EURUSD monthly

LOL! Not THAT bottom. :stuck_out_tongue: At least not while trading, lol.

Then there is another thing with my trades. Itā€™s not just loss. It was also a hedge for my usd account. Because I buy several things in euro. So, if usd is rising now thatā€™s also a gain for my account. Vice versa a falling usd is not good for my account, so this was an euro hedge, too. :wink:

LOLā€¦ I meant 1.42, 1.40, etc. My account is in US dollars, so a good day all round!

Well, if gpb is dropping, because you buy stuff in pound, right? Because you are from UK. I have no chart here for gpbusd. I just know the rate.

Anyways, today again a lot of things dropped into the red. Even the usdx is down a little.

Regarding that bottom, I see a upper tl on the monthly at 14130 around which was broken last month to the upper side. The open last month is also that region. Plus a top at Oct. 2010. Then there is this trend channel with the lower tl at 13450 around. Could it drop that far? Yes it could. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m out. Iā€™m not sure If I should go in again at 14130 with a small sl. Maybe. However, the weekly shows bearish now.

Confucious say, ā€œHe who pick bottom, often has smelly fingerā€.

Oh my. Not the latter one, lol. Getting some back now with retrace. A few pips to go. :wink:

Edit: Done. This was bottom picking now without smelly fingers, lol. :18:

Hello together!

No, Iā€™m not done completely. LOL! This rock is now at a key level of s/r, tls and just above a figure. Just looking what it will do now. But ready to lend more liquidity for the markets. :smiley:

Iā€™m holding off any thought of a long on EU until at least the 4h shows anything other than a token bounce! But a VERY small long position this morning (GMT) on EG and EAā€¦ 40ā€™ish points up at present but no great expectations. :15:

Well, I made some 30 pips or so today with eurusd. Mostly long.

Key level middle term to the upper side is 14444 I guess. If that would get broken seriously, it could go back up. Anyways, it could also go lower first and test the figure. Key level below is 138. The lowest low of the upchannel since 8 months is 1345. As long as this is not broken, the long term bull trend is still active. Today it also bounced back at the upper tl since 2008. The it bounced back a little down today at the broken short term lower tl at 14275. Very complex situation right now. To me it looks now the next days could bring sort of ranging.

edit: 13924 is another key level.

We have an accurate down channel now on H4: upper tl 14586 to 14365 and lower tl 14253 to 14122.

buckscoder i like your avatar,hehehe very very original,you must be a sharkĀ”

Yes, I am a cuddly baby shark without teeth. But them are growing, so watch out, lol.

Just staggard back fom another weekend party in Londonā€¦ this is becoming a habit! LOL

Just spent a good half hour going over EU and GUā€¦ looks to me like we might very well see a retrace tomorrow? Iā€™ll look see London open but initially my thoughts are more towards GUā€¦ a TP1 of 1.63? As of right now, Iā€™m less inclined to back a possible retrace on EUā€¦ could be there but current ā€˜techsā€™ are still weak.

Come play me the song of ranging, lol.

Yep bailed at 50ā€™ish points when GU failed to make 1.63. Then dropped down to 15m today for 64 points shortā€¦ just! LOL

You think EU is ranging? Must get me some of that 1000 pip ranging action in 2 weeks yeehawww :slight_smile:

Cheers! Iā€™m talking about today, not the last two weeks, lol. :wink:

Do I see it right if I say that the whole US is now dry like noodles in the package regarding oil storage?

Oh I see. Itā€™s just decrease/increase. Never mind then.

What do you think about eurusd situation now? I hope it will grow, but i saw in news that everybody are waitng for the Exit of Greece situation, the report about it wil be today,is it dengerouse for growing or not,your opinion?