Do You Listen To Music While Trading? If Yes, Why?

I’m listening to this guy right now. It’s pretty relaxing

This is a super happy song!

It is very lively, I agree.

I like ASMR videos there’s one lady she has a asmr library style presentation.
It matches in perfectly to the calm and serne conditions one should have in their trading room :grinning:

I used to think the same as you about rap, but then I discovered Stan !!! Type it into Spotify!

No, no, no. Its not music and I refuse to listen to any more of this stuff.

I think that listening to music is useful when trading.
But it should be music that helps you to concentrate. It should be something quiet.
There are different music selections for work on youtube. It can be some lo-fi jazz or hip-hop. It can also be trance.
I’m sure that a trader doesn’t need to listen to those songs where he knows the words. It can be distracting.
You’re going to sing along to Lady Gaga and you’re going to miss some important trading moment.
That would be a very sad thing.

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Oh I recently started listening to rain and windy videos not storms per say but weather you listen to from the comfort of your own home with a nice warm fire I highly recommend them for some downtime or analysis

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I listen to music almost all the time.

I do listen to relaxing music but only when I am taking a break while trading. I am quite sensitive to sounds in the background so I prefer to trade in silence with minimum distractions.

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This has been turning me on in trading!

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I don’t listen to any music or anything else while I’m doing something even slightly complicated, from reading a decent non-fiction book upwards.

I listen to endless music while exercising (but not hiking) and driving.

I try to sit down and listen to an album per day. In the old-fashioned way. Start to finish. Track 1 to Track 8. Not compilation albums. I don’t often achieve this.

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Have you tried listening to instrumental?
I can’t listen to music with voices when I need to be concentrated but instrumental it’s fine.

Oh yes, I have wide tastes but I need to either be concentrating on a job or concentrating on the music.

Same. I have friends who listen to actual podcasts while writing. I have no clue how they do it.

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For real, even outside it’s hard for me to listen to a podcast. I mean, there are so many distractions and it feels I can’t be focused on what they are saying (especially technical podcasts).

I reserve podcasts especially technical ones for long drives or when I’m doing something that doesn’t require focus. Things like cleaning or maybe editing photos. Good for those people who can multi task like that though. If they read audibles too just imagine how many books they’d have already read!

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I tried listening to a podcast going out. It worked but I felt that I was losing information when I was distracted by exterior things like cars, stores or even people. Maybe I can get used to that!

I don’t think I can! My brain feels so cluttered lol. Like after all that, I feel so… tired.

I’m the type who can’t focus when there’s music on. I focus more on the music. so music while trading really isn’t for me.

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