I woud not reccommend any slipage, rather shoot for a broker without slippage, or set slippage at 0 , Slippage gives you a dis advantage, in forex you’re already at a dis advantage let the price and spread settle in then let the robot do it’s thang
It is nowhere stated on their website that these trades are live. It is stated that they are a [B]live update[/B] of the robot’s backtests (which is true). Even an unexperienced newcomer on Forex could tell they are backtests.
FXDD setup on a VPS that did not experiance an outage. Many others had the exact same problem on the exact same trade. I submitted a Megadroid support ticket that went unresolved.
Bad choice, needless to say. If you are to use a non-ECN broker, I’d suggest you go with FXPro, Alpari, or IBFX, but never FXDD. They are nearly as bad as Forex.com.
Disagree … FXDD is the largest MT4 broker in the USA and registered with all the recognized regulatory agencies. Thier customer support (phone and 24/7 online) has been superior to any other I have used.
You are free to stick to your opinion, same as I am to mine.
I agree to disagree.
Any time you see a manual trade or a robot trade in an area of profit of 5-7-8 pips sell it off and take the profit unless you’re in it for long term these small takes really add up, you’ll be in and out and not having your money at risk
You do? Enjoy!
OIC, you have to have the last word eh? Who made you king? LOL …
I could do this for the rest of the night but I am off to go trade and make some more money. Everyone of your posts is in the Megadroid forum … do you resell Megadroid (blue sky) by chance?
To your disappointment, I don’t. Moreover - I couldn’t care less about you.
Just got this email from the MD team …
“From Sunday 2nd, Kiss Your FX Trading Goodbye”
Wth?! Using Alpari UK anyone knows what will happen? Have had MD for one month now and it’s already not going to work?
I have had a similar email
maybe they are talking bout the new FIFO rule.
solution would be to move your funds out of the nfa regulated brokers (US) into any other country, e.g. alpari uk.
just my two cents
Does the new FIFO rule only affect US brokers? I use Alpari UK hope nothing’s gonna change!
New here, so take the following as being naive or innocent as you see fit.
In the course of looking at forex and the tools surrounding it I am developing a patina of cynicism. It seems that making money from a forex tool is akin to making money on forex - market knowledge is everything, though whereas with trades you have your news, your graphs and instinct, with the books, courses and bots you need psychology, marketing and web savvy. Leaving aside the overblown rhetoric from the remarkably similar single-page websites you can second-guess that the punter is going to google your product - so you register a whole raft of domains that seem to offer objective advice across the forex universe but really are there to seed a fictitious review at the top of Page and Brin’s algorithm (I do enjoy the way that even these “hard-nosed reviewers” just have to take their hats off to product x, it really does do what it claims). Then you third-guess that they’ll come to fora such as this and look for testimonials so planting a few evangelists does not go amiss.
In the case of Megadroid I am astounded by the small print at the foot of their single-page spiel, namely:
All results shown on this website are hypothetical, back-tested results.
No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. Hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading.
All information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advice. Any statements about profits or income, expressed or implied, does not represent a guarantee. Your actual trading may result in losses as no trading system is guaranteed. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree to hold the Forex MegaDroid team and any authorized distributors of this information harmless in any and all ways.
Now - and this is where you can shoot me down for being naive - if I were looking to buy this product, armed with this knowledge ie every claim is based on hypothetical situations, re-reading the pitch would fill me with a growing sense of disquiet and distrust and leave me with the impression that the wool is being pulled over my eyes. I’ll confess I have a low tolerance for prose that feels obligated to use underlines, highlights, increased font sizes and bold as if I lack the ability to process the important stuff but I don’t recall any mention in the main text about the absence of live testing. So, here’s a few thoughts that come to mind:
Do these guys care so little about their customers that they’ll sell them something that has not been tested in the fire of live results - “there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program”?
With however many years of experience between them and with such certainty of success you figure that they would have no qualms about trading the product LIVE themselves - but it seems not.
I still get a wry smile from their guarantee - they “are the ONLY ones that can truly make the following claim”
"We GUARANTEE it will not take you more than 5 minutes to download, install and start trading with Forex Megadroid!"
Selling a money-making colossus and the most prominent guarantee is that it’ll install maybe a minute or two quicker than the competition? I’ll confess here that I’d take a day long install if the product was guaranteed to make me money but, as you’ll recall from the small print “Your actual trading may result in losses as no trading system is guaranteed. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree to hold the Forex MegaDroid team and any authorized distributors of this information harmless in any and all ways.” -
Just done a quick overview of the google results for forex megadroid and it is surprising the number of review sites that have sprung up in the last few months, typically with withheld details in their whois records. And I am dubious about the objectivity of a review when it links to the product using affiliate tags or else includes search tags such as FOREX MEGADROID SCAM to harvest more googlers looking for info.
As a potential trader I am aware that I am susceptible to get-rich-quick pitches (if I am looking at forex then I have self-identified as someone who thinks there is a quicker way to accumulate wealth than leaving it in an account) but even so I look at this product - and its associates - and alarm bells go off in my head.
I found a brief explanation of this matter here:
I am getting ever more skeptical about this product and its promotion. To cut to the chase, a few questions for bravehoststamps:
Why do you post the same information (usually under the name Pipsbuster) on so many trading fora?
Source: I goggled the first line of a post and repeated it with similar items included: url - google search -
Why do some of your posts seem to originate from the makers of FMD eg
url - http://forums.babypips.com/rate-my-software/21140-forex-megadroid-3.html#post103108
content of this post is
I would also like to caution those who are tempted to use and/or distribute illegal copies of Forex MegaDroid mistakenly thinking that there is no way for the robot’s developers to find out about it. They might do it selectively, based on the CB receipt numbers - once they notice that the same CB receipt number is being used for authentication by many users. Likewise, they might track down only those users whose CB receipt number is used for authentication by others. They won’t need to obtain any information from the user’s computer for it - it is enough for them to look up the info in their sales database.
- On some fora you have previously championed Forex Beater - url: gettoberichnow.com (Forex Beater) - Forex Peace Army Forum - (now called Forex Hitter AFAIK) and Forex Auto trader - url - Forex-auto-trader.com - Forex Peace Army Forum - in both instances posting remarkable gains but then the posts just suddenly stop; do the products crash and burn? Is auto trader better than beater and are both inferior to FMD? As an honest broker I would expect a comment on why a system was abandoned as much as why one was adopted but I find no mention of this.
I can understand how people are enticed to promote FMD (their affiliate program - Forex MegaDroid JV Details - promises 60% ie $52 of the $97 price) but the more I look into the way in which it is being promoted the closer to snake oil it appears. FMD may well be a wonder product, bravehoststamps may just be a regular guy who posts on an awful lot of sites, moving from one product to the next without so much as an adieu and the reviewers who rave about FMD may genuinely been blown away but there are many things about this that make me feel uncomfortable.
I truly enjoy communicating with the other MegaDroid users (I don’t mean you here) to get as much feedback on this robot as I can. That’s what forums like this one are for.
How do I know why something seems to you?
Before FMD, I have been testing many other robots and discussing them on forums. Some were producing initial gains, but eventually ended up suffering losses.
Have you seen an affiliate link anywhere in my posts?
Sorry to hear you don’t enjoy communicating with me :o but I’ll press on regardless…
My central concerns are that the volume, focus, content and spread of your forum activity suggest not an affiliate but an advocate/evangelist for FMD. If FMD did employ such a person how much differently would they operate from yourself? They probably would work across as many fora as possible, helping users and reassuring prospective customers, occasionally providing news of product features and clarifying company policy , as you have done. This, combined with silence on the shortcomings of previous products once championed - though I’m happy to see links of a more objective stance toward robots that have fallen from grace, is the reason why I am expressing reservations.