EURUSD monthly

Depending on the price action, I might enter with a long trade in the 1.4590-1.4570 area

I’m back in. Lost 3 pips or so because of my stop. But what I can see, this thing is not going well below the pp soon. So, I have a little more risk now, but that’s worth it I guess. There is still enough room on the daily and higher tfs to go to 14750 around. Plus on the H1 we have some pressure from below.

I think we can play (to the upside) the range of the retracement until “ECB interest rate announcement and conference” by then, I will exit every trade going on and reenter only if any hawkish statement

Yep. On the M5 it looks it’s going ranging now. On H1 still bull pressure. On H4 I have a slighlly lower price than median trend channel price.

TP1 1.4555 hit for 70 pips. How many green lines you got now BC! LOL!!!

Congrats to your pips. But don’t tell me it was an easy ride, lol. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have some red numbers here showing up, lol. But that doesn’t change something with the green on D1-MN or my trade.

I try right now with some new channels. But those redraw as well. Not as bad as with bolls, but not as good as static tls. Another holy grail debunked, lol.

edit: I have at none of my brokers 14555. So, how did you get that price?

Sitting at the pp. Now what?


Easy ride? Don’t know… entered last night and TP1 triggered and closed half the trade out… been out with the kids all day in the park. Just dropped down to the 1m to take a closer look… my platform low was 1.45567? My apologies… how do you want me to report a closed trade next time… rounded up or down four decimal places? :33:

Where from here? Good question LOL. I think its going to drop a little lower on the Asian then odds on for long London open?

Ha ha, to the 1/1000 of a pippipette. No, I am kidding. I was just wondering if you have level VI now or sumthing. :wink:

I am still searching for new strats. My bots do the work later, so I search and look and trade a bit to check that new stuff out. If my account goes too low, my bots get that back later. :slight_smile:

There a lot of pips to be made everywhere… nice pips Carter… I have enter at 1.4575…first TP at 1.4650… let’s see how it goes…

Interesting setups available

My current bias is still short though. It looks like a possible short 1-2-3 entry setup on both weekly, and monthly to me. The lines in the sand are there, it’s just a matter of pulling the trigger.

But I ain’t tellin’ nobody to join me;)

As for hitting 1.75xx, I just don’t think it will ever have the firepower.
Currencies eventually seek level. With the US being one of the biggest procurer of European goods, I don’t see how it can climb that high, just due to the fact that there would be a severe slowdown on selling those goods because of the natural price increase along the way with a rising euro.

So up? Possibly yes. And eventually down, and then up again.

Damn thing only goes two ways:D

I like where you’ve chosen to enter… ever noticed that very often PA will open on a new daily candle/ bar… then go the wrong way? LOL i.e. in this case, retest lower than the open and by NY close tomorrow (latest) have passed the open long. Me, I prefer to see where the hi/lo of the Asian is at London open then decide if its a long or short for the day. Last night was an exception as I stayed up till gone 04:00 GMT and figured Asian had topped out so placed the short. Ordinarily its London open.

MT, maybe 175 is too high. Maybe not. I got that from my new channel tool at monthly. It’s not that high as it looks first. Not even 10% from the ath. Who guessed it right that eu would go to 160 when it went down to 0.xx in the early years? Sure it will not go straight up there. But it’s possible. Before dropping to 0.5, lol.

The problem is, you’re dealing with two weaklings at the moment.

If the euro was rising against the franc strongly right now, I would say, yeah, maybe you have a shot.

But the fact is, the euro couldn’t break 1.50 even though the dollar index just got perilously close to it’s all time low.

The last time the buck was that low, the euro hit 1.60. That shows me prevalent weakness in both, with the euro being a tad stronger of the two, but not enough to drive it to a new all time high against the buck.

But hey… what do I know:D

Okay, both currencies devalue. That’s how I see it as well. And regarding price targets, I just look for technical tools. Because nobody can know where it’s heading. Just speculation. Right now we have an uptrend on the D1 till MN. Plus we broke a tl of the upper tl on the monthly. That’s on the plus side. Regarding produced goods: Most goods come from China/Asia today. The problem with the currencies eur and usd is the big debt. 15 trillions right now at one and a little less at the other side. If ppl talk about Greece, they talk about billions and not trillions. And then in Europe the taxpayer pays it with all those bailout packages. Oh wayt, you pay also, because you pay via IMF. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, Greece.

See, you say it’s not important because the amount is only in the billions… but those are now HUNDREDS of billions. And even with those loans, at this point, the amount seems to need to grow more. They’ve already been given an amount well in excess of their GDP. There is no feasible way they can pay that amount back with interest within the confines of the requirements they borrowed it at. Austerity is already leading to uprisings, the natives aren’t happy.

And because of the doubt by the Greek populace, deposits into Greek banks have shrunk, and withdrawals are increasing. They are hoarding euros, fearing a return to the drachma.
That will slowly lead to another overleveraged situation, only this time, it’s not just sovereign debt, it’s the entire banking system. The banks with exposure will them have leverage issues, and thanks to fractional reserve banking, the contagion grows far in excess of the amount Greece borrowed. The loans to Portugal, and Ireland then factor in, because their banks are also tied to Greece. Spain, Germany, and Italy have serious exposure as well.

We all suffer. The EZ, the US, the markets, the private banks and lenders that hold bonds, and so on.

Greece is a little burr under the EZ saddle that has grown into a festering gangrene problem. It will be a very expensive medical bill, and could possibly end catastrophically.

Only time will tell…

But hey… all I care about is just a day or two. Might go long, might go short.

This ain’t Buffet style “buy and hold” investing here.


Dam MT… I’m all ready to book a seat to Amsterdam and buy some diamonds to sow into my clothes! LOL!!! Doom and gloom or what? And I just had a few beers and was perking up some! :eek:

Nah RC, it’s only doom and gloom if you don’t know how to make it work for you.

I’m looking at the bright side.

If the EZ does break up, look at all those extra pairs and crosses to trade!


LOL!!! There’s a thought? Well UK is outside’ish EU… if you guys fold we can get back our rightful position ‘PRE WWII’ king of the currencies! The beers just kicking in!:smiley:

I ain’t in no stinkin’ EU!!!


no EU here… just the dollar… It’s about as bad