Ex Professional Trader, Model Trading Account Project & Analysis

thanks a lotā€¦

No problem

How about thisā€¦

You start with 5000 and I start with 1000 and I can only trade two times per weekā€¦ however you can trade as often as you like and use as much risk as you like?

You game? :wink:

Why would I want to start with more than you and risk more. But if you want a lead start then go for it.

Since you want to be c**ky about the charity for whatever reason, maybe you want to share that with me, why donā€™t we actually act like men here, and we both start with a decent sum to make it interesting, Ā£50,000. All profits donated to the charity of your choice. We run it for 6 months starting 14th January 2013.

Are we agreed?

Woooooooa Bubā€¦ letā€™s get something straight. You came on here and [U]called me[/U] out. Donā€™t get me wrongā€¦ I like thatā€¦ but I am calling you out now. I can and will lay waste to you in any contest and when it comes to equity bub you are talking to the fat cat. You call 50000 interesting? I call it a weekā€™s work.

I am a present Professional Trader and the only thing I wanted to showcase is I can use my methods and trade less and with less and do better. I give away a million dollars per yearā€¦ you need to know who you are talking to too before acting like thatā€¦ I was not rude or trying to insult youā€¦ but we just went to deeper waters.

Itā€™s not interesting until we talk 7 digitsā€¦ now here is one for you. You trade the 50000 and I will trade 5000ā€¦ yes 5000 USD. If I do not stomp a mud hole in you and walk it dry by atleast three fold I will send you 50000 via bank wire January 2014. Twelve monthsā€¦ you get the head start and I get the stage I have longed for.

This is not a joke and I sincerely mean itā€¦ come get some. I will smoke you and you have nothing to loseā€¦ and with 50000 vs 5000ā€¦ how can you refuse? You can even pick the brokerā€¦ and my pair I must trade. How is that for confidence? Keep is cleanā€¦ and civilā€¦ I donā€™t want you wiggling off the hook and getting banned before the fun starts.

You called out the wrong one cupcake. :16:

What say ye bub?

lol your hilarious to be honest, I would mention certain parts, but all of it really was a fun read. You think an aggressively and hysterical written post towards me is supposed to intimidate me or deter me? I know your game and see through you. And I know what you really are if you know what I mean :wink:

I would love to see you wipe the floor with me account v account as I took a peak at some of your vids there and they are fundamentally incorrect in a few aspects as well as theory. Oh by the way whats your NPC number if your an active professional just now, just so I can look you up on the database?

So here is what we will do since you want some of me, we will get this rolling in January 5k each, no one starts with more or less, its an equal start. You want 12 months, then thats fine, 12 months it is.

14th January 2013, look forward to it.

ps. Next time you type a post to me, take a deep breath and wind your neck in. Your a no body and you know that, nothing special. Iā€™m off to bed now, so I will read your rant reply later.

I trade Professionally in my homeā€¦ for nearly 20 years bub. I do notā€¦ repeat DO NOT want you to be deterred or in any way changing your mind. I want you right here on Babypips where we can see you perform.

You havenā€™t seen anything and you obviously have not paid attention. I am telling you straight upā€¦ if you do not open with atleast 50k vs. my 5kā€¦ you stand absolutely zero chance of winning this bub. Rememberā€¦ you wanted some of meā€¦ and thatā€™s just too much for you to handle.

My terms stand. Your 50k vs. my 5k and I will donate it to whatever charity you deem fit, as long as it is a reputable oneā€¦ mind you. I wonā€™t be losingā€¦ and watch my theory roll. I make 100-150k monthlyā€¦ tell me what is fundamentally wrong with that lol.

Just bring itā€¦

Babypipsā€¦ if you have any heartā€¦ or respect for the forums and the members reading these pagesā€¦ please I beg youā€¦ DO NOT BAN this guy. Clean his postsā€¦ keep things tiddyā€¦ but DO NOT DENY ME THIS ONE!

I donā€™t care if he creates 60 other nicksā€¦ keep this one active for meā€¦ please. I promiseā€¦ it will be worth it. :slight_smile:

Michael itā€™ll be good either way. Just start with 5k lol I just want to see this done. so I hope you guys can agree on something. This will be good entertainment.

Personally I donā€™t think he has the 50k to open withā€¦ but I may have to agree to his 5k. It didnā€™t take long for him to go on the fritz and meltdown and the across the pond politeness went right out the window lol. Do not worryā€¦ if he is gameā€¦ I intend to crush him for even thinking about calling down the thunderā€¦ it will fall!

For the record: I will not post anything more. I donā€™t want to derail his efforts in teaching. It would be rude of me to deny those interested in his materials to distract him from his endeavors. For those thinking I had that in mindā€¦ nothing could be further from the truth. I will lay waiting for Januaryā€¦ call on me Andrewā€¦ I am just a click away. :wink:


Well i hope you guys agree on something this will be good Iā€™m sure. Iā€™ll be following very closely i can promise you guys. Also Andrew I think ICT was referring the himself like batman meaning you used the ICT symbol wrong when you put ITC. Like the police Chief trying to call batman with that light but using the a bird instead of a bat. at least thatā€™s how i read it.

You see a bird in my logo? I see an Angelā€¦ a Arch Angel :21:

I search the forums for ICT to find folks mentioning me. There is a few folks on the forums that refer to me as ITC lol

Oh geezeā€¦ Are we still having this again? Why wouldnā€™t you use 50k yourself Mikeā€¦ Seeing that this is for charity you are short changing the charity by starting off with 5kā€¦ Thatā€™s not nice

Whatā€™s going on this threadā€¦ :smiley:

I would only be interested in the challenge if its 8 digits.


See you on January 14th.

By the way, big news about who ICT really is coming real soon, along with real photos to prove who is really is what what he is.

The clown is running the biggest scam going collecting your emails address with his buds and pumping you silly under different names and domains, has been for years.

The image hes built for you here to to gain your trust, lots of freebies ect, but the reason if a massive trading focused email list to punt around selling crap for a crust.

Open a new email account, email him or type your email into one of his pages were emails are required, donā€™t sign up for anything else. Sit back a few days and watch how you start receiving 5-8 emails ever week promoting $200+ trading systems and courses, EAā€™s ect. The chances of you noticing in your normal email account is zero as you probably already get lots a junk everyday. But for this purpose open a new account and do what I said.

Hes a conman!

Oh one last post until the new year, defiantly last one until then.

I want everyone to notice how every opportunitie I have gave him to take me on, he has weaseled out of it with false counter ā€˜offersā€™.

The offer was plain and simple to start with, we start Ā£100 each and donate it all at the end to charity, profit and all. But nope, he had to try and change it weasel out, then I offered Ā£50,000 to start with each, again weaseled out with false counter offer, then I offered that we start with only Ā£5,000, ONCE again, he weasels out by trying to make himself look good and mighty with a false counter offer.

He canā€™t accept the challenge, he ha to weasels out with false counter offers, and aggressive posts to try and make himself look might and good.

Just accept the challenge plain and simple, but he canā€™t as he will be found out.

LOL what are you talking about!?

You are going out like a sucker are you? Please provide information right hereā€¦ right now. I already posted who I am, what I look like, where I live. I donā€™t sell anything and I prove I make what I make and do what I doā€¦ before the fact.

Show us all right nowā€¦ what you look like in a videoā€¦ talk into the camera tell me how you are the better man or Trader and letā€™s see who you really are. Porsche suck and yellow makes it worseā€¦ save the Mickey Mouse show and antics. You just blew your creditability and it took one post to reveal the goober you really are.

I sell nothing. Prove it here otherwise. I do not collect email addresses. I donā€™t use EAā€™s!!! lol

I accept 5000 vs. 5000ā€¦ I acceptā€¦ I acceptā€¦ I accept. Donā€™t you try and paint this any other wayā€¦ you are getting blown out of the water and you KNOW IT. I could trade a dollar for a donut and out trade the results you are coming at me with.

Just stuffle itā€¦ put it up and show us you are indeed the mug in your avitar and video youā€™re opening your 5000 account with live funds. You clearly know how to make videos and I will do the sameā€¦ today. Not in Januaryā€¦ you are not escaping the certainty of failure. What were you thinking, that I would allow you to prance on here pretend to be a wise guy and call me out and I wouldnā€™t accept it? Well bubā€¦ you just got calledā€¦ and I am all in.

The Truth isā€¦ I can start with 1000 and still destroy you and yesā€¦ you could use 50000. However, since you feel I am skirting youā€¦ understand thisā€¦ I will fund an account todayā€¦ within the next few hours in video to prove I will and can wax your candytush in your ā€œcontestā€.

Let it be knownā€¦ I have EVERY intention of taking you on 5000 to your 5000. I want to see the fluff you are claiming tooā€¦ if you have the garbage you claim on meā€¦ you would drop it right now. So save itā€¦ this is very pathetic. I have one nameā€¦ Michael J. Huddleston and I am ICT - InnerCircleTrader. You will know my nameā€¦ I will make you famous creampuff.

Now donā€™t run away and hide. Show us your ā€œgoodsā€ and your face in videoā€¦ talk the smack you do here. I know youā€¦ you arenā€™t going to put nothing up because you have zero. Everyone on here knows itā€¦ you know itā€¦ and I already beat you and I never opened a single trade yet. lol

Itā€™s not Christmas yetā€¦ open up today. I will toast you early Porsche. :wink:

Adminsā€¦ let it roll. Pleaseā€¦ donā€™t ban him. I have him right where I want him. :cool:

I plain and simple accept it. Today open 5000 video the processā€¦ I will gladly accept this easy challenge. You have my wordā€¦ and I will open today. Itā€™s no need to wait until January. Letā€™s go!

Well, if he is really sincereā€¦ what is going on is what you yourself wanted to see. The only difference is now I am motivated.