EURUSD monthly

You could well both be right. I treat each HA bar on its own merit as well as a collective… Just took a quick counter trend short off the high of the previous candle is all. As stated previously, its been a confirmed long crossover since 1.4188. :slight_smile:

Got out at net -1 pip.

I know better than to shoot from the hip like that, I can get a better entry if I’m still bent on buying.

I’m still in. Got in earlier. So, it’s not a big deal for me right now if those wicks should win over the pressure from the south. I do not know how strong the resistance there at 14320 will be. I just counted 8 hours of wicks, lol. :smiley:

I was away, but had I had the opportunity, I would have gotten in about where I had my stop. I got in a little late for what I would normally do, and the more I thought about it, the more I didn’t like it.

Like said, I know better.

It looks to be setting up for the bump up though. I may have already missed the best opportunity for what I was shooting for, so I’ll probably sit the Asian out unless something really catches my eye:)

Yes, now it went through. Still a bit slow, lol. I don’t trade often in the Asian session. Looks like slow motion against what we maybe get tomorrow (it’s Friday) at ny session, lol.

Well after careful consideration? LOL I’m deff in short… my monies saying its a correction off the high. :stuck_out_tongue:

That was a fairly sound rejection there. Hmmmm…

While you’re waiting, read this: European Central Bank threatens to pull the plug on Greek lending - Telegraph

Interesting article.

K… Long. For a little bit.

I meant through the resistance.

I don’t read stuff regarding Greece anymore. Greece is a country with no important economy for the EU. I know it’s about the banks, but even then as I said already, this drop has nothing to do with Greece. OLD news.

Then just one hint: If you read newspapers, ask yourself why they write exactly that and not something else. There are countries with a lot bigger issues, the US included, than just Greece (or the pigs at all).

Plus then please tell me: Why dropped almost all stocks and commodities? Greece? LOL! As I mentioned above: This was cashing in profits in May.

You remember when we had the same discussion last year when the eur was hovering at around 130? I told you that time already that it will climb up when you and some others were bearish. What did it do? It climbed until 149! :wink:

Then, before those last 2 weeks there was already a lot of rumor about Greece again. What did the eur do? It still climbed! Forget that Greece thing. It has nothing to do with what the eurusd is doing right now. What you can read in those newspapers is just what they want you to believe is the reason.

I don’t trade by what I read at all.

But others do.

I don’t believe a word they say.

And for the record, I’m still long term bearish on the euro.
I do believe that the Greek situation is enough of a powder keg to blow the EU apart.

Yes, it’s a small portion of the whole EU, and 80 billion euro isn’t a whole lot of money in terms of the big picture. But it could, and I believe WILL lead to huge banking issues when Greece eventually fails under the ever growing interest they are selling bonds for right now.

They might as well have put the Parthenon in a pawn shop. That kind of debt adding up is unsustainable, and a gangrene growing on the banking system as a whole there.
Like the housing crisis here, things are fine until value drops. Then overnight, banks are overleveraged, and the whole house of cards starts to collapse.

the e/u has a unique charachterstic of rolling upward as germany reports good numbers, Greece is a toilet bowl, ireland is kinda bad but not really etc.

Then a few good USD reports and BOOM! downward spike. . This is because the US is more well…unified. Listen to the news like you’re a contestant on “The Price is Right” You’ll get your answers on the 4h and up.

That’s what counts.

I know you are still bearish (long term) on the eu. Anyways, I do not believe it is Greece. I recognized that some ppl are more bearish and others are more bullish. No matter what. As I said. You came with that Greece when the eur was at 130. Now it’s at 149. If it climbs to 170 and it drops sharp, what is it? Greece, lol! If after 30 years it drops from 1.80, what is it? I can imagine you with a long beard and telling Greece, lol.

I tell you something. Even my words that I guess its sell in May are not the wisdom in itself. The point is: How can you or I know why investors we never even talked to are doing this or that? The point is, we just don’t know. The smart guys also woudln’t tell. It’s guessing at its best. So, thats not a problem, as you and I do not write newspapers. What are those ppl doing writing newspapers? They do not know one thing more than you or I. Rather less. But they have to write something and they meet at dinner parties with those stylish guys from Wall street or those nice babbling politicians. So, what we read there is what they want that we read. I just copy and paste that toilet bowl from pigsinablanket here. There you can throw that stuff into, lol.

I’m bearish on all paper money. Long term, lol. The usd lost over 90% of its value against au in the last century. That will continue. Not only with usd, also with eur. As long as politicians can print money, they will do. Anyways. the pair eurusd will in between just range from just to say numbers 0.x to 1.x The most driving force behind that is interest rates. What you believe is yours, though.

Good nite! I need some sleep. :slight_smile:

Out +39.

Now… what to do… what to do…

Well… last night I might have mentioned…

“Well after careful consideration? LOL I’m deff in short… my monies saying its a correction off the high.” :33:

Well, I am also out now, lol. With a small gain. SL at 14295 got triggered. Because I thought to myself before going to sleep: “If that breaks, it will go deeper.” What do we have? A freakin Friday, lol. :smiley:

If you don’t know what to do - do nothing! Don’t forget going out for dinner, though. :wink:

Yeah, fact is this: We have a VERY STRONG resistance at the 143 still. It didn’t hold there for one day. Just a daily close. So, it might go further tanking.

“Spain” is now the top disinformation topic at every headline, lol. Anyways. We are still in May …

What is surprising to me, that xau is not really dropping below 1500. I had expected it will go lower. Lurking for cheap dips.

Well, at least one of my bots knew what to do and it was right. Easy quick pippin.

Anyhow, how that brutal force comes into play now is :eek:

I recognize almost EVERYTHING is down today. Beside of au, which is up. Dow and all other indices are down. So, dow is down because of Spain? Or Norway rumor regarding Greece? Or Fitch changing ratings? Ha ha! Those headlines are funny things. It’s like saying your favorite football team lost because the ball was not in shape, lol.

If smart investors would be that dumb I would make more money, lol. :smiley:

Don’t understand ‘fundies’, don’t watch the news and don’t read the papers… I’ll leave that to… err… oh yeah… Smarter folks than me! LOL!!! One exception, I’ll cast an eye over the weekly up coming ‘high impact’ news but thats the exception to the rule. :smiley:

I don’t even have a tv anymore. Seriously! The brainwasher no. 1. Since I threw that out of the window (not seriously) I feel better. :56:

Well, my bots can’t read the news and I’m not going to tell em anything about. My bot no. 1 made a 10% or so just this year. Not much for 4.5 months? Anyways. One loss and ten profits or something like that. As those bots are still new, I do let them run with lower risk now. So, just watching how it goes. If they managed to get my account up a hundred percent, I increase the risk slightly. Because I can’t lose then anything. Then it might make twice as much and more. Just mechanical trading after clear logical rules [U]without any news[/U]!

Yeah, I’m also looking for those calendars if I experiment a little with trading by hand. But even then it doesn’t say it will do what most expect. I can see more often than not traders buy the rumor and sell the news. What I can see, if the news comes out, it’s in many cases just for the dumb herd. The smart guys know hours before what is going on.

I’m doing a little short time frame trading. Maping the geometry of EU and taking a few trades off that. Czeck it out.

RC this reminds me of that fan line thread you started… sort of.