EUR/USD Prediction thread

Today there are many profit making chances by going bullish on the EUR/USD

hi all or who ever looks at this :stuck_out_tongue: i am sorta new to babypips website but ive been trading for around 2-3 years and counting. i use alot of indicators such us, bb,stoch,EMA,osMA,fibo,trendlines, and a tab of EW for longer term charts. i love to trade and i know how it feels to come in as a newbie, (im a newbie my self) looking at a chart thinking its going down and then it goes the other way round. its annoying to see you position always go against you. the simple but powerful trick is to “trade with the trend” on the “1” larger time frame. it sounds kinda easy buts its harder to do.the trend is simply up but yet there are more traders going short for what ever reason. example: on 30 min its telling you to go short and 5 min its telling you to go long, where you ganna go? short right? the 5 min up move was possibly a retrace and is acting as a selling signal, why cuz the 30 min still wants to go lower. point of all this, i want to make this a better and more lively forum for every one. so for me im ganna place my thoughts and charts for every one to see and im ganna continue to post. hopefully this forum will get more lively over time and will see alot of diff views from every one. well anyway i went short at 1.4832 and a second time at 1.4806 few min back.

this forum does not want to add pictures :frowning: that sucks. or links for now.

anyone has any views for the next week ahead? for the passed 2 weeks or so we have been going up. i think we might have some kind of retrace next week going down?

one more thing that i forgot. anyone who is new to trading and really doesn’t no how to trade that well should deff look at the school of baby pips. its got great humor, fun to read, and ive read it 2 times and this is my 3rd time reading it. look it up, its as clear as a window hehe :stuck_out_tongue: really its great.

on EUR/USD the fib retrace hit the 32.8 level yesterday and the bb is really coming together. since the trend is up we want to be looking for long. 30 min really wants to break up. next resis area is around 1.4865ish. otherwise i thiink we might just get up there today.

I think that EUR/USD is currently building support for a push to 1.50 tomorrow but I’m very bearish on USD.

And yeah, I currently have my girlfriend doing the School of Baby Pips so that we can have a bit more to talk about. hehe

lol u dont like reading ehh??? i hate reading but school of baby pips i really enjoyed. for me one of the hardest things to master was my emotions of the markets. im in the middle of reading “the psychology of trading” by brett n. steenbarger. great book to read and have on the shelves if needed.

technically speaking if we look at the daily chart, it looks really over bought. so we might get some kind of mid term retrace to levels of 1.4623 = 38.3 of the move up, or, if we cant find proper support there, then next “major” support would be at 1.4512ish area when we would look for more longs.

“overbought” is an indicator thing. Until the trend changes, the mental and emotional thing to do is to keep buying or wait.

‘‘the mental and emotional thing to do is to keep buying or wait’’ yeah your right, the trend is up, so BUY. but nobody should go long at random places just bec the trend is up, right? so im just pointing where it might be a good place to go long “if” price can get down there . on my 4 hour there is a shift in momentum to the down side and there is a bearish engulfing candle? mean anything to you?

Yea, and went even much higher. I totally forgot that I made this prediction…

nice :slight_smile: how about people start posting more often, how about every day? dont be embarrassed if you wrong. im wrong from time to time. just move on to the next trade :slight_smile:

I enjoy reading. I was an English major, long ago, when I wore a younger man’s clothes.

She’s taking the course so that she will get more enjoyment from our economics-heavy discussions.

great keep her going at it lol :wink:

my view is that we might get some kind of bull back. theres a bearish engulfing candle, lack in mom, and bearish divergence.
first minor support is the red line. the next major supports would be at the 38.2 and 50 fibo retrace. will shall see what happens.

4hourmomentumchange.gif picture by jogold18 - Photobucket

4 hour chart

I think there is a good time for short trades on EURUSD now.

IMO you should be getting short EUR/USD until the Fed initiates increasing interest rates or the ECB starts decreasing them.

Today, I will wait to short EU 1.4900
T/P 1.4800
S/L 1.4950

for swing traders target 1,56…it seems incredible but possible.

not even considering shorts, not today anyway…

I’m waiting shorts in EURUSD, if the price of 1.4250 support will overcome, then the TP = 1.4150-1.4160

now is time to buy eurusd i think…my analysis says me this…