Any traders here from Singapore?

Hi all,

I’m completely new to forex but have heard about it from friends since uni days as something challenging so decided to learn more and stumbled upon this site. Great to see fellow Singaporeans here (:

Use PM to get the contact numbers first?

I can’t use the pm function. Can you?

Oh ya, i cant use it either. :confused:

Shall we form a FB Group for localised discussion on Forex as well as meet-ups?

Sounds like a good idea. You form one and we shall join :slight_smile:

Count me in too!

Singaporean here. Am interested in learning.

I am also a Singaporean. Staying in the west… Any regular meet up ongoing?

Malaysian here! Close enough la :stuck_out_tongue:
How is everyone getting on? Making lots of money I hope!?

Havent been trading for quite a while.
Gonna get back up to speed now. :slight_smile:

Who are you trading with? :slight_smile:

Hi Grace,

Which part of Malaysia? I travel to Penang and Malacca for work at times.

I live just outside KL. You? Penang and Malacca are great places to visit! How has your trading day been so far? :slight_smile:

Lone trader. :confused:
Still finding like minded peeps around here. Hahaha

[QUOTE=“grace ng FX;501009”]

I live just outside KL. You? Penang and Malacca are great places to visit! How has your trading day been so far? :)[/QUOTE]

Oh… Yeah… So far I am traveling on demo… Testing this new strategy manually. Also see if this can run on EA. what about you?

[QUOTE=“Ryan91;501010”]Lone trader. :confused:
Still finding like minded peeps around here. Hahaha[/QUOTE]

Hi Ryan. How are you?

I just missed the ride down in AUDUSD.

Hey mate, I’m doing fine.
Hope you are too!

Hi all, I’m new to this forum. Just found it out today and think it could be useful for us to share our trading experiences and broker reviews too!
I’m from Malaysia but living in Singapore now. Not a professional trader but have been trading for over a year. Just wondering what platform do you guys trade the most?
I’m keen on exploring the industry. :slight_smile: