Cheat sheets to print

Hey guys,

I’d like to share these two printer-friendly cheat sheets I’ve made from the Babypips lessons.

Chart Patterns Cheat Sheet.pdf (155.9 KB)

Japanese Candlestick Cheat Sheet.pdf (122.2 KB)



Thank you for sharing your cheat sheets @alvarob! :slight_smile:

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thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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Thank you! :slight_smile:

What’s the best timeframe to use when looking at the candlestick patterns?

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Thanks a lot for sharing these 2 cheat sheets! Just keep it up with the good work!

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I’m a beginner trader, but as far as I know, you can use the candlestick patterns in any time frame, although shorter time frames (i.e. < 5 min) may be noisy sometimes.

There is a lesson about that here: Learn Forex Chart Patterns -


Thank you friend. :slight_smile:

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yeah, i did this as well when i was newbie
still got the print outs,
i also laminated them in case of coffee spills or whatever

i remember thinking
"I’m gonna remember each one of these and EVERY TIME they happen, i’ll know what to do to be profitable" LMFAO :stuck_out_tongue:
ummm… yeah… it doesn’t actually work like that.

they have been sitting in the shed and are completely covered with dust

thank you for sharing this, and i appreciate the gesture as does the forum i imagine
these charts are EYE CANDY

You will not be profitable by memorizing these charts

so… share them around
and see how you go

if nothing else…
at least it shows you have a willingness to share
be cool


Thanks very much for sharing.

Thank you Alvarob,
I am very new but it looks like the cheat sheets would be very useful

if i can draw your attention to scroll up 2 comments and view my post before making this decision hehe.

Point taken Martin_K.: I will keep on studying.
Thank you.

hehe… Good Man

if you want a tip though…
When Looking at candlesticks, try to understand WHAT THE MARKET IS TRYING TO DO, instead of memorizing patterns of candlesticks and and delivering the standard response for said pattern.


Thanks for the tip.
Are you implying that understanding the market trumps the technical analysis? Some sites seem to be trying to get me to pay a premium on education which seem to be focused heavily on pattern?
Is Baby pips enough to get me started.

No, i’m not Implying it… I’M STATING IT AS A FACT

Understanding Anything, trumps Analysis of Anything.

you can analyze charts until the cows come home, HOWEVER, if you don’t understand what it all means IT MEANS NOTHING.

now… just in case there is some misunderstanding here
fundamental analysis trumps technical analysis. because i did not say that nor did i imply it, and if you took it that way, then YOU ASSUME IT

No… What i meant was…

so, instead of memorizing patterns and FIXED RESPONSES to those patterns
INSTEAD , based on the behaviour of the market… UNDERSTAND THE INTENTION OF THE MARKET

now… does understanding INTENTION, trump Technical Analysis… YES IT DOES… any day of the week.

as for this

of course they do, and can you blame them ?
When you have a newbie that doesn’t know anything or many of them, you can charge them for information THAT THEY THINK IS GOOD, when it really is just basic information

which then brings me to this point

but, beyond babypips, you have to learn how to apply the knowledge you have learned

babypips will also teach you patterns and cheat sheets (take this with a grain of salt)
it’s much more useful to watch the screens and LEARN HOW AN INSTRUMENT BEHAVES, so then when you apply technical analysis, IT GIVES A DEEPER AND MORE ACCURATE INSIGHT INTO WHAT THE INTENTION IS.

but as a general rule DO NOT EVER PAY FOR SOMEONE TO TEACH YOU PATTERNS, that’s Naive.

I’m a guitarist
thats’ like me saying to you , i’ll charge you to teach you Scales and Chords and Nothing More

well. Learning Am Scale and C Major Chord is completely useless unless you know how to combine the chords into chord progressions, or a scale is useless unless you understand Chord Construction and how to use a scale to solo over a Chord

Knowing the Cheat sheet of … this is Am and this is B and this is C and this is Fm7 etc…
Means nothing unless you know how to put it together

and in trading, Learning chart patterns means nothing unless YOU UNDERSTAND THE INTENTION OF THE MARKET when observing certain events

in babypips, you are taught, WHEN YOU SEE THIS…DO THIS

Sadly its’ not as easy as that, this is not Binary Logic and it’s not a computer that has a Truth Table, or… At least, it is a computer that you are trading with, but IT IS NOT USING THE TRUTH TABLE THAT YOU THINK IT’S USING.

it has a more complicated truth table with many more outcomes beyond… THIS HAPPENS… SO DO THIS.

and because of that YOU NEED TO ADAPT TO A CHANGING MARKET, the Market is not Binary it’s not Digital, it’s not fixed, it is dynamic and keeps changing, so as to better Mess with your head hehe THIS IS THE TRUTH

be cool


Be cool and be patient seem to be the strategy. Look like the road ahead is a long one. Thanks


NOW… that’s an intelligent question… Good Work.

Actually i have a cheat Sheet for you :stuck_out_tongue: (Just Kidding)

Seriously though, it’s like this…
yes , it comes with experience, but There is also a more systematic approach to it, it goes like this…

Pick 1 instrument
Use it on Demo
Get a few hours of screen time a day
and basically you can either Demo Trade on it , or Just watch it.

Now. Because of how your brain works, AFTER A BIT OF TIME your brain is going to find patterns and some logic to the madness (so to speak), now when these patterns occur that you will seem to notice think about … “Why is the Market doing this” and try to understand the Intention of the Market

Imagine you are the Market Makers trying to get everyone’s money, Ask yourself if you did this would it be profitable for you?

start by asking yourself this question
if you are trading EURUSD for example and the market wants to go up, WHY DO PULL BACKS EXIST,? Why doesn’t the market just keep going up and up without pullbacks
also. what would happen if pullbacks never occurred

start there


Thanks a million. I cannot answers those questions yet but I see other questions eg Why do resistance occur and what cause the eventual break through.

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Exactly, and You’re Welcome

so yes, ask yourself WHAT IS A RESISTANCE… REALLY ?? i mean, in the real world, WHAT HAS TO HAPPEN FOR A RESISTANCE TO OCCUR

and yes, a VERY GOOD QUESTION is to understand what is happening when a BREAKOUT happens

keep thinking like this and you’ll eventually understand the market intention

and another useful question to ask is this
if Resistance on the Buy Side is when the Sellers are starting to overcome the Buyers then… IS ALL RESISTANCE REAL ?

have you ever played a game of tug o war
sometimes both opponents really put in 100% effort
but have you ever played tug of war as a 30 year old against 4 1st graders hehe

They Really Really believe that because there is 4 of them , they are going to win,
but truth is, they don’t stand a chance
Truth is… You given them resistance to achieve a certain purpose and goal, but in the end, WHATEVER YOU WANT TO HAPPEN… WILL HAPPEN

now. if that means, YOU LET THEM WIN, that’s what will happen
if that means you let the rope go and they sit on their arse… that will happen
if that means you pull really hard and they cross the line quickly… that will happen
if that means, you pull JUST ENOUGH so that they cross the line but they cross it slowly, so as to make it look like IT WAS CLOSE… that will happen
if that means that you just stand their and hold the rope until they get tired, and then you win, … that will happen

so… IS ALL RESISTANCE REAL… is a good question ?