The Most Liked Topics and People on the Forums!

Did you know that the BabyPips Forums grants badges you can unlock with each milestone you achieve with the community? Yes, that’s right!

Have you ever checked out the “Badges” you have on your profile?

No? Never?

Well, you might want to do that today!

Just like how Facebook gives away Top Fan badges, and YouTube with Verification badges, the badges represent pretty cool feats you and our other members have accomplished in the community! And today, we’re going to find out more about a few of them.

The “Respected” Badge

With at least 2 likes on 100 different posts, it’s safe to say that members who have earned the “Respected” badge have been creating posts that resonate with the community. Be it a post about their trading journey or strategy, their broker experiences, a relevant news article, or even beautiful pictures of their country-- it seems like other members are eager to hear from them and appreciate the c they put out!

The members who have been granted this badge are:

@tommor, @anon46773462, @Clint, @Dennis3450, @eddieb, @Falstaff, @TradeViper, @Trendswithbenefits, @krugman25, @MikeWolski, @ria_rose, @dpaterso, and @justshell.

The “Good Topic” Badge

Who doesn’t love an interesting topic and a great discussion, right? The “Good Topic” badge is granted to a member whose topic got at least 25 likes. Launching a thread that captures the community’s interest is no joke! So thanks to these guys for pioneering yet another productive topic on our forum!

Here are the members who have earned the “Good Topics” badge for the topics they’ve initiated:

@Captain_Currency for The 3 Ducks Trading System
@ForexPhantom for Amazing Crossover System - 100+ pips per day!
@eddieb for What annoys you most in Forex
@Dennis3450 for Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis
@Alexbuk for Everyday forecast for EURUSD, GBPUSD, GOLD
@Godspeed108 for How to succeed when so many fail. The root cause
@stray for Free Excel Trading Journal
@phydaux for Book Studies - Anyone like to join?
@tommor for The most boring trend-following plan
@alvarob for Cheat sheets to print
@Mordengaard for Almost wiped my account
@Trendswithbenefits for Newbies.... Stop being befuddled by charts
@Mikewolski for Complete Currency Dynamics
@Glastonburyk for Weekly and daily trade set ups
@macilme for My FX Journey... From Dream To Reality
@zhadow45 for Stop Saying 90% Of Traders Fail! They DONT!
and @The_Baller! for The £10K Gamble - [The Journey]

At this point, it’s safe to say that when it comes to showing appreciation, interest, and support, a simple “like” could go a long way. Kudos to everyone who have received these well-deserved likes from the community! We’re excited to hear more from you.

But now, we also want to take this opportunity to acknowledge some of the people who have showed their support through the likes they give other members of the community.

The “Empathetic” Badge

This badge is granted when you have liked 500 posts and give 1000 or more likes in return. Surely a model of generosity and mutual appreciation! These “likes” have encouraged numerous members to continuously share their journey with the community, so thanks for showing your encouragement and appreciation to other members @Falstaff, @anon46773462, and @dpaterso!

These are just 3 of the numerous badges you could unlock throughout your BabyPips journey and we’re excited for you to achieve these milestones!

Check out the badges you have and let us know which one you’re most proud of!


A few things to aim for here :slight_smile:


Awww. :blush: Great start to my morning. Haha. :smiley: Didn’t really notice those badges before cause I don’t really check my profile that much. :sweat_smile: But thank you for this! :smiley: I feel so honored. Haha. :slight_smile: Maybe once I go live and become more helpful, I’ll be more deserving of being part of this list! :blush:

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Yeah I didn’t know about the badges