Amazing Results!

Hi all,

Stop asking obaasima for the strategy, he won’t say a word about it.
I am ready to bet that soon he is going to ask money for his signals.
I’ve seen this so many times…

Happy trading,

Hi Mariuspa,

How many people drink coca-cola on this planet?
Have you ever read Coca-Cola’s secret anywhere, or Mcdonalds, or any of these people who spend years developing a formula for whatever it is they do?

It takes time (years sometimes), hard work, perseverance and ‘stickability’ (the ability to stick with it) for anything to be developed and perfected; forex trading is no different. And by the way, since each trader is different, hardly any two successful traders will have the same method or strategy for their success.
Many times, by the time a person gets to a good level of expertise in anything, they might have made among other things, great financial investment; is it so bad then if that person , after getting to a level where others might benefit from their knowledge, decides to receive a financial reward for their hard work? I don’t think so.
In an earlier post, I mentioned some indicators, but just how one combines those indicators to come up with a successful trade or otherwise takes practice and experience.
Each of us will have to make up their own mind as to whether or not to pay for another’s trading signals/alerts.

The jury’s still out.

Meanwhile, watch out for more updates.


I didn’t say that wasn’t right. All I said is I think that this is the purpose and goal of creating and updating this topic.

I personally don’t believe in forex signals. It really doesn’t make any sense for me. Why someone who is successful in trading should try to sell his signals when he could make good money trading those signals himself? Is that simple… all it takes to come to this conclusion is a little common sense.

So, maybe you can explain that to me.

Happy trading,

Hi all,

The two trades above have closed today.

I must mention that when the eur/gbp trade was 60 pips in profit, me and my team of trainee millionaires moved our stop loss to breakeven (ie 1.3227) because the eur had been quite sluggish; I was able to fire a quick text msg to them and I wasn’t able to do an update here at the time, so…

eur/usd buy trade - RESULT 0 pips ( breakeven point hit)

gbp/usd buy trade - RESULT + 118 pips ( t/p was lowered to 1.4900; see earlier post)

Altogether a good trading day. :slight_smile:

While on one hand you are correct…one puts in a lot of hard work and investment to acquire such knowledge & expertise. They then later receive financial rewards for letting others benefit from that without having to [B]teach[/B] anyone anything.

However, [B]this is a teaching site[/B]. Only those who teach something or want to learn something, really have any business being here. If your intent is to just harvest students/customers (aka trainee millionaires) for a commercial purpose, then you don’t really have any business being here.

Whatever your pitch is

then you should save it for your home page of your own website which you promote through more commercial avenues like google adwords.


Yes, Sweetpip, the school of Pipsology is the teaching school.
I thought this was a forum, open for discussion and debate; is that not learning?

All through life, we come into contact with different people through different avenues, and every encounter has an effect on our lives; being part of a mastermind group or network, an idea that some people on this forum might be familiar with, is nothing new; that’s what the trainee millionaire group I mention is all about.
Let’s not get hangup about whether we acquire knowledge for free or pay for it; there’s a lot of free knowledge here already, and I’m not even halfway through it yet!

However, in my earlier post, I was just bringing out some food for thought, that’s all.

Yes it’s an open forum for discussion and debate…except we got nothing to discuss or debate here…so what are we learning? Babypips school gives the material, the forum is to discuss and debate such material as one would in a classroom.

Yes all through life we come into contact with people with “hidden agendas”. So to clarify are you not halfway thru the free knowledge yet, or not halfway thru deciding how much to charge for your services.

Food for thought? what’s for dinner tonight?..:smiley:

Hi Sweetpip, I mean this forum is open for discussion and debate, and if you haven’t noticed, there are hundreds, possibly thousands of different discussions going on here on this forum.
What do you mean “what are we learning”? ( as stated in your post!)
Someone posts their strategy, another posts an answer to someone’s question, some people post their trades ( and not just obaasima), other people analyse those trades or indeed follow them, people give opinions on various thoughts and suggestions etc etc etc ( that’s why there are different topics in the forum, this is forextown, where we get to discuss anything forex, not material from the school of pipsology); all that combine together to create a great learning forum.

What are you afraid of here? I don’t quite get what’s ruffling your feathers.

I thought I was just having a friendly discussion and debate about what’s wrong with advertising signal services on a school’s forum. No feathers here…sorry…lol (hmmm maybe I’ll chicken tonight) :smiley:

If you really want to know, I frequently use the “New Posts” link to display the most recent posts of ALL those hundreds & thousands of discussions going on. That your’s keeps popping up in it and I know there’s nothing in there to discuss just kinda annoys me…so perhaps I’m just trying to annoy you…lo…you can always just put me on your ignore list. :wink:

Ok, so apparently I’ve missed something…what are you teaching?..what is there to discuss? :confused:

Hi Marius,

There are many very successful forex traders who sell signals to others who may decide it suits them.
Selling signals is a service to traders just as much as say the fast food industry is to the public ( for lack of a better comparable); they both come already packaged.
To use or not to use signals is very much a personal decision.
Do you think if someone decides to sell their signals, they do not trade those signals?; that would be madness, unless maybe their signals are no good, in which case, they won’t have a busines for very long.
Either way, good and profitable signals can be part of a trader’s ‘tool box’ to use as they wish, whether as a confirmation or ‘second opinion’ for their own generated trades or solely as trades to take for the trader’s own benefit.
Personally, I know that through my learning, I always felt better when I could compare trades I’d generated to ones from someone I considered more experienced and find that I was getting or spotting similar things as them. This built my confidence and kept me believing that I was on the right track.

I wouldn’t disagree with that. But whether the use a free & public forum to solicit new customers for free from whom you will charge a fee is the real question/discussion/debate here. I think yours in the only one out of the hundreds and thousands of discussion here that is discussing signals. Oh, there is/was another thread which I see has now been closed…even though his “site” was giving them away for free. :rolleyes:

I actually wouldn’t be surprised to see some people selling valid signals who do not trade them. Some people cannot get past the emotion part of trading, no matter how good they are at picking out sound technical setups. Seriously, some of the best currency analysts can’t trade profitably to save their lives, even though they may know more about where price is going than most people on this forum.

Hi all, two trades I’ve set up to start off the week.

gbp/usd buy trade @ 1.5019, s/l 1.4832, t/p 1.5165

eur/usd buy trade @ 1.3384, s/l 1.3209, t/p 1.3560

Happy trading.

Hi all, the gbp/usd today moved nicely, the eur/usd pair though, was very sluggish, didn’t move much upwards.

The gbp/usd trade was closed @ 1.5139 because I didn’t want a case where it would retrace on me, which it did, but, thankfully, I’d jumped out with a lovely profit.

EUR/USD hardly moved up and it was good I cut the trade because the price headed south soon after as I’d suspected.

Hi, here are two trades I set up earlier this evening (GMT).

gbp/usd sell trade @ 1.5084, s/l 1.5172, t/p 1.4960

eur/usd sell trade @ 1.3339, s/l 1.3436, t/p 1.3223

Expect the best. :slight_smile:

Hi, the gbp/usd and eur/usd sell trades I set up last night (GMT) have closed. Good trades!

A total of +147 pips banked.

Hi all, new eur/usd trade just set up:

eur/usd sell trade @ 1.3356, s/l 1.3471, t/p 1.3265 RESULT - - 115 pips

All the best to y’all.

Good morning all (GMT),

Just set up this

gbp/usd sell trade @ 1.50147, s/l 1.5197, t/p 1.4810 RESULT - -183 pips

eur/usd sell trade from last night is ongoing.

Happy trading.


Looks like you and I take some similar trades. I’m like you in that I haven’t developed some “strategy” that can feed the masses. I’m so amazed at how many people come into these forums expecting to find the golden egg and they haven’t traded for more than a couple weeks or less! I give myself rules and guidelines. I don’t overtrade, and when a trade is a loser I let it go. I suppose I need to think of a strategy name too. I’ll get back to you on that. Anyway, good trading!


Hi DrLogik, nice to read your post.
“Great minds think alike” and all that…
Have a gr8 week.