EURUSD monthly

Indeed. Going to write a strongly worded letter to, eh, somebody. Who’s in charge of this forex business anyway? Closed my 1.45 long just now for a total gain today of just shy of 1%. Reached my weekly target of 4% so probably should leave Friday alone lest I screw it up completely!

I dunno! This is off topic… but there’s a good short lining up on NZD/JPY… been watching it all day. Will look for an entry at NY close/Asian. Will probaby be my last trade of the week though!

yep that one looks pretty good on daily and not too bad on weekly

TD, you can’t code in mql? Are you serious? You are kidding, are you? :smiley:

Well, your bot, what drawdown has it? Relative drawdown.

You looking at a short at the 61.8% retrace where its at now or at some higher point? I’d be a bit worried that the positive equities performance in EZ and US today would spill over into Asian session and push it past the 61.8% line. But then I don’t follow this pair really so it’d probably be safe to file my thoughts under “Dubious”.

I’m thinking more along the lines of daily range for this pair, plus its at the top end on my daily set up. Then its a Yen cross, so Asian hours should see some interest.

Any suggestions for learning it for a complete coding NOOB?

A can barely do anything in HTML…

I found some tutorials, and have a link you sent me a while ago, but I just can’t seem to wrap my head around the order of commands… The variables screw with me too.

hey Bucks, yeah what Tang said. What’s a good mql learning resource? I program for my day job but that’s on an IBM mainframe the language is RPG, nothing like mql at all.

Not sure about the drawdown, haven’t tested it enough forward and I don’t trust my backtest that much. Only been running it a couple days on demo. It has a take profit of 18 pips but I’m not sure what the stop loss is. In the code it looks like 210 pips and that’s the line that it draws on the chart but it has made two closed trades one at 3 pips and on at 6 pips so I will see if it maintains that ratio.


I have never learned mql from a book. As I stated somewhere, I code since 30+ years. So, I know many languages. Over a dozen and probably over a couple of a dozen dialects. I just tried the EA what comes with MT4 and looking how that was coded and then after a day or so I had my own EA. Really if you understand the principle of coding in itself and translate the answer to an issue in a code language, it’s pretty simple.

MQL is a little like Java. So, if you want to start coding, I’d start with Java. Java is also a very common language these days. I don’t like the language itself, because it’s more created for the average crowd than for science solutions, but you can for sure everything solve with this language. So, if you start with Java, you learn all the concepts and can not just code in mql.

So, just grab a Dummies for Java or sumthing and then start with it. Variables, Constants, loops, etc. etc. is part of every language. If you understand the concept in one language, you know them all. Just the syntax and dialect is different then.

I’ve also put in anywhere in the forums here a minimalistic EA skeleton.

Like java? I read somewhere that it was like C++ and now there is the new metatrader 5 and I guess there are changes to the language? Maybe they are all similar. I’ve been programming about as long as you have, we probably know some of the same languages… remember cobol, pascal, fortran… even assembler language, I even dabbled in lisp a little bit. I’ve forgotten most of what I ever knew about them.

well if price retraces as i am guessing… I placed a limit sell order at 1.4552 aiming for 1.4420

Anyone else shorting?

TD, Java is like a subset of C++. Sure a little different, but the syntax is almost the same. Yea, I coded in assembler (several cpu’s), pascal, basic, Java, C, several application languages, forth, python, perl, bash scripting (if you speak of it as language) etc. etc. I do not even see html as language, lol. It’s too specific. Just for showing browser pages. But if you count it as language then I coded in html, javascript, pdf, sql etc. etc.

As I said, nothing difficult. It’s all the same. Just the syntax is different and some are oo. And oh yeah, lisp is a little of a lonely island, lol. :smiley:

Anyways, as I said, I’d just start with Java or/and you can use this excellent mql documentation in the editor of the Metatrader. I didn’t code in mq5 so far. Had no app for it until now. But we are way off topic now.

Not me. I still have a med term bull indi showing up. Sure I expect it to go down, but if I have no confirmation I keep my money in my account. It could also be possible it jumps to 147xx something and then going down. Fundamentally Trichet said something which could be interpreted as a interest hike in July. If that becomes more ground, …

Well, July is a fair distance away. QE2 will be over by then and we could be in the middle of a large equities correction which would prevent the ECB from hiking just like a couple of years ago. In the meantime we have the rift between the ECB and the German govt getting bigger. Short-term reality could well win out over an uncertain event a month away. It’ll be interesting to see the Asian market reaction tonight - they’ve been solid buyers lately so we’ll see if today will have put them off some.

That looks good to me. I would be tempted to go long for some of that retrace but probably not after such a strong down move today. It may have already retraced as far as it’s going to go.

If you want to learn mql4… the language for metatrader4 here is a place to start would be by downloading this mql4 book:

If you got any questions just ask, the language is based on C and the learning curve is pretty good.

Metatrader 5 has a new language based on C++ and like Buckscoder, I havent messed with it yet either, if you go to the mql4 and mql5 websites you can see from the amount of new coding questions and forum topics mql4 is still by far the more popular and widely used language.

If you all are interested we could start a learn mql4 thread I bet I could get you off the ground in a couple of weeks just by explaining the basics.

Start it up brutha! Save a front row chair for me. I’ll be clinging to every word like a polyester suit!

I see PA taking a dip past the open on the daily then the real move for the day long.

[B]SDC[/B]… heck even an old ‘Ludite’ like me would be up for that thread! LOL!!!

RC, you are always kidding, lol. How would you be a ludite and using a computer with charts the same time? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats an easy question to answer… its like my cell… its a phone to me… not for texting, taking photo’s, checking the web… ITS A PHONE!!! Drives my kids to distraction I never answer a text! Like wise with the computer, it puts up my charts that even I can read! LOL!!! I must admit apart from the odd crash and power spike an improvement over snail mail charts in the weekend post. Now using Excel, posting charts off my monitors… photobucket??? Jeez… things used to be so much easier! LOL!!! I promise you I’m still in Kindergarden compared to you ‘hot shot’ programmers! Trading… thats a horse of a diferent colour! :slight_smile: