EURUSD monthly

Sadly I fear were all… err… (naughty word)… China and Asia looms on the horizon! What happened to our manufacturing base? Service industries rule both sides of the pond! Forget coal mining, Steel, car production, etc? We’ve got MacD, Starbucks, etc what could possibly be wrong with that as a sound economic base? To quote a Polar expedition film classic, ‘I’m just popping out for a while, I may be some time’.

But see, I don’t fear China and the rest of Asia.

They are just rowing the other side of the boat we’re all in.
If the US, and EZ again hit hard times, China and the rest of manufacturing in Asia will suffer greatly.

Can’t make money if nobody can pay for what you are selling.

Asia is just as subject to a downturn as the rest of us, and more likely BECAUSE of us.

The smaller world syndrome has affected great changes in the way economies are intertwined. With each being largely dependent on the success of others, they’ll always have a way of seeking level.

Don’t know MT and ain’t that the truth… seems to me we surrendered our greatest asset Manufacturing… built more than one or two Empires. Yep I see your point but as long as China and Asia turn out goods three times as cheaply as we can, were going to buy theirs instead of ours… good times and bad. And on that uplifting thought I’ll hit the hay! I’m surely no analyst… just pippin the daily odds! LOL!!!

World is weirded out right now,

Sleep well fellas,

On the EURUSD, Get your shorts ready, Like any minute now, :wink: JMO (10:31PM,EST)

Look to the London open… never make a move too soon! LOL!!!

went long last night on GU and EU then went to bed. A little 15pip fakeout south on GU before the real breakout north. TP was half the daily range. :slight_smile:

Well, stinkin euro bounced off my sl 1 pip and made me a hundred pips. That’s what I care about. Says also my brokers play fair. At least sometimes, lol. :stuck_out_tongue:

Greece is priced in since a year. This is paper money and not my prefered football team (I do not have one either). So, I look for truths beside of all the babble gabble around newspapers which are old already when they show up. :smiley:

Buy cheap, sell high. Or buy high, sell higher. Or vice versa if you go short. Some play it short term, some middle, some long term. I do it all together.

At least one thing about that usdx. It bounced off a major trendline. So, it goes down now. And I wouldn’t bet my farm it stays above 70.

Some of you guys seem to be short all the way. No matter what the current underlying stream of money is. Do I care? No. You can play as you want. I just say it costs you money. I go with the trend. The trend was down last year, now it’s up. That’s why I tended to be short last year and that’s why I tend to be long this year.

Have fun, folks! :slight_smile:

Closed this trade, made +75 pips :slight_smile:

I think it could go as high as 1.4710 the next 2 days…then just wait for JC Trichet!

Congrats! My bot now made 5 pips short, lol. I’m out regarding trading by hand right now. I have to watch about those new channel indis and how much they redraw. Lost some money, won some more back. So far, so good. :slight_smile:

The point is: eur is already expensive in relation to the last month. Yea, it could go higher to the top of this daily channel high which is around 148 right now. But it could also go lower and so the risk is too high right now for me to go long med term. I’ll rather wait for a reasonable drop.

And then we have to watch what Trichet says. This could become another buy the rumor, sell the news event. I do not guess that the ecb increases the rate by much. If at all. The ez has debt problems as well. If they rise it too high, the govs pay too much interest. So, they try to avoid that. On the other side politican babblers probably try to distribute the message: See, we created a stable currency. Because that’s the only warranty to get reelected. If eur goes down a lot, then it is clear to everybody that they failed with all their bailout packs.

Here is my aux and usdx chart. See the tl of the usdx in the middle? The tiny bumper on the right was the last month when the press already go euphoria about the next usd superbull barket, lol. :smiley:

The usd has two advantages still:

a) World currency
b) Accounts are often noted in usd

So, when any speculator takes profit, he automatically buys dollars. I do the same, btw.

Seems like a ascending triangle formation… hope it helps my risky long entry at 1.4656 aiming for 1.4720/50

yunny1, yea the all night Asian bull wedge, lol. And then it goes up a little and then it corrects. I heard China is buying eur to diversify. Time would fit.

I am just waiting to 1.4700 level to give up :smiley: … from there (if actually gives up) I will wait until thursday to trade :slight_smile:

Hmm… I’m looking for a short… might go to 1.47’ish though? Deff at the upper end of my set up range though.

Edit: Heck I’ll risk it… short from 1.4691. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I am out right now. The daily channel top of my indi is at 14819. H1 is at [B]14733[/B]. H4 is open end something like that, lol.

Weekly channel top is at 15585.

edit: H1 is decreasing already to 14731.

Yes but where do I enter? Ah yeah right… already did! LOL!!!

Yea, but you could use this info as stop marker (a little higher). I experiment here with highly complicated math genius stuff like gaussian distribution and exponential regression. So, that’s not that simple like that random walking boll/ball stuff, lol. :stuck_out_tongue:

I swear your fixated with bolls BC… not a boll in sight on my daily… just hi/lo/open/close! :smiley: