Been trading for a few months

have been programming for a couple of years, and now i am getting my feet wet using metatrader.

Cool, are you trading live or demo?
Using EA?

hello jordan chu,

i am trading a small live account, fully automated.

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Nice, how’s the profit so far?

it is way too early to tell if this trading system will work long term.

i am optimistic, but optimism will not skin a cat in this business.

hey, do you have any experience working for a forex broker? if so, i have a few questions.

thanks for writing.

all trades are now closed.

Welcome! Will you be sharing any details about your strategy? Of course that question was coming!

hello samewise,

what did you want to know? just ask me anything.

btw, i have a question for you… do you have any personal and hands-on experience working inside of a brokerage and did you have any personal and hands-on experience with connecting the trading servers to their Liquidity Provider(s)?

this following image is the final frame in the above animated gif, it is where my trading account sits now.

Sorry, no experience. Just a beginner making my way through this jungle of stuff.

Cool! What programming language(s) are you using for this?

the metatrader trading platform has it’s own programming language.

This looks impressive. Not my area of expertise coding but assumingly the stop loss I can’t see would be x amount of pip drawdown on the position I’d guess right? Is it programmed to a grid that’s updates boundaries through periodic data?

This looks impressive

thank you.

the current position is what i am trying to focus on,.(see image below)

The blue line is my breakeven point.

The red line(with a white tip) is my target price.

My bot tells me that it is expecting to earn a profit of $72.14(14.3%) when the ask price touches the red target price.

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hi there, i see you have asking for personal experience working inside a broker, what do you want to know about that?

i have kinda moved on about that LP issue, but thanks for asking.

my current trade looks terrible, but no worries, i just entered way too early… i should have been entering this position where i am at now, up around 1.1590

i hope that you are having a pleasant and productive day…

Okay, I see.
glad to hear that you have solved the LP problem
you have a good day too

i have not solved the problem, and i do not want to think of this as a “problem”.

the pipeline issues are something that i want to understand from all possible angles.

i would like to understand the pipeline from the perspective of the:

  1. the pipeline
  2. the bank
  3. the broker
  4. the trader
  5. the regulatory agencies

thank you.

my bad, poor choice of word.
i see, so you must have full knowledge of A, B-book right?

btw, that’s a lovely yacht, is that yours?

do enjoy your work, it has been nice chatting with you.

good day.


Whoops is right.

