.027 0.8 19/02/2013 14:47 19/02/2013 16:10
11590428 EUR/USD 10 S 1.3362 1.33601 1.9 19/02/2013 15:04 19/02/2013 16:09
11588440 EUR/JPY 10 B 124.919 125.045 12.6 19/02/2013 10:21 19/02/2013 14:46
11588792 EUR/JPY 10 B 124.787 125.031 24.4 19/02/2013 11:10 19/02/2013 14:46
11588205 EUR/JPY 10 B 125.222 125.014 -20.8 19/02/2013 10:02 19/02/2013 14:46
11587260 EUR/JPY 10 B 124.755 124.956 20.1 19/02/2013 08:23 19/02/2013 09:58
11586960 EUR/JPY 10 B 124.655 124.962 30.7 19/02/2013 07:55 19/02/2013 09:58
11585870 EUR/JPY 10 S 125.101 124.687 41.4 18/02/2013 23:55 19/02/2013 07:53
11585818 EUR/JPY 10 S 125.179 124.672 50.7 18/02/2013 23:46 19/02/2013 07:53
11585850 EUR/JPY 10 S 125.179 125.138 4.1 18/02/2013 23:51 18/02/2013 23:55
Total 165.9

Thank you TMB. Perhaps soon enough I will be doing some serious damage. Who knows?

HAH! :smiley: That’s what I’m talking about! Good job!

[QUOTE=TMoneyBags;460312]HAH! :smiley: That’s what I’m talking about! Good job!

Kudos to you TMB. Am still a bit far from building anfull pair analysis like you put here for our benefit, but I will try to get there. The biggest hurdle I’ve got is that I work. But for the time being, just following where the Fibs convergences are helps a lot. Also I took note of how you respect big news announcement. As you can see I exited 2mins before the news with a profit, and the only loss was me bad selecting a Buy instead of sell on my phone (gee whizz) but glad I closed it with a small damage as at one point it was -55 pips, but price did not close under the convergence and it did come back.