Forex MegaDroid

I was just noseying around the interweb looking for any new info on MD. There’s a site called (which you guys might already know) which has been running a live test. You can see it’s results on the page and it sounded really impressive. “Wow”, thought I, “I wonder if I can check out their settings?”. Anyway, if you sign up for free they let you see their settings. So I did, and MD’s risk setting was - wait for it - 0.75! :eek: :eek: :eek:
163% equity growth over 13 weeks sounded attractive but that is a serious bit of risk.

The site looks honest enough though.

Posting my weekly updates on my use of Megadroid.

WEEK 2: 1-7th March
START: £404.92
END: £418.44
DIFF: +£13.52
PER: +3.2%


Same time next week!


I backtested, and a 0.3 risk setting would have blown my account for 2008. (Test start from 2008. 01. 01.) So I decided to stay below that… :smiley:

And we’re in a trade again. Let’s hope it goes well! :slight_smile:

Yes and it looks pretty good :slight_smile:

or not :stuck_out_tongue:
from +50 pips to -30 in some minutes :eek:

Yeah the trading hours are before midnight so I’m still watching. Also little scared of those super SLs.

Lol that site is strange. How the hell did the MD balance go from $250 on 1 Mars to $742 on 2 Mars.

Yeah, it’s bouncing up and down… Hoping for the best… :smiley:

Same here… looked as a quick TP again but then it turned…
On my FxPro account MD took the trade much later and 3(0) pips cheaper.
My FxPro account looks as it is still in recovery mode…went in with 0.8 lots on a 1000€ account :o
So let’s see. :slight_smile:

:eek: On my $1000 account before I had 0.24 lots (0.48 when recovering) with 0.3 risk. How you go up to 0.8 lol. You should turn off recovery mode if you don’t have losses to cover since it’s very buggy…

We can only hope for a breakeven now :frowning:

it wa on 0.2 until the loss… then doubled to 0.4… and today I see it doubled again to 0.8… sometimes I don’t really get what MD is calculating…
(My new Alpari-account went in with 0.77 lot (and that’s a 3000€ account)
Hope I will get out of that trade today and then check that once again…

lol try to turn off recovery and see if it goes back to 0.2 :stuck_out_tongue:
Got 0.73 lots today on $3289 acc.

Think I will do so…
really strange now. Seems it wanted to open a second trade now…
I see in my experts-log… 0.8 lots + 0.2 but I didn’t have enough money… lol

2010.03.09 00:29:47 MegaDroid EURUSD,H1: Not enough money! Available margin = 199.79, Required margin = 200.00

That trade today doesn’t look good at all now… Don’t know if we are going towards the SL but even if it goes up again MD will close it around BE…

Long Trade entered 22.37 @ 1.36286 Alpari Live Account.

No 2nd trade here. I’m watching the trade on the 1min time frame. Wonder if you must have it on 1h for MD to work :eek:

Phew, it pretty much went for breakeven. Got +0.30$, LOL :smiley:

Well, I guess that counts as a winning trade. :wink:

Hi, ALL!
This ‘stoploss system’ sounds promising. How would I find these settings for FXDD? Thanx!

It defaults at .1, wonder way they have it set at .75 for the competition? I bought MD from them, because of the way it has progressed. They are going to cont running it for 6 months instead of the normal 3 months. Longer time is better. My MD is now recovered from the lost last week and now back in the profit, risk is set at .15 on mine.

Break Even for me as well.

Made 1.4 pips (or 14 on a 5 dec) for me. Phew…